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Weighted ab Exercises


Adding resistance or weight to your ab workout is a best way to strengthen your basic core exercise. By adding weight you will boost your muscle strength and definition and increase overall performance. By doing weighted ab exercises with variations you can increase your abdominal muscle strength. Just like any muscle group. Once you remove the fat. You want the muscles to pop up, by using weight during abdominal exercises, you will increase muscle and its appearance. Moreover, strengthening your abdominals will help you during your lifts and other athletic or sports type events.

Ab Friendly Diet

• first focus on taking high protein.
• Eat smaller but healthy meals and snacks for 6 to 8 times per day.
• Focus on high vegetable intake.
• Try your best to never miss your breakfast and post workout meals.
• Must keep yourself away from sugar
• Drink lots of cold water throughout the whole day.
• Do high intensity interval training into your cardio regimen.

1-Low to High Woodchop

This exercise works the obliques and upper abdominal muscle while keeping your heart rate up. This exercise does not require a lot of space you can do it anywhere, use a 10 pound dumbbell. Now, squat and rotate left to hold the dumbbell on the outside of your left leg. Exhale and lift the weight ending twisted with the dumbbell above your head. Pivot on your left foot as needed. Control while maintaining the back up to the starting position for completion of one rep. After doing 12 to 16 reps take rest of 30 to 45 seconds then continue in the similar manner.

2-Standing Weighted Abs

Standing straight with your knees slightly soft and loose, holding a dumbbell at chest level. While keeping your pelvis stable rotate your rib cage right and left, to complete one rep. Make sure that you keep your abs pulled towards your spine as you twist or rotate from side to side. After doing 25 to 30 reps take rest for 30 to 45 seconds then continue in the similar manner. Once you master this exercise try to speed up to strengthen your abs.

3-Plank and Rotate

Start in a plank position while holding a five pound dumbbell in each hand and keeping your wrist stiff to protect the joints. Stretch your feet a little wider than hip distance. Now lift your left hand to the ceiling, twisting through your entire torso and keeping the motion controlled and smooth. Your pelvis will rotate, but keep it level without letting it drop or rise. Bring your left hand back to the surface of the floor and repeat this action on the other side to complete one rep. after doing 12 to 16 reps rest for 30 to 45 seconds then continue your exercise in the similar manner.

4-Seated Russian Twist

This exercise targets your obliques and adding weight increases the challenge. Start with holding the dumbbell in both of your hands, sit on the ground with your heels about a foot from your ■■■■ and your knees bent. Now come slightly back without twisting your spine at all. It is really difficult and important to keep your back straight. Pull your navel to your spine, and twist slowly to the left, bringing the weight to your left side. This movement comes from the ribs rotating, not from your arms swinging. Now inhale and rotate to the right. This completes the one rep. after doing 12 to 16 reps rest for 30 to 45 seconds then continue this exercise in the similar manner.

5-Weighted Straight Leg Situps

Start by lying down while your back on the floor. Make sure that your legs must be straight. Now hold a weight plate above your chest with your arms straight. As you sit up, raise the plate above your head and then lower it slowly to the floor. That is one rep, continue this for 12 to 16 reps then after taking some rest continue in a similar manner. This exercise puts less stress on your back and isolate your abdominal area.

6-V Shape sit ups

While holding the dumbbell above your head lie down on the floor. Bring your feet and arms at the same instant so that your body forms a V shape. Now lower your back slowly and carefully. That is one rep, after doing 12 to 16 reps take rest for 30 to 45 seconds then continue in the similar manner. This exercise is the best way to make your upper and lower abs.

7-Kneeling Woodchoppers

First lie down on the knee while Holding the dumbbell in both of your hands. Lift and raise it up behind you and back down so that it touches the side of your hip on the supporting leg. That is one rep, after doing 12 to 16 reps take rest for 30 to 45 seconds. Now continue the exercise in the similar manner.

8- Side Plank Row

While just holding a plank Is beneficial by itself and adding dynamic movements will increase its benefits. Start in a side plank position a few feet away from a cable apparatus or find a place where you can attach a band, so that you are facing towards the apparatus. Maintain and balance a neutral spine then perform a pulling motion. That is one rep. After doing 12 to 16 reps take rest for 30 to 45 seconds. Now continue the exercise in the similar manner.

9-Cable Crunches

This exercise is another classic move. Start this exercise by kneeling below a high pulley that consist of a rope attachment. Grasp or hold cable rope attachment and lower the rope until your hands are placed next to your face. Slightly stretch your hips and lower down the rope until your hands are placed in front of your face. Exhale as you perform at this movement and hold the contraction for a second. That is one rep. After doing 12 to 16 reps take rest for 30 to 45 seconds. Now continue the exercise in the similar manner.

10-Side Planks with Hips Lift

Start this exercise in a side plank position and hold the dumbbell close to your heart. Lower your hips to the ground keeping in mind that you do not have to make contact with the floor then push them backup. Make sure you use your core to perform this movement and not your legs. That is one rep. After doing 12 to 16 reps take rest for 30 to 45 seconds. Now continue the exercise in the similar manner.


Weighted ab exercise grows your ab muscle faster than the exercises done without using weight. It also increases the stability and strength of your muscles. Because of weight your muscles work ■■■■■■ through the addition of extra weight. You develop more muscle because your muscle work ■■■■■■. You reach new limits by increasing the weight consistently. Your workout time period also gets very short because you get insane result in very short time. Therefore, weighted exercises are definitely for your abs, and any muscle. There are number of reasons but important reason is that they develop muscle faster than non-weighted exercises.

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