Cannabis Plant

What is Cannabis plant? A plant with medicinal importance. It has phychoactive properties, a genus of flowering plant which is also used for recreatonal purposes. Genus Cabbanis comprises of three species which are C. sativa, C.indica,C and C.ruderalis. The 1st specie is of great importance and cultivated worldwide. This plant has many uses and effects in our daily life.It has both positive and negative effects.


Medicinal Importance:

This plant has diverse effects in field of medicine. The effects are useful as well s harmful. It contains Cannaboids which impart different effects when consumed.Cannabis composed of two types of Cannaboids i.e Cannabidiol ,Tetrahydrocannabinol are most known components.

Cannabidiol CBD):

It has phychoactive properties usually use to treat anxiety ,nausea and migraine. It is also helpful in treatment of pain and inflammation.Cannabis products may just contain CBD.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC):

Being main ingredient of Cannabis it is also associated with reduction of pain and also treat nausea. It consumption impart relaxing and soothing effect. But it is some how euphoric.

Short term Effects:

Usage of Cabbanis is is associated with some beneficial and harmful short term effects. Some useful effects are as below:


Cannabis products play vital role in relaxing and soothing of human body.

Increased Appetite:

Some people may get large appetite after it consumption.

Focus and Creativity:

It make a person more attentive , focused and creative for some duration.

The short term effects are usually determined by the method of consumption. If some one smoke Cannabis the effects will be more obvious in few minutes while when engulfed in form of capsule it may take few hours to be effective.

Long term Effects:
Still long term effects have not been fully understood , there are may conflicting researches related to this aspect.

Brain Development:

A research has shown that Cannabis impact on development of Brain when consumed during adolescence Those who use more Cannabis in teen age frequently face memory problem that those who don’t.

Side Effects:

Mental health issues arise due to it usage in teen age causing memory loss, i.e schizophrenia.


Some people become dependent and addicted to the use of cannabis.Once they become dependent it became really difficult for them to give up which later cause irritability and many other social issues.

Respiratory Issues:

Those who smoke Cannabis have respiratory disorder which cause difficulty in breathing, irritation in airway, bronchitis and inflammation. It has also a little relationship with lungs cancer. If you are using Cannabis frequently then it will adversely effect your lungs causing irreversible damage. Keep your self away from use of Cannabis, it usage lead to addiction.

Social Issues:

Use of Cannabis is illegal in many places but many areas start legalizing it.In many places it has been legalized for medicinal purposes as well as for recreational theme.

Recreational Uses:

Cannabis is commonly used for recreational purposes. It use for recreation is legal in many countries .It usage for recreational purpose is common among adults and children who lives in home. One of its variety C.stavia is long, green herb .The female plant is short and branchier as well.The color of flower and leaves really impart relaxation to eyes .


Based on dosage so like we’ve done it’s called the secret episodes on our Patreon we’ve done one of them so far and we were gonna do more, but the one episode we did. I don’t like I’ve seen people eat like 10 to 20 milligrams and just get like wasted and for me, it’s like I need to eat at least 50 to 100 to feel that in fact but I ate 200 in that episode that we did and I was still able to have a conversation. I would say that would be probably like a good edible dose for me to have a psychedelic experience. I tripped for about long time , having like ego dissolution experiences , a lot of anxiety, Terpenes that you know not uncommon negative side effects. . I mean it’s not something I did regularly .I remember the one negative edible experience I had .One of my buddy gave me a cinnamon roll and I didn’t know how much was in it obviously there’s a lot in it . I ate it and I went to sleep for 12 hours then I woke up still like tripping something rancid messed my stomach it was just an unpleasant experience.


Cannabis is a plant which has both useful and harmful effects in our lives.Some people take it as a weed while other consider it as drug.This is composed of Cannaboids which determine its the medicinal importance . It has three important species which are mostly cultivated in different areas. It phychoactive compounds are helpful in the treatment of health problems like migraine, nausea efficiently. It usage Impart relaxing and soothing effect in body.Moreover It long term usage may cause memory loss, dependency and respiratory problems which are serious health issues.

Optimum Conditions For Growth:


This plant likely to grow at the optimum Tem of 65 to 85 degree Fahrenheit. Which is required for the proper and healthy growth.


Application of fertilizers is also important for normal growth .Dolomite lime for Ca and Mg, wood ash bone meal are used as organic fertilizer for Cannabis plant.

Light requirement:

Thirteen hours of light is required for this plant to function properly. Indoor grower use different ratio of light and darkness to promote its healthy growth.

Life Cycle:

This plant takes 4 to 8 months to grow. It undergoes germination,seedling,vegetative and flowering. For healthy growth of Cannabis it is really important to understand every stage properly to enhance healthy growth of this plant.


For the healthy and normal growth of Cannabis it is really important to understand it life cycle. To avoid different diseases on this plant it should be sown at proper time at optimum tempreature.Furthermore,Proper Fertilizer application, light requirement should be keep in mind while cultivating this plant. Optimum conditions will help in the rigorous growth of Cannabis.

It is also Phycho active compound of Cannabis, but it does not make people high. It is main Phycho active compound make feel people high.
It works with other elements in the body related to well being. It control pain, mood, and other major feeling.
It helps to treat insomnia, anxiety. It help to ease nerve pain, Glaucoma.
It causes low blood pressure, Diarrhea. It can cause Vomiting, Dizziness, memory loss.
Some countries can sell CBD containing products. THC containing products are illegal in some countries.


1. How are Cannaboids used in medicines?

The active chemicals are same as they are present in body which cause increase in appetite,help in movement etc. From medicinal point of view they are used to relieve severe pain also reduce anxiety.

2. What are possible effects of CBD?

It help in easing symptoms of anxiety and neurological disorder.. CBD have some side effect like cause low blood pressure ,dry mouth and dizziness.

3.What are examples of Cannaboids?

Different types of Cannaboids are found in Cannabis plant. For example CBD,CBN, THC and CBG are common components of Cannabis. The effects of these Cannaboids are useful as well as harmful.

4.Is Cannabis legal?

It is legal in many countries for its medicinal use and recreational purpose. In some countries its use and possession is illegal.When use of Cannabis is associated with medicinal use, it is permitted to cultivate.

5.How does Cannaboids work?

They work by interacting with specific receptors present in nervous system. Cannaboids are responsible to regulate how cells send and receive messages.

6.Which family of plant does Cannabis belongs?

Cannabis belongs to family Cannabaceae . The physiology of this plant is bushy, leaves are long and narrow. It was mostly grown for fiber and oil seeds.

7.How long CBD remain in your system?

It stay in your system for 2 to 5 days. But this range vary from person to person and its effect also vary according to the response of an individual. There are other several factors which determine stay of CBD in your system.

8.Does CBD show in routine blood?

Usually it is not shown in routine blood. Routine blood test will not show presence of CBD. To determine its presence you have to perform some other specific test.

9.How much CBD is good for sleep at night?

It is best with a low dosage and usually increase as it work. It will work initially when used in low concentration. You may gradually increase it dosage if you find it working.

10.Why light is important for Cannbis plant?

To make food and for the production of Cannaboids. It has dense canopy therefore Cannabis plant really needs light to obtain food and for dark green color of its leaves.


From above discussion it is clear that Cannabis plant is is such a plant which has positive as well as negative impacts .As far as Medicinal effects are concerned, It usage relief pain ,ease depression, enhance focus, creativity and it consumption may help in brain development.I addition it is also used for recreational and landscaping. On the other hand It also impart negative effects related to health. When teenagers consume Cannabis it will deteriorate memory and cause loss of interest as well.It also pose various respiratory risk like bronchitis, Inflammation in airway . Moreover For the proper growth of this plant environmental conditions are really important like sunlight,tempreature, fertilizer.

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What is Cannabis plant? A plant with medicinal importance ,having phychoactive properties. It is a genus of flowering plant which are also used for recreatonal purposes. Genus Cabbanis comprises of three species which are C. sativa, C.indica,C and C.ruderalis. The 1st specie is of great importance and cultivate worldwide.

How to work with it . I didn’t know what I was getting into. To be honest like for me this is what I was doing. You know I didn’t realize this was such an interesting I started working with it. I just really think this is an important topic like, I Buy Terpenes said we’ve talked a lot about all the other psychedelics personal experiences , the psychedelic scientist and visionaries . since Maurice and I have a long history with cannabis .
I appreciate that um and uh also I mean based on dosage so like we’ve done it’s called the secret episodes on our Patreon we’ve done one of them so far and we were gonna do more but then obviously we have a baby now and stuff like that so I didn’t have as much time to kind of go through with that True Terpenes but the one episode we did do I think 200 milligrams. I don’t like I’ve seen people eat like 10 and 20 milligrams and just get like yeah wasted and for me, it’s like I need to eat at least 50 to 100 to feel that in fact but I ate 200 in that episode that we did and I was still able to have a conversation.

I mean we still did an episode but it was a little bit out there . I mean it was fun , I would say 50 to 100 probably be like a good edible dose for me to have a psychedelic experience. I did 200 once and it was pure oil from a friend of mine who owns a dispensary. I tripped for about 12 hours straight ,I was having like ego dissolution experiences a, a lot of anxiety, a lot Terpenes f not that you know not uncommon negative side effects. yeah you know some psychedelic or level cannabis but yeah it’s quite the experience I’m probably not gonna do another 200. I mean it’s not something I did regularly .I remember the one negative edible experience I had .One of my buddy gave me a cinnamon roll and I didn’t know how much was in it obviously there’s a lot in it . I ate it and I’m telling you like I went to bed 12 hours then I woke up still like tripping something rancid messed my stomach it was just an unpleasant experience.