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Archaeology Career


Today a degree holder in Archaeology is blessed to get entered into a variety of the professions. The career in archaeology is not been confined to the education sector any more. Now any archaeologist could also make money in the carrier other than Archaeology. The reason lies that, the demand of a degree in archaeology has risen in the heritage, tourism and conservation; in the governmental and also in the private sector.

What can you do with Your Degree in Archaeology?

There are number of the carriers that a degree holder in archeology may join. But one must keep in mind that there are many offices that are not directly concerned with the archaeology , also accept applications from the graduates with any degree subject. So there are still bright chances of getting a job for the archeologists in other fields.

Jobs within the Field of Archaeology:

Below is the list of the jobs that are usually available for the archaeologists in the field of archaeology;

  1. Academic Researcher
  2. Field Archaeologist (excavation and interpretation)
  3. Archaeologist
  4. Conserver
  5. Finds Specialist (Processing and recognition )
  6. Heritage manager
  7. GIS technician
  8. Community outreach worker
  9. Envoirmental impact Assessor
  10. Paleo-envoirmental analyst
  11. Archaeological Illustration (2D, 3D static or moving Images)
  12. Museum education officer
  13. Heritage manager
  14. Museum / gallery curator
  15. Geoarchaeology’s
  16. Archaeobotanist
  17. Researcher
  18. Forensic Scientist
  19. Maritime archaeologist
  20. Geophysicist
  21. Historic buildings inspector/conservation officer
  22. A consultant
  23. Osteoarcheologist (human bone analyst)
  24. Some develop their own companies or firms.

Jobs in the Fields other than Archaeology:

Below is the list of the jobs that are usually available for the archaeologists in the fields other than of archaeology;

  1. Archivist
  2. Administrator /Program manager related to the research, collection, education and exhibition.
  3. Records manager/ Documentation Specialist
  4. Tourist officer
  5. Social researcher
  6. Higher education lecturer
  7. Cartographer
  8. History or social studies teaching at school level.
  9. In the engineering firms with cultural resource management division.

Jobs in the Rescue Archaeology:

Today in the developing countries the rescue archaeology is taking its position. There are many new societies and townships that are in the demand with the increasing population; each one aiming to be highly tech and well equipped from the other one. In this situation rescue archaeology is useful to protect any antiquity lying under the ground before the beginning of the building work or the land development project. This is the work that is also concerned with the urban arcaheologists.

Divisions of Archaeology Jobs Worldwide According to the Sub-Discipline:

Archaeology Jobs are divided into following categories :

1.Department of Classics or History of Art:

Those who study the archaeology of ancient Greece and Rome, their jobs come under the Department of classics/classical study or History of art.

2.Department of the Religious Studies:

Those who study the archaeology of the old or ancient ■■■■■■ find their job in the Department of religious Studies.

3.Department of Near-Eastern Studies :

Those who like to study the archaeology of the ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia. They work for the department of Near Eastern studies.

4. Anthropology:

The study of the Mesoamerican archaeology that includes the study of the Aztecs, Maya and Inca people. Usually comes under the department of anthropology.

Work Experience:

It is a case with some of the employers; that they demand some special experience from the archaeologists in the related areas. So this is an essential requirement in this case to show your genuine interest in your carrier.

Typical Employers:

The typical employers of archaeologists include;

  1. Local government/Municipalities
  2. Independent archeological consultants
  3. Archaeological contractors
  4. Departments of archaeology in the universities
  5. Private museums and charity workers
  6. Federal and provincial governments
  7. Non -Profit organizations
  8. Culture sector of UNESCO
  9. Police department
  10. Parks or historical sites
  11. National heritage agencies
  12. Heritage foundations.

Skills Required to be Enlisted in the Resume:

Archaeologist has to be fully educated about the techniques and skills that are use in the field of archaeology, these include;

  1. Archaeologist degree holder should be able to apply any scientific principles and concepts to a certain archaeological problem.

  2. He must be skilled in all the techniques use in the field work and during the post excavation.

  3. The knowledge of the laboratory techniques.

  4. Skill of the statistical and numerical techniques for application in the archaeological data.

  5. He must have a grip on the spatial data analysis and interpretation.

  6. Qualification in the computer aided design also known as (CAD) and experience in the geographical information system (GIS) are also important.

  7. Knowledge of the local languages use within the area of your work; will be an additional skill.

  8. Knowledge of the sociology and anthropology is required to understand the norm and values of certain culture.

  9. Excellent knowledge of legislation including the knowledge of the planning policy is required in some posts.

  10. Excellent written and verbal communication skill is essential. He should know how to write reports and also the technique of publication and presentations.

  11. Extensive knowledge of Microsoft office is also essential.

What are the tasks that archaeologist usually perform?

Below is the list of the main tasks that every archaeologist typically performs in his job;

• If he is a marine archaeologist he will be conducting research on the sunken ship wrecks or any sunken building etc.

• He will be the first to analyze the bone he finds at the site; the bones of the animals or humans.

• Similarly he will also be involved in sorting the pot shreds he finds during excavation.

• His duty is to preserve the artifacts that are recovered from the site. And to register them in a catalogue according to their position in the strata.

• In the field working as a director, he has the responsibility to publish post excavation reports as well. For the department of archaeology and also for the general public awareness.

Get Experienced by Working as a Volunteer:

So the internship with pay or even without pay is a need of the time. There are number of the places where newly graduates may enter to get experience; like in the excavations they may volunteer as a digger. Secondly in the museums and galleries there are also opportunities for the youth to join and work for the different tasks as a volunteer. Volunteering will be your first introduction to any job you do. You get experienced day to day. A volunteer work will help you to understand the demands of working in outdoors, thus it prepares you to work in any condition. By adding the volunteer work in your resume, will help to leave an impact that you are physically and mentally fit to work, this put an impression that your work is something that is of a great pleasure for you to do. Secondly volunteering becomes a web portal for you to develop contacts that will be valuable for you in the upcoming time.

How Does the Degree of Archaeology equip you with Skills?

Archaeology is a subject that is related with the scientific techniques of excavation. Secondly there are some other science subjects that are inter-linked with the archaeology. The study of the techniques use in those subjects that come under the umbrella of archaeology is also required to be known to an archaeologist. So following are the skills that a student of archaeology actually learns during his education;

  1. He gets the skill of how to work as a team member or a team leader in a field work.
  2. He learns to depend on the evidences to prove his arguments.
  3. He becomes skilled from the different information technology packages.
  4. He gets skilled for the presentations among the audiences .
  5. They learn to produce written reports for the information they have gathered or retrieved.
  6. As archaeology involves scientific techniques, so you learn to work methodologically and accurately.
  7. He learns to convert the information that has gathered via observations, into a demonstration through the ■■■■ or written information record.


According to a survey, archaeologists rank number 8 in the Best Science Jobs. According to them the ranks of the different jobs are created to the ability to offer an exclusive mix of factors.

Higher Study for Higher Positions:

Like all other facilities, as a degree holder in archaeology you need to be more advanced and have knowledge of the new techniques. This can be achieved by learning short courses. Keep yourself updated with distance learning. The chartered institute for archaeologists (CIfA) and council for British Archaeology (CBA) are the professional organization through which the updated courses can be learned. Similarly if you want to confined to the facility of teaching, for this again the new undated courses along with M.Phil , P.hD and Post doc degrees will be required.

Areas of Specialization:

The degree holder in archaeology has the opportunity to further get admissions on the specialist areas to explore other ranges that also come under the study of archaeology. Like osteology , palaeopathology or the geophysics etc.

Work in Cultural Resource Management (CRM):

Today majority of the archaeologist all around the world work in the cultural resource management or CRM. The task of these companies is to collect the archaeological research which is done to follow federal historic preservation laws.

Types of the Jobs in CRM:

The archaeologist, associated with cultural resource management firms may work as temporary field assistant or as a laboratory assistant. Sometimes they are hired on the posts of managers or administrations. Their duty is to direct and manage the staff in the field and lab. After writing the reports, they are responsible to publish the report of the data collected. These reports may be in the form of the brochures, site tours and exhibitions to make the public aware about the related discoveries.

Is CRM Right for You?

The simple answer to it is yes, those who are good at it and enjoy it, this sector will be equally fulfilling and financially rewarding for those archaeologists. You can never know previously that how much money you would make in it unless you join this sector. It is mostly suitable for the freshly graduates looking for a job and who can also travel easily any time.

Do Archaeologists Travel?

Well, travelling is a part of this job. But it is not essential. It depends on the area of the investigation for which he is appointed. If the site is located in an area that is away from his working office, then obviously he will have to travel on daily basis. Otherwise, the government also provides rest houses for the archaeologists and also some times for their families to stay near the site area. So it will be accessible and he would not have to travel daily for hours. In such cases the archeologists also stay in the rest house for a month or so, depends on the time required for the excavation. After the collection of the data and completion of the site report they resume their office activities.

Eligibility to Become an Archaeologist:

In case of the universities of Pakistan, one is required to have at least 40- 50 percent marks in the Bachelor of Arts (B.A) to get admission for the Masters of Archaeology in a university. In western countries same criteria goes with the merit , as 40-45 percent marks are required in a board exam to take up UG course in Archaeology .

Can you become an Archaeologist without the Degree?

Yes, there are opportunities to become an archeologist without a degree. There are many international field works and projects conducting off and on all around the world; they need volunteers for their help, as a field tech. They also keep posting the jobs in the various Facebook groups and pages related to the communities of the world archaeologists. There you can be updated about new jobs. Many of them do not demand any degree in archaeology. And also pay you for your work. Like Wessex Archaeology provides the opportunity for the ■■■■■■■ to join the archaeological ventures.

How can one Volunteer at Wessex Archaeology?

To volunteer in the Wessex Archaeology, you are required to download a volunteer application form, after filling it the next step is to email it to the community and education manager at .

What is the process of becoming a volunteer at Wessex Archaeology?

  1. First you will need to submit the application form.

  2. After receiving the application, they may call you for an interview.

  3. The induction sessions are held at the head office of the Wessex archaeology at Salisbury. So you would have to book a session. When the space in the induction session will be available then they will contact you.

  4. Next after the completion of the induction, you will have to pick a project for yourself. They will send you emails in this regard, and they may invite you in the induction of the specific project.

What training does Wessex Provide?

It depends on the type of the job they are appointing you for. This may be related to the handling and packaging of the objects recover from the site, objects marking, sorting and identification of the objects.

Pros of Archaeology:

• It is a profession for those who are the lover of archaeology. Many indeed join this profession just in the need to satisfy their desire of spending time in the mysterious atmosphere or in the old relics. So this is the field that provides this chance on a higher degree to come closer to your dream.

• It’s a profession of great reputation. As many archaeologists got famed after making some remarkable discoveries in this field.

• If you are adventures enough to travel at any time day or night then this carrier is right for you. It might involve hiking as well.

Cons of Archaeology:

• This field demands a great degree of satisfaction in the field work. A minor mistake can lead to a great disaster that might result in lost of the context. So archaeologist has to be very patient in the field work.

• He might face some harsh weather conditions, which is a part of the field work; for that he has to be mentally ready.

• As travelling is a part of this job, so you are forced to travel even if you are not willing.

Online Job Postings for Archaelogy:

  1. British Columbia association of professional archaeologists.
  2. SFU career services
  3. Chartered institute of archaeologists CIFA
  4. Government of Canada Public service
  5. Canadian archaeology association
  6. Heritage Canada foundation
  7. Young Canada work
  8. Job Monkey
  9. Other Facebook groups and pages related to the updated archaeological news.


1. Is archeology a good career?

Yes indeed. The countries like India and Pakistan have a rich cultural history and immensely rich archaeological back ground. Day by day archaeology is flourishing in Pakistan, and new department and position or openings are offering by the governmental departments in the archaeology and also in the museums. Then the countries like Europe and America archaeologists are already are prosperous and contented in their fields.

2.Do archaeologists make a lot of money?

According to a survey conducted by U.S News and World Report the archaeologists have made a median salary of 62,410 dollars in 2018.


The scope of archaeology is really broad. Archaeology discoveries in 2020 alone are very huge and breathtaking and yet more to come as experts say that as time passes by new discoveries are found day by day. There are various fields under this subject that one can specialize in including museology, numismatic, epigraphy and paleography etc.

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