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Why Is My Betta Fish Not Eating?


Why Is My Betta Fish Not Eating? One of the most likely explanations is that there is a problem with the tank (husbandry). This includes Incorrect diet, illnesses, incorrect temperature, overfeeding, and filthy tanks.

What Kind of Fish Is a Betta?

“Bettah” was the name of an old warrior clan, and the betta is named for them. Fighting fish were popular in the mid-1800s, and the fish were given that name because of their ability to fight. Thailand’s former king of Siam had the sport controlled and taxed because of its popularity.

Fans of the sport placed wagers on the bravery of the fish rather than the victor’s damage. Betta fish, sometimes called Siamese fighting fish, is one of the oldest flesh fish species. Malay means “enduring fish” while Latin means “shining.”

Betta miniopinna and Betta Persephone are two highly endangered variations of this species. Betta splendens are known for their colorful fins and combative nature. Betta bred for these traits from the 14th century A.D.


Thai royalty once enjoyed bettas as human entertainment. Several governments have banned betta fighting. Betta fish are easy to care for, however, owners who don’t know how might abuse them.

Why Does Betta Fish Refuse to Eat?

Your betta fish may be refusing to eat for a variety of reasons. Another possibility is that it is a mix of the following:

1 - Water Quality

Low-quality water stresses fish. Constant exposure to poor water causes chronic stress in fish, even if they jump out of their tank or bowl. Stress excess lowers a fish’s immunological function, reproductive effort, growth, and hunger.

Poor water quality can easily be fixed. Put your betta in a warm, filtered 5-10 gallon aquarium. Regularly test your water quality using a liquid test kit and do maintenance to keep it within standard levels.

2 - Poor Quality Food

No betta finishes a container of food quickly. If containers were the right size, pet stores wouldn’t sell them. Fish meals lose most water-soluble vitamins, including vitamin C, after six months. All food turns stale when opened daily. Bettas detect food via smell, and old food smells bad.

Two to three times a day, feed all bettas. Replace pelleted food every six months. Due to particle size, feed as many pellets per meal as might fit in a fish’s eyeball. Too much-outdated food can harm fish. Vitamins degrade in old food. Without vitamin C and E, your fish is more susceptible to secondary diseases.

3 - Overfeeding

Some bettas have bigger eyes than stomachs and devour all tank food. GI discomfort might occur if their metabolism can’t keep up with food intake. Overfed bettas have bloated tummies and need treatment immediately. Bettas should be fed twice a day, but only as many pellets as their eyeballs. Uneaten food should be removed using a net or gravel vacuum.

4 - Inappropriate Temperature

Tropical fish like Bettas need a heater. Ectotherms have a temperature-dependent metabolism and immune system. Fish have healthy temperature ranges. Bettas require 78-82°F (25 to 28 Celsius). Use a tank-sized heater.

Larger heaters may be too big for a Betta Aquarium’s little quantity of water; use a submerged thermometer to check. Your betta can’t eat without a heater. This can cause GI impaction in fish. A vet must treat swollen fish.

5 - Competition

Betta fish have a reputation for being ferocious defenders of their home. Keeping male bettas together or even in the same room with them is a bad idea. It is possible that certain female bettas can also be quite aggressive. Stressed-out fish that are overly concerned about their tank mates are more likely to quit eating.

6 - Illness and Disease

There are times when even well-cared-for bettas go unwell. A professional can help if you’ve done all of the above and are still stumped as to what went wrong. You should seek immediate medical attention if you see any other dangerous symptoms of sickness.

World’s Most Expensive Bettas

Bettas are aggressive towards other fish. They battle and attack other fish. Nowadays, betta fish are decorative. The fish’s body and tail are lovely. Some people value betta and hornbills. Many people chase them. Some who locate them overpriced them. Here’s the world’s most expensive betta fish. The 5 most expensive Betta fish are:

1 - Plakat Betta

Plakat Bettas are among the world’s most costly bettas. This Betta’s color depends on its habitat. These fish are energetic and aggressive if they perceive an adversary. The name determines personality. Plakat means combat in Thai.

Plakat Bettas are complainers. Short fins near the body. Be larger and stronger. Small fins. They have close fins. They look larger and stronger. Plakat’s distinctiveness drives up its price. Depending on the hue, the price might reach $1500 or Rp. 20 million.

2 - Half Moon

Half Moon is an additional noteworthy betta. When completely stretched, its tail and fins resemble a half-moon. That’s why it’s known as that. Many individuals are willing to spend a hefty sum for the opportunity to acquire a fish with such a stunning tail.

It is not uncommon for Halfmoon bettas to have long tails that may be extended out to about 180 degrees. Although the male is darker than the female in color, they both have a reddish hue.

3 - Crown Tail

Crowntail Betta is uncommon and pricey. These rare, sensitive fish need particular care. Crowntail bettas have the longest tails. It needs a huge aquarium. The tail and fin sizes are the same. Both feature inverted crown-shaped spikes or series.

Double, single, and cross-rayed fish are examples. Its fins are beautiful, but they’re also easily diseased. Clean water is necessary. Crowntail is an expensive species of betta fish. The price might reach $10 million.

4 - Kitchen Worachai

This fish’s colors match the Thai flag. Red, blue, and white. The fish’s body is blue. The white line along the belly. The opposite side’s fins are crimson. Kitchen Worachai, a Thai resident, named this betta fish.

5 - Fancy

Fancy is the world’s most expensive betta fish. This fish doesn’t have Half-moon-sized fins. I’ve never seen such lovely fins. It’s gorgeous. Gradient-colored Bettas have grown popular in recent years.


These fish are costly. This fish has no set price. Color affects a fish’s price. Unique colors make fish more valuable. Kitchen Worachai’s betta fish was auctioned for RP. 22 million, making it one of the world’s most costly. This price stunned many.

Facts of Interest About Betta Fish

  • Bettas do best in water with a pH between 6.5 and 7, which is on the somewhat acidic side. The immune system can be compromised by cold water, which can lead to disease.

  • Betta fish may have their tails shaped in a variety of ways, the “veil tail” being the most prevalent. The “crown tail,” the “half-moon tail,” the “double tail,” and the “short-finned fighting-style tail” are some more types of tail morphologies.

  • The average lifespan of a betta is between two and three years, however, there have been reports of bettas lasting far into their teen years.

  • In its country of origin, Thailand, the betta fish is referred to as a “plakad,” and it is frequently referred to as “The Jewel of the Orient.”

Signs that a Betta is in Need of Food

An Old West cowboy, Bettas have the intimidating overbite to match. They appear like they could take on anything in their path. Hunger, on the other hand, depletes their resources, making it difficult for them to do anything. Fortunately, their need for food is rarely genuine.

1 - Constantly Hungry

When it comes to feeding time, bettas are cunning swindlers. Three food pellets will be eaten by your pet if you drop them in at the same time. Add three more and he’ll finish them all. Until your betta becomes sick from overeating, this will continue.

I know he’ll pretend to be hungry all the time. You don’t have to worry about your betta being malnourished if you give him betta-specific food and do so every day according to the manufacturer’s recommended quantity.

2 - Plant-Based Eating

Your betta isn’t attempting to perform a trick on you with that furious look; he prefers to consume meat than plant stuff. As a result, most plants in betta tanks are left alone.

3 - Skinny

If your betta is starting to resemble a skeleton or is noticeably thinner than usual, you may have a fish that is either hungry or unwell. The weight of bettas doesn’t drop much if they haven’t eaten for a few days. If your acquaintance has been fasting for a week or longer, you will notice a difference in how much weight she has lost.

4 - Lack of Mood

Checking to see that everything is in order and keeping an eye out for potential visitors are just some of the tasks that Bettas have to perform. Except when they’re exhausted, they don’t intend to stay in one area while they float. Your betta is likely unwell or hungry if he is sluggish most of the time and especially while you are in front of his tank.

5 - Reasons

Feeding your betta-specific food can avoid malnourishment, but he may still get the munchies. Bettas require 75-86°F water. Anything colder or hotter will stress your betta, triggering a shutdown.

If his water is too cold, he won’t eat even if food is available. Malnourishment can be caused by parasites. Common ailments are treated with liquid solutions added to the tank.

Note: You may think that your betta would prefer to starve or devour some of your plants, but that’s not the case. Even though bettas are famously finicky eaters, if you frequently feed him betta food, he shouldn’t resort to eating plants.

Frequently Asked Question - FAQs

Some related questions are given below:

1 - Will betta fish eat food in the bottom tank?

Betta fish prefer floating food since it’s how they consume in nature. They consume generally from the surface to mid-level, but sometimes from the bottom.

2 - What should I feed my betta?

Most betta care websites (including this one) advocate feeding your betta twice a day. This is good advice because a tiny betta will consume less than a full-grown one.

3 - Do bettas need food every day?

As tropical fish, bettas must be fed twice a day. This is significant since betta fish are often overfed.

4 - Why won’t my betta eat?

Fixing a betta fish’s bad diet is easy (in principle). Simply giving them better food that meets all their nutritional needs is the way to proceed. This may cost more, but it’s worthwhile.

5 - When do betta fish eat?

Bettas can last 10 days without food, but it’s not recommended. They may live a few more days, but they are progressively starving and will die soon.

6 - How do I get my betta to eat?

Add variation to a betta’s food to encourage eating. Live brine shrimp and freeze-dried bloodworms are betta delicacies. Many bettas will be happier with a diversified diet and start to like pellet food.

7 - When should bettas be fed?

Once or twice daily, feed your betta two to four pellets. Pellets expand in water and fill betta fish. 1–2 days a week, freeze-dried or fresh food can replace pellets

8 - Do bettas need daily food?

As tropical fish, bettas must be fed twice a day. This is significant since betta fish are often overfed.

9 - Is white betta rare?

White bettas are unique since many enthusiasts prefer brilliantly colored individuals that pop in the aquarium. You may buy White Opal online or via a professional.

10 - Do bettas like light?

Yes, a typical aquarium light is OK. Bettas adore aquarium plants, which require light to flourish.

11 - What kills betta fish?

Unclean water, an ill-kept tank, unsuitable fish, a too-small tank, and other factors can kill Betta fish. Betta fish perish from stress, therefore it’s crucial to regulate their exposure to change and watch their reactions.

12 - How can you tell if your betta fish needs food?

Signs of a Betta Being Hungry

  • Always Hungry
  • Eating Plants
  • Skinny
  • Lack of Energy
  • Reasons

13 - Are koi Betta rare?

Thai and Southeast Asian breeders send Bettas on demand. Finding a Koi Betta by coincidence is unusual but not impossible.

14 - Is feeding betta once a day OK?

Once or twice daily, feed your betta two to four pellets. Pellets expand in water and fill betta fish. 1–2 days a week, freeze-dried or fresh food can replace pellets.

15 - How expensive can bettas get?

Less common Betta breeds might cost $40. These include rare Bettas with purple, green, or yellow color combinations. The most expensive Betta sold for $1,500.


Bettas don’t live forever and will die. Your Betta may be listless, not moving, or not eating for various causes. This might be from food, water, or illness. Most Betta concerns have straightforward solutions. There’s always a chance of reviving and healing your Betta. Any cause might be a possibility.

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