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Laminate Flooring Advantages

Home Decor

A good flooring becomes the backbone of any well-designed house, and the strength of the home depends a lot on a proper, well-done flooring. A well-made floor should be durable, should provide underfoot comfort, easy installation, and of course adds aesthetic appeal to your house.

Laminate flooring and its growing popularity

While most of us have a few things in mind, as to how the flooring should be, laminate wood floors tick the maximum number of boxes which automatically increases its popularity. Reports say that most of the time there is a high demand of laminate flooring among people who are a still short on budget, yet want their homes to look pretty and straight outta dream. The durability of the flooring also matters.

Here’s a list of a few points that because of which features laminate flooring has reached its current popularity.

Value for Money

Probably the most important feature. Laminate flooring offers its buyers real value for money, and that is why, it is liked by the houseowners. They are usually affordable than both hardwood flooring and wall-to-wall carpeting.

Laminate flooring, even the high-end ones like the Oak Laminate Flooring, doesn’t require high-maintenance. No specialised cleaning is required, and since it is durable, it is automatically resistant to stains and scratches and thus, boasts incredible longevity.

A wide range of colours and textures

Though we would always suggest you to hire a professional to do the installation for you, DIY enthusiasts can also do it themselves. Yes, it is that easy!

The variety of colour and texture options, like a grey laminate flooring, is also a huge advantage for laminate flooring. It is available in a wide range of colours, from replicas of the stunning hardwood floorboards to a more contemporary whitewashed finish, lighter woody tones and so on.

High-class durability

Laminate floors are made from high-density fibre boards, which are an amazingly incredible material that’s provide years of underfoot comfort, even for high-traffic living areas, and obviously good looks.

It does not expand or contract like real hardwood flooring and if moisture gets in, or permanent damage is caused, laminate hardwood flooring can be replaced in sections. A complete replacement of the floor isn’t required.

Quick and easy to install

Installing laminate flooring is quite an easy job. Laminate flooring has a click to fit system. All you need to do is snap the boards together. They need not be glued or nailed together. Most laminate floors can be laid over heated, radiant concrete slabs too. It floats, meaning that it can be laid atop wood, plywood, any existing vinyl flooring, or even concrete.

Hygienic and great for the ones who suffer from allergies

If you have kids that tend to play on the floor, you would know the importance of not using cleaning agents with harsh chemicals. Laminate flooring is great for this case.

is quick to clean, and boasts of a non-porous surface. Thus, it benefits people with allergies. There are no chances of laminate flooring absorbing dust like a carpet. Its airtight locking system acts as a sanitary product too, and its plastic exterior create a shield against moisture. Any unwanted mess can easily be wiped clean.

Easy maintenance and cleaning

Keeping your laminate wood floor clean is quite easy. There’s no need of a varnish, polish or wax. Use an anti-bacterial microfibre for the initial dry-cleaning to clean the floor of dust particles and pet hair.

Then, sweep or vacuum the remaining heavier dust or food particles. Just be careful to use a rubber broom, as traditional brooms can cause scratches.

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