Do Dental Implants Hurt?

Do dental implants hurt? No, dental implants do not hurt because of local anaesthesia. When your nerves are numbed, you won’t feel pain during dental implant treatment. Feeling a little bit of pressure is normal, and it doesn’t affect you.

Do Dental Implants Hurt?

Do Dental Implants Hurt?

Having missing teeth can cause the jaw bone to deteriorate, gums to recede, teeth to weaken, and people to lose their smiles. Dentures and bridges have traditionally been used to replace lost teeth, but dental implants are becoming increasingly popular. Fixed or detachable replacement teeth can be attached to titanium posts used as dental implants.

Unlike bridges and dentures, dental implants are not interchangeable. Implants need surgery and recovery, whereas filling a gap with a filler does not. Knowing what the surgery entails can help you prepare for what to expect in terms of discomfort.

Different Types of Dental Implants

Implants made of titanium are extremely compatible with the human body. Implants come in two primary varieties:

Endosteal Endosteal implants are those that are inserted into the jawbone. Most widely used implants are composed of titanium and fashioned like little screws.
Subperiosteal Subperiosteal implants are inserted beneath the gum line but above or below the jawbone. Patients who lack healthy jawbones and are unable or unwilling to undergo a bone augmentation treatment may benefit from this implant."

What Can I Expect While I Recover From Dental Implants?

After the anaesthetic wears off, you might expect some discomfort. Although it’s difficult to control, it isn’t impossible. Following your dentist’s post-treatment instructions is vital. The following are examples of this type of thing:

  • Straws should be avoided for 24 hours after surgery.

  • You should expect some modest oedema for the first two to three days.

  • Rinse with salt water 3 to 4 times a day the next day.

  • In the first 48 hours, steer clear of anything very hot or spicy.

  • For a period of 24 to 48 hours, only consume liquids.

  • Three days after surgery, you should refrain from smoking.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery and healing. The general belief is that you shouldn’t have a lot of discomforts during the surgery or the days following. After a procedure, if you’re still experiencing discomfort, you should see a doctor or make an appointment with your dentist.


Dental implants are one of the easier surgeries to undertake, even though surgery is not considered pain-free. The majority of patients believe that the discomfort is comparable to that of getting a tooth extracted.

What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

Dental implants have the following advantages:

  • They aid in the preservation of the jawbone in the case of tooth loss.

  • Improve the appearance of your smile and your health with these procedures.

  • Dental implants are more natural-looking than dentures, as prosthetic teeth are linked to the jawbone.

  • With teeth that appear and feel like actual, natural teeth, patients can indulge in their favourite foods without experiencing any discomfort.

  • When cared for properly, dental implants can last a lifetime.

  • Dental implants have a success rate of between 95% and 98%.

How Long Is the Healing Process for Dental Implants?

Dentists say dental implant surgery is easier than removing a tooth, and most patients are shocked by this. You can anticipate returning to work or doing your normal routine the next day.

Over-the-counter pain medicines like Advil should be taken as needed if you begin to experience discomfort. An ice pack and avoiding hard foods will help reduce swelling after the surgery, like other dental procedures.

A dental implant often requires four months or more to integrate with your bone. Your crown restoration may be produced here in our dental office, and it will look and feel like a natural tooth.

What Is the Procedure for Implanting a Dental Implant?

Knowing what happens when a patient has an implant can help you better comprehend how unpleasant the procedure may be. Before having an implant put in, many patients have their jawbone prepped with a bone transplant after having a natural tooth removed.

  • To guarantee that the implant is adequately integrated into the jawbone, these grafts induce the growth of new bone.

  • A hole is drilled into the jawbone during dental implant surgery. The hole is filled with a metal post.

  • This metal strut is a stand-in for a natural tooth root in dental prosthetics.

  • The patient’s jaw bone requires time to osseointegrate or to grow through the post. For a long-term, healthy and stable implant, this step is crucial.

  • Osteointegration normally occurs before the abutment is linked to the post, which is the component to which the crown will be affixed.


The dentist may have to do minor surgery to properly install the abutment in the tooth. The gums are the only thing that will be touched throughout this procedure. In terms of discomfort, the abutment is less severe than the metal post, which may cause some bleeding and swelling.

Causes of Pain After Dental Implant

A prolonged duration of throbbing pain following a dental implant treatment is unusual. You can face a sharper discomfort for a few hours, but this should subside with pain medicine and patience.

After the surgery, you may have more discomfort due to a problem. You should immediately see your dentist or surgeon if you have any of these symptoms.

Incision line opening

One of the most common problems following an implant treatment is this. After surgery, the rod’s surrounding tissue reopens.

If the wound opens, you may experience discomfort or irritation. To prevent infection, your surgeon may tell you to use a chlorhexidine rinse or take antibiotic many times a day.

Implants that don’t fit correctly

Discomfort or soreness may indicate that the implant isn’t fusing to the bone appropriately.


Bacteria penetrating surgically injured tissue causes infection and hinders the tissue from recovering. In some cases, the wound may reopen or heal incorrectly.

How Painful Is the Implant Surgery?

Since the mouth will be anaesthetized, the procedure should not cause discomfort. However, once the numbness wears off, patients are more likely to experience discomfort.

The pain at the implant site can be alleviated using painkillers provided by many dentists. Post-surgery discomfort may be modest enough to be treated with over-the-counter analgesics in certain patients.

Single-implant surgery is often less painful than multiple-implant surgery. Patients may have discomfort for up to ten days following the treatment. However, this is not always the case.

Note: When pain persists for more than ten days, patients should seek emergency help from a dentist. As a result of prolonged discomfort, the implant site may be contaminated. Dental professionals must act swiftly to salvage the implant if this happens.

Do Dental Implants Hurt After the Procedure?

Although some post-surgical discomfort is inevitable, it should last no more than two weeks. Patients with dental implants may wonder, “Why do my dental implants pain even after surgery?”

Gum bruising surrounding the implant site is a common source of this discomfort, as is brushing the area in the vicinity of the implant.

After dental implant treatment, you might expect the following side effects in addition to the usual discomfort and gum bruising:

  • Pain in the cheekbones, chin, and beneath the eyes.

  • There is some bleeding.

  • Around the implant site, there may be an increase in the amount of gum inflammation.


Dental implant complications are rare but possible, just like any other surgical procedure. Infection and damage at the implant site are among the possible complications. Your prosthodontist may also intervene quickly to avoid nerve damage and sinus problems.


Some related questions are given below:

1 - How painful is a tooth implant?

Over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol or Advil will take care of any discomfort a patient has for 24 to 48 hours after getting a simple dental implant, provided they have healthy bones. They don’t require a lot of soft tissue surgery.

2 - How long does the pain last after a dental implant?

For the first three to seven days after the procedure, you may still have some discomfort at the location of the implant. It should, however, become less excruciating over time. Once your operation is over, you’ll be back on the job in 1-3 days.

3 - How long do implants take to repair the gums?

After around three days, the gums will begin to mend. Adding bone grafts to the pre-implant repair mix is still another option. This may be necessary if there is a substantial amount of jawbone loss.

4 - How painful are dental implants once they’ve been placed?

It may still be a little painful, but there should be no visible bleeding or pain. However, bruising or swelling around the injured region is still possible.

5 - How long after a dental implant do you get a crown?

A crown can be placed on an implant after three to six months of recovery. If the tooth is a load-bearing one, this period may be prolonged.

6 - Can I go back to work after a dental implant?

After dental implant surgery, three to four days of relaxation is usually sufficient for most patients. Tenderness and oedema are expected during the first few days after surgery, but they will go away independently.

7 - When will I be able to eat and normally drink again?

When it comes to dental implant surgery, recovery duration is entirely dependent. Only 1-2 days are needed for most people to fully recover. Patients with several implant procedures or who require bone grafts can expect the recovery time to be longer. The recovery period is typically between 1-2 weeks if the latter is true.

8 - Do gums re-grow around a new dental implant?

Your gums will progressively develop around the dental implants to give support, much as they do for your natural teeth, while you recover from dental implant surgery. To ensure that your gums don’t cover your dental implant while you’re healing and recovering, your dentist will closely monitor your gums’ growth.

9 - What are the most prevalent dental implant issues?

The implant may have become infected. Toxic effects on tissues such as blood vessels and teeth. Pain, numbness, or a tingling feeling can result from nerve injury. Your sinuses may be the problem (in cases where the implant is placed in the upper jaw)

10 - Is the crown implanted painful?

Implant restorations, such as dental crowns, can cause discomfort and pressure to the neighbouring teeth when placed on an implant. This is fairly comparable to the sensation of having your braces tightened.


Pain is something that no dental patient looks forward to. People thinking about getting dental implants should not let apprehension over possible post-operative discomfort stop them from going through the treatment.

Dental implant nerves will be numb with a local anaesthetic. When your nerves are numbed, you won’t feel anything during dental implant treatment. Even though you may feel some pressure, it should not cause any distress.

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