The 5 Best Healthy Foods to Gain Weight

underweight or over weight both are big problem to face both are unhealthy. underweight cause certain medical problems , and unattractive appearance , lack of confidence and low self esteem. its better to maintain balanced weight for keeping yourself healthy. There are a lot of ways to gain weight like physical activities , inhale happiness , medications but there are various categories of foods that rapidly control or gain your weight without depending hours on gym. its all about eat more calories that burn.
here are those food that can be perform roles for gaining your weight.

fresh pressed juices .

They contain high amount of sugar. by which we get more and more calories by the help of calories you start gaining weight. Drinking fresh juice daily energizes yourself daily and you will get numerous health benefits through fresh juices .

Dried fruits :

it is jam packed with immense fiber , vitamins and minerals it can be easily eaten all over day it is very small carry it for day in your purse . dried fruits has more calories as compared to fresh fruits. eating dried fruit as a snack is a fastest way to gain weight

Dark chocolate .

it contains high fat , high calorie and anti oxidant. if you consume dark chocolate you must gain some pounds it has very much calorie its a healthy choice for gaining weight.


it is potent diary product riches in fat that helps to gain weight Aad dairy product in your daily life


consuming cheese can be effective for weight gaining process mostly they are healthy Cheese is not only a yummiest dairy product that can in included in almost any dish; it is basically concentrated milk that filled from high amount of proteins, fat, calories and calcium.

snacks :
its important to take snacks after every meal . snacks timings are 2 hours after meal you can take as much as you are up to completely fill. snacks can be taken in morning , brunch time , after lunch , at evening and before sleeping . High calorie fruit salad with cream and nuts can be added as snack. slice of bread with spreaded cheese , glass of full cream juice , chocolate shake , cheesy fries can be used for weight gaining process.

conclusion :
overweight is a problem thats affect your mental health its not easy to not look physically good in front of people but because of serious efforts workout and healthy diet you can possibly gain weight and become happy.