100 grams to cups

100 grams to cups means a simple conversion which is ½ cup and 3.55 ounce. These conversions are helpful in cooking and baking. Taking 100 grams to cups will mean that you will be able to know the amount of ingredients by weight. This will surely help in getting accurate measures. Taking flour in a cup to know how much it is depends upon how much packed it is. This is why measuring the dry ingredients is difficult because they not only differ in volume density but also how aerated or packed they are. Conversions can be tricky and be consuming much of your time. You cannot invest all your energy into these simple conversions. Lets make it easy for you for the quick conversions.

What are some common kitchen conversion?


Cups Grams
1/4 cup 57 grams
1/3 cup 76 grams
½ cup 113 grams
1 cup 227 grams

A common question is that how much a stick of butter would weigh.

Stick of butter equals 113 g or 4 ounce or ½ cup

Dry ingredients

Cups Grams Ounces
1/8 cup 16 g 0.563 oz
¼ cup 32 g 1.13 oz
1/3 cup 43 g 1.5 oz
½ cup 64 g 2.25 oz
2/3 cup 85 g 3 oz
¾ cup 96 g 3.38 oz
1 cup 128 g 4.5 oz

Bread flour

Cups Grams Ounces
¼ cup 34 g 1.2 oz
1/3 cup 45 g 1.6 oz
½ cup 68 g 2.4 oz
1 cup 136 g 4.8 oz

Rolled oats

Cups Grams Ounces
¼ cup 21 g 0.75 oz
1/3 cup 28 g 1 oz
¼ cup 43 g 1.5 oz
1 cup 85 g 3 oz

White sugar granulated

Cups Grams Ounces
2 tablespoons 25 g 0.89 oz
¼ cup 50 g 1.78 oz
1/3 cup 67 g 2.37 oz
½ cup 100 g 3.55 oz
2/3 cup 134 g 4.73 oz
¾ cup 150 g 5.3 oz
1 cup 201 g 7.1 oz

Packed brown sugar

Cups Grams Ounces
¼ cup 55 g 1.9 oz
1/3 cup 73 g 2.58 oz
½ cup 110 g 3.88 oz
1 cup 120 g 7.75 oz

Cocoa powder

Cups Grams
1 teaspoon 2 g
1 tablespoon 7 g
¼ cup 28 g
1/3 cup 37 g
½ cup 56 g
1 cup 111 g

Cream or milk

Cups Grams
1 teaspoon 5 g
1 tablespoon 16 g
¼ cup 64 g
1/3 cup 85 g
½ cup 128 g
1 cup 255 g


Cups Grams
1 teaspoon 4 g
1 tablespoon 13 g
¼ cup 54 g
1/3 cup 71 g
½ cup 107 g
1 cup 214 g


Cups Grams
1 teaspoon 3 g
1 tablespoon 8 g
¼ cup 31 g
1/3 cup 41 g
¼ cup 61 g
1 cup 122 g

Brown flour

Cups Grams
1 teaspoon 3 g
1 tablespoon 10 g
¼ cup 39 g
1/3 cup 52 g
¼ cup 78 g
1 cup 155 g

Confectioners, powdered or icing sugar

Cups Grams
1 teaspoon 3 g
1 tablespoon 9 g
¼ cup 37 g
1/3 cup 49 g
¼ cup 73 g
1 cup 146 g

Castor sugar

Cups Grams
1 teaspoon 4 g
1 tablespoon 13 g
¼ cup 51 g
1/3 cup 67 g
½ cup 101 g
1 cup 202 g


Cups Grams
1 teaspoon 5 g
1 tablespoon 15 g
¼ cup 60 g
1/3 cup 80 g
¼ cup 120 g
1 cup 240 g

Honey, Molasses and syrup

Cups Grams Ounces
2 tablespoons 43 g 1.5 oz
¼ cup 85 g 3 oz
1/3 cup 113 g 4 oz
½ cup 170 g 6 oz
2/3 cup 227 g 8 oz
¾ cup 255 g 9 oz
1 cup 340 g 12 oz

To put further elaboration into these conversions we can also consider grams to cups conversions. This will only bring convenience.


Grams Cups
50 g 3 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon
100 g ¼ cup and 3 tablespoons
200 g ¾ cup and 1 tablespoon
250 g 1 cup and 1 tablespoon
300 g 1 ¼ cups
400 g 1 ½ cups and 3 tablespoons
500 g 2 cups and 1 tablespoon

Caster sugar

Grams Cups
50 g ¼ cup
100 g ½ cup
200 g 1 cup
250 g 1 ¼ cup
300 g 1 ½ cup
400 g 2 cups
500 g 2 ½ cups

Granulated sugar

Grams Cups
50 g 3 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons
100 g ¼ cup and 3 tablespoons
200 g ¾ cup and 3 tablespoons
250 g 1 cup and 3 tablespoons
300 g 1 ½ cup and 2 tablespoons
400 g 1 2/3 cup and 2 tablespoons
500 g 2 ¼ cup and 1 tablespoon

Confectioners or icing or powdered sugar

Grams Cups
50 g ¼ cup and 1 tablespoon
100 g ½ cup and 3 tablespoons
200 g 1 ¼ cup and 2 tablespoons
250 g 1 ½ cup and 3 tablespoons
300 g 2 cups and 1 tablespoon
400 g 2 ¾ cups
500 g 3 ¼ cups and 3 tablespoons

Brown sugar packed

Grams Cups
50 g ¼ cup
100 g ½ cup
200 g 1 cup
250 g 1 ¼ cup
300 g 1 ½ cup
400 g 2 cups
500 g 2 ¼ cups and 3 tablespoons

White flour

Grams Cups
50 g ¼ cup and 1 tablespoon
100 g ½ cup and 2 tablespoons
200 g 1 ¼ cups
250 g 1 ½ cups and 1 tablespoon
300 g 1 ¾ cups and 2 tablespoons
400 g 2 ½ cups
500 g 3 cups and 2 tablespoons

Brown flour

Grams Cups
50 g ¼ cup and 1 tablespoon
100 g ½ cup and 2 tablespoons
200 g 1 ¼ cup and 1 tablespoon
250 g 1 ½ cup and 2 tablespoons
300 g 1 3/4 cup and 3 tablespoons
400 g 2 ½ cup and 1 tablespoon
500 g 3 ¼ cups


Grams Cups
50 g ¼ cup and 3 tablespoons
100g ¾ cup and 1 tablespoon
200 g 1 ½ cup and 2 tablespoons
250 g 2 cups and 1 tablespoon
300 g 2 ¼ cups and 3 tablespoons
400 g 3 ¼ cup
500 g 4 cups and 2 tablespoons


Grams Cups
50 g 3 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons
100 g ¼ cup and 3 tablespoons
200 g ¾ cup and 2 tablespoons
250 g 1 cup and 2 tablespoons
300 g 1 ¼ cup and 2 tablespoons
400 g 1 ¾ cup and 1 tablespoon
500 g 2 ¼ cups


Grams Cups
50 g 3 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons
100 g ¼ cup and 3 tablespoons
200 g ¾ cup and 3 tablespoons
250 g 1 cup and 3 tablespoons
300 g 1 ¼ cup and 2 tablespoons
400 g 1 ¾ cup and 2 tablespoons
500 g 2 ¼ cup and 1 tablespoon

Cream/ milk

Grams Cups
50 g 3 tablespoons
100 g ¼ cup and 2 tablespoons
200 g ¾ cup and 1 tablespoon
250 g 1 cup
300 g 1 cup and 3 tablespoons
400 g 1 ½ cup and 1 tablespoon
500 g 1 ¾ cup and 3 tablespoons

Cocoa powder

Grams Cups
50 g ¼ cup and 3 tablespoons
100 g ¾ cup and 2 tablespoons
200 g 1 ¾ cup and 1 tablespoon
250 g 2 ¼ cup
300 g 2 ½ cup and 3 tablespoons
400 g 3 ½ cup and 2 tablespoons
500 g 4 ½ cup

This shows that how much each of the ingredient is different in measure not just 100 grams to cups. Even though the differences maybe slight but they matter a lot in larger quantities. Therefore an insight into these conversion will render convenience and better outcomes.


Kitchen work is never trivial the we underestimate it. There is a whole lot of hard work that has gone underway to bring the dishes we savour. The ingredients are picked very carefully so that each and every one of them combine to form a delectable result. The reason everything comes out so tasty is because every thing is precisely added to the recipe. So these conversions are must to understand and not just that but also the fact that each product has a density of their own and so it will weight different. Its better to make a chart out of these conversions and display somewhere prominent. Whoever works in the kitchen knows their ingredients better so they can determine which are used most in cooking or baking and what quantities should be mentioned explicitly like 100 grams in cups. There should be enough knowledge regarding the materials and their use so that the dishes are made to love and enjoy.

Places and region also matter because in United States the measurements are different from the rest of the world. So if a recipe is coming from US but you do not reside there the some useful conversions will help you out.

US standard Metric system
1 cup 200 ml and 2-15 ml spoons
1 ¼ cups 300 ml
1 1/3 cups 300 ml and 1-15 ml spoons
1 ½ cups 350 ml
1 2/3 cups 375 ml and 1-15 ml spoons
1 ¾ cups 400 ml and 1-15 ml spoons
2 cups 475 ml
2 ¼ cups 500 ml and 1-15 ml spoons
2 1/3 cups 550 ml
2 ½ cups 600 ml
2 2/3 cups 600 ml and 2-15 ml spoons
2 ¾ cups 650 ml
3 cups 700 ml and 2-15 ml spoons
3 ¼ cups 775 ml
3 1/3 cups 800 ml
3 ½ cups 800 ml and 2-15 ml spoons
3 2/3 cups 850 ml
3 ¾ cups 875ml
4 cups 950 ml
4 ¼ cups 1000 ml 2-15 ml spoons
4 1/3 cups 1000 ml 1-15 ml spoons
4 ½ cups 1050 ml
4 2/3 cups 1100 ml
4 ¾ cups 1125 ml
5 cups 1175 ml and 1-15 ml spoons

US standard measure to UK measurement conversions

US standard UK standard
¼ teaspoon ¼ teaspoon scant
½ teaspoon ½ teaspoon scant
¾ teaspoon ½ teaspoon rounded
1 teaspoon ¾ teaspoon slightly rounded
1 tablespoon 2 ½ teaspoon
¼ cup ¼ cup and 1 dsp
1/3 cup ¼ cup and 1 teaspoon
½ cup 1/3 cup and 2 dsp
2/3 cup ½ cup and 1 tablespoon
¾ cup ½ cup and 2 tablespoons
1 cup ¾ cup and 2 dsp
1 ¼ cups 1 cup and 1 dsp
1 1/3 cups 1 cup and 2 tablespoons
1 ½ cups 1 ¼ cups
1 2/3 cups 1 1/4 cups and 2 tablespoons
1 ¾ cups 1 1/3 cups and 2 tablespoons
2 cups 1 2/3 cups
2 ¼ cups 1 ¾ cups and 2 tablespoons
2 1/3 cups 1 ¾ cups and 3 tablespoons
2 ½ cups 2 cups and 2 dsp
2 2/3 cups 2 ¼ cups
2 ¾ cups 2 ¼ cups and 1 dsp
3 cups 2 ½ cups
3 ¼ cups 2 2/3 cups and 3 tablespoons
3 1/3 cups 3 cups and 1 tablespoon
3 ½ cups 2 ¾ cups and 3 tablespoons
3 2/3 cups 3 cups and 1 tablespoon
3 3/4 3 cups and 2 tablespoons
4 cups 3 1/3 cups
4 ¼ cups 3 ½ cups and 2 dsp
4 1/3 cups 3 ½ cups and 2 tablespoons
4 ½ cups 3 ¾ cups
4 2/3 cups 3 ¾ cups and 2 tablespoons
4 ¾ cups 3 ¾ cups and 3 tablespoons
5 cups 4 cups and 3 tablespoons
Converting the ingredients other way round is also a good ides like 100 grams to cups. For that would bring much awareness into precision in cooking or baking. Lets see how they look when seen converting from grams to cups
Grams Cups
50 g 3 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon
100 g ¼ cup and 3 tablespoons
200 g ¾ cup and 1 tablespoon
250 g 1 cup and 1 tablespoon
300 g 1 ¼ cup
400 g 1 ½ cup and 3 tablespoons
500 g 2 cups and 1 tablespoon

Caster sugar

Grams Cups
50 g ¼ cup
100 g 1/2 cup
200 g 1 cup
250 g 1 1/4 cup
300 g 1 ½ cup
400 g 2 cups
500 g 2 ½ cups

Granulated sugar

Grams Cup
50 g 3 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons
100 g ¼ cup and 3 tablespoons
200 g ¾ cup and 3 tablespoons
250 g 1 cup and 3 tablespoons
300 g 1 ½ cup and 2 tablespoons
400 g 1 ¾ cup and 2 tablespoons
500 g 2 ¼ cups and 1 tablespoon

Confectioners or icing or powdered sugar

Grams Cups
50 g ¼ cup and 1 tablespoon
100 g ½ cup and 3 tablespoons
200 g 1 ¼ cup and 2 tablespoons
250 g 1 ½ cup and 3 tablespoons
300 g 2 cups and 1 tablespoon
400 g 2 ¾ cups
500 g 3 1/2

How to fill a baking cup

Most of the people have responded that they fill their baking cup by taking the scoop of flour in the cup and then levelling it with a knife or so. It is also suggested to squeeze the bag a bit before opening it so there are no lumps in it. Volume measurements differs in solids like flour because their densities vary. Like if you are sifting the flour then there is a chance it will weigh less. It is however suggested that the flour should be sifted after weighing. Pour the solid into the cup straight and then level them off.

Soft ingredients like cheese or butter do mot fill the cup like powdered ingredients. So they need to be pushed into the the cup so all gaps are filled after that level the top.

Baking is crucial and it required precision. It is much suggested to weigh the ingredients in grams that will ensure accuracy. Like said the way cups are filled determines how the quantity of ingredients be present in cooking. Notice when the flour in a cup is loosely filled as compared to the one packed. In packed form the flour will weigh more because all the particles are now filling the gaps.

A standard US cup is exactly 236.588 ml. This is however not the exact amount being sold in the market rather they can be 240 ml to keep it simple and few may also weigh 250 ml and half cup will be 120 ml. So this discrepancy brings confusion and people may want to buy cups that are varying in sizes. Like a quarter cup may have 65 ml when it should actually be 60 ml. The quantity of a full cup may be 225 ml when it should be 240 ml.

Some ingredients are difficult to be measured in a cup. For example a pastry recipe which needs cold butter straight out of the fridge cannot be melted to be measured in a cup. Dry fruits like walnuts or almonds will have different quantities in a cup when put in whole form or chopped finely. Ingredients poured in a cup can sometimes be difficult to be taken out. Like Nutella sticks to the cup and it’s unlikely that all of it will come out. So there is lesser quantity going in the recipe.

When weighing the ingredients the scales come with a button which can reset the scale back to zero. Lets say that there is a recipe that needs a cup of more than just one ingredient. Like a cup of sugar, flour or cocoa powder. Now you can either have more than one cups to fill them separately and then weigh or wash off the same cup that will ensure the right measurements.

A scant cup

Whenever the ingredients are poured into the cup they are mostly heaped and then levelled off. In case if a scant cup it is slightly less than a cup. This makes quite a difference in measurements.

What is Metric system?

The metric system has base units as gram, litre and meter. They are measure of weight, capacity and length which are also measured in mass, volume and distance. These units are further divided in subunits in divisible or multiples of tens.

The units lesser than the base unit are divided in ten. For example one tenth of the base unit is ‘deci’. When deci is further divided with ten the it will be ‘centi’ another division made into this will yield ‘milli’. Going to the other side will have multiples of the base unit. For example multiplying the base unit to ten will result in ‘deca’. When deca is multiplied with ten then it will be called ‘hecto’. Finally ‘kilo’ will be resulting from further multiplication of hecto to ten.

For distance the units will be kilometres, hectometres, decametre, meter, decimetre, centimetre and millimetre.

For weight the units will be kilograms, hectograns, decagrams, grams, decigram, centigram and milligram.

For volume the units will be kilolitres, hectolitres, decalitres, litres, decilitres, centilitres and millilitres.

What is metric system?

With human beings evolving their methods and systems, measurements were also important. The standards were different in each era though. For example the Egyptian would keep the standard of human forearm but that only rendered confusion because the human arm had different sizes for each. This slowly and progressively took to make one standard for measurements. This led into development of British Imperial System which further transformed into US Customary System. The system was adaption of the earlier system developed by Anglo-Saxons, Romans and Celts. The measuring systems were still not a standard back in history. The effort was to establish a standard so in 10th century a system was put into practise.

Scientists after long going efforts have now come to a conclusion that measuring standards should be kept according to processes that are constant in nature rather physical objects. For example a meter was considered a standard of metal stick but that changed its size with varying temperatures. So then metre was measured by a ray of light passing through vacuum. This was a constant in nature. Like Plank’s constant is another standard.

The metric system can be attributed to the efforts of Gabriel Mouton in 1670 in France. His proposal later yearned scientist to work on them further like he devised the measure of length according to the swing of pendulum. Keeping the base units as multiples of tens like centimetre and decilitres etc.

The French Academy in 1790 put up a logical system of measurements. According to which a metre is one millionth part of the distance between North Pole to Equator. Gram was water’s cubic centimetre. This system was fully supported in France because the powers of tens made the calculations easy. The system was made but it took time to fully adopt it all over France. It took almost a decade for whole France to adopt it. Till 1900 it was functional in 35 countries. The greatest benefit it brought was making trade easier because the goods were supposed to be standardised under one system making the purchases convenient.

Still it is United States, Myanmar and Liberia which are still not using the metric system for unclear reasons. We can say that Liberia and Myanmar are in process of adapting to the system leaving US the only one holding back to metrication.

Although it was expected till many years that US would adapt to the system since it was sending out delegates to the conferences regarding standard measurements snd the also passed an Act to implement the metric system. But the act did not have any deadline and the Americans are still following the US customary system of units.

It is still not clear if the country will adapt to the metric system or not. Everyone working in the country has to convert their units into the US customary system. The businesses and industries all have to go through the conversion processes. Although the difference is slight but then makes huge difference in larger amount.

It is actually the people who have to implement the system. Even in England the road sign may read miles. Which holds the fact that the main resistance of adopting metrication is from people and the fully implementation of the system. Not just England but countries like Malaysia, Ireland, Canada, Taiwan, Indonesia, North Korea and many other countries still see the use of traditional use of units in some measurements.


The International System of Units was established after long standing efforts from the scientist all over the world. We cannot say that they were established after experimentation and scientific evaluations. The standards had scientific well formed constants which stayed in their form under any condition. This structure was unchallenging and was supposed to prevail in every country. But resistance from certain countries remains unclear. Within a country exclusive systems may not pose a problem but when it comes to following from other countries especially trading then the different measuring standards can come with problems. You may be paying more for a thing that is weighing less according to the other country. Like 100 grams to cups vary accordingly. The world becoming a global village things are being taken from internet easily so if there are measurements involved then it can only create confusion. Thorough knowledge of these conversions can only spare from any problem. The hard time anyone facing regarding conversions can be of any kind so why take any risk rather understand the difference of systems and act accordingly.

What are some common conversions?

Some of common conversions are mentioned here for ease.

Weight conversions

· 1 ton equals 2000 pounds

2000 pounds equals 907. 18 kg

· 1 pound equals 16 ounces

16 ounces equals 453.59 g

453.59 g equals 0.45 kg

· 1 ounce equals 28.35 g

· 1 kg equals 2.205 pounds

2.205 pounds equals 1000 g

1000 g equals 1000000 mg

Capacity conversions

· 1 gallon equals 4 quarts

4 quarts equals 8 pints

8 pints equals 16 cups

16 cups equals 3.785 litres

· 1 quart equal 0.946 litres

· 1 litre equals 1.057 quarts

1.057 quarts equal 0.264 gallon

Length Conversions

· 1 mile equals 5280 feet

5280 feet 1760 yards

1760 yards 1609.34 metres

1609.34 metres equals 1.609 kilometres

· 1 foot equals 12 inches

12 inches equals 0.305 metre

0.305 metre equals 30.48 centimetres

· 1 inch equals 2.54 centimetre

2.54 centimetre equals 25.4 millimetres

· 1 kilometre equals 1000 metres

1000 metres equals 0.621 miles

· 1 metre equals 39.37 inches

39.37 inches equals 0.321 feet

0.322 feet equals 1.094 yards

· 1 centimetre equals 10 millimetres

10 millimetres equals 0.394 inches

· 1 millimetres equals 0.04 inches


Measurements are part of our daily life and the fact cannot be denied that we do have some local standards as well. These standards are here just to keep ourselves from the problems because many of the purchasing in daily routine is made out of these conversions. It is the kilogram if meat which is different from the pound of meat. 100 grams to cups will also vary in two systems. So maybe somewhere we are paying more and getting less only because of being unaware of the differences in conversions. Henceforth to make the efforts viable it becomes essential to fully practise the standard units. Trading is one major economic marker and that is rendering confusion only because the standard units are not similar then the point of progress dies out. There should be assertion at international level that all countries should have one standard to follow so that there are not issues faced in trading or cooperation.

Frequently asked questions

1. How many cups are in 100 grams of flour?

100 grams to cups of flour will contain half a cup and two tablespoons

2. How much is 100 grams?

100 grams is equal to 3.5 ounces or 1/5 pound, a stick of butter, less than a half cup, less than a cup of almonds, two boiled eggs, half cup uncooked rice or around a cup full of peanuts.

3. How many glasses are in 100 grams?

There will be 0.42 glasses of water in 100 grams US

4. How can 100 grams of flour measured?

100 grams of flour is 12 ½ tablespoons.

5. How many cups is 100 grams of rice? It

100 grams of rice is half a cup

6. Is 100 grams heavy?

No 100 grams is not that heavy. A Pepsi can is 357 grams which is small and 100 grams is even smaller than that.

7. Is 100 grams equal to 1 kg?

A kilo has 1000 grams while 100 grams is 0.1 kg.

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