"Covens in Maryland"

Maryland Open Covens Act:


Open Covens Act is an enactment that requires numerous State and original public bodies to hold their meetings in public, to give the public acceptable notice of those meetings, and to allow the public to check meetings’ twinkles. The Act permits public bodies to bandy some motifs intimately. The Act’s pretensions are to increase the public’s faith in government, insure the responsibility of government to the public, and enhance the public’s capability to share effectively in our republic. The Open Covens Compliance Board issues premonitory opinions in response to written complaints about violations of the Act. The Compliance Board is an independent State realty, and its three members are appointed by the Governor. Although the Compliance Board is not part of the Attorney General, the Office provides the Board with executive staff and legal advice and also publishes its opinions. The Compliance Board has no budget of its own.

OpenCovens Act FAQs for meetings held during the COVID-19 Exigency For:

in- depth information on the Act, see the Open Covens Act Manual (Revised January 2021)
. Before submitting a complaint to the Open Covens or Meetings Compliance Board, please read the Compliance Board’s Complaint Procedures. For the way that a public body must take when a meeting is subject to the Act, see the Compliance Checklist and other forms in the" Forms and Checklist “box below. The Compliance Board’s opinions can be solved through the topical indicator. Meeting information The Compliance Board holds its periodic meeting in August or September. When necessary, the Board Coven especially during the General Assembly’s session to respond to legislative requests for commentary on legislation. Special Covens during a session (generally mid-January through early April) must occasionally be called on short notice. All Covens notices will be posted below.

Meeting Notices:

please contact Rachel Summonsed atopengov@oag, if you’re interested in entering dispatch announcements about unborn meetings of theOMCB.state.md.us.