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How to Yoga?



How to Yoga? There are multiple ways you can do to feel relieved and satisfied with the inner peace of mind, body, and soul. And one of the ways is making yoga your lifestyle.

To do yoga, there are millions of yoga centers around the world, who are offering good packages for yoga training. Moreover, in the world of technology, we are just a click away from our desired format of yoga.

Yoga for beginners

If you are a new bud and wish to enter the golden circle of yoga, you must first have the actualization and determination to continue it in your lifestyle. Because as a beginner to the yoga class, initially it will not be an easy job to carry out each pose without any fall, sweat, and may almost give up.
This is itself an endurance towards your mind and physical body that pushes you to attain the most of your mind and body. Realizing that your body is more capable of than you realize.
Your whole body is engaged, you are functioning every limb of your body from controlling your breath to maintaining each posture gradually attaining flexibility and relaxed from inside out.
Some will tell you it is a slow and hectic job but once you are doing it you realize your inner strength, balance, and flexibility. But for every beginner, they must consider the following things before beginning any yoga class.

• If you have suffered an injury or have any kind of history of chronic disease must consult your doctor before beginning your yoga classes and do inform your yoga instructor before moving ahead with them.

• Do what are you capable of doing in the beginning. Do not push yourself hard, even if you are at a slow pace, you will eventually pace up. There is no competition but listen to your body.
• Be patient, do not harden on yourselves. You may not see the change in you at the beginning, but yoga will slowly unfold its benefits, so give your time a little time to respond.
• Inner strength will come if you are patient with the progress you are doing. So, do not lose heart if you do not attain apparent flexibility. Remember, you eventually will.
• Try to have control over your breathing patterns, right from the start.
• Your body is unique, so is everyone’s. so, find the style that suits you best and fulfills your needs. Will aid you in attaining the desired strength and flexibility. The style that can build your stamina and can work out in your daily routine.

A 20-minute session of yoga can affect you are all over the body, but it depends on the type of asanas you choose to perform like back bending energizes your body while forward bending has the soothing effect and calms your mind. Standing asanas gives you greater stamina and balancing asanas improves focus. Twists will detoxify impurities from the body.

Summary: Doing yoga might take time to learn but giving up is not an option. Yoga can be carried out at the home, gym, or even online now but you need to take precautions before you take any style of yoga format. Yoga has health but the right form will affect you rightly.

Few Basic Yoga Asanas for Beginners

1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

The word tada means mountain. It majorly involves the muscles, which in return improves focus and concentration.

The mountain is the most basic asana pose, to begin with, in your yoga class. Stand with your heels slightly at a distance, spread your toes and hang your arms beside the torsos and balls of your feet. Stand slightly apart from your feet and hang your arms beside your torso. Raise and spread your toes and the balls of your feet gently, then lay them down on the floor softly. Balance the weight of your body on your feet. When rotating them inward, raise your ankles and firm your thigh muscles. Extend your torso when you inhale and release your shoulder blades away from your head as you exhale. Broaden your collarbone to make your neck elongated. You should have all your ears, shoulders, hips, and ankles in one line.

2. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

This type of pose gives a sense of grounding. It helps you in improving your balance, focus, and control, ad strengthens your limbs and back. It replicates the steady of a tree. Place your right foot high up on your left thigh. The sole should be flat and placed firmly. Keep your left leg straight and find your balance. While inhaling, raise your arms over your hand and bring your palms together. Ensure that your spine is straight and take a few deep breaths. Slowly exhale, bring your hands down and release your right leg. Back in the standing position, repeat the same with your other left leg.

3. Adho Mukho Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

This type of posture your overall body specifically your chest and aligns your spine, providing additional circulation of blood. Boosting your energy and making your muscles strengthened.
Sit on your heels, stretch your arms forward on the mat, and lower your head. Form a table, like pushing your hands, straightening your legs, and gradually raise your hips. Press your heels down, let your head hang freely, and tighten your waist.

4. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

It promotes the control of breathing patterns, stretches your legs and torso, increases the mobility of the hips. Stand with your feet at a distance, stretch your left foot at 90o degrees angle while keeping them closer to the torso. Keep your feet pressed against the ground and try to balance your weight equally on both feet. Inhale and exhale as you bend your left arm and make it touch the ground while your right up goes up. Keep your waist straight, ensure that the body is not bent backward or forward but sideways. Stretch as much as possible and keep taking long breaths. Now, repeat the same on your right leg and arm.

5. Kursiasana (Chair Pose)

This type of pose strengthens the muscles of the legs and arms. It boosts your inner strength and excites your stamina which overall affects your body. Stand with your feet slightly at a distance, stretch your arms but do not bend your elbows. While inhaling bend your knees, pushing your pelvis down like you are sitting on a chair. Keep your hands parallel to the ground with a straight back. Take deep breaths and bend slowly but make your knees don’t bend your toes.

6. Naukasana (Boat Pose)

It strengthens the shoulder, backs, and abdominal muscles. Consequently, leaves with your stability and balance of the body. Lie back on the mat with your feet together and hands by your side, take a deep breath. While exhaling, lift your chest and feet off the ground. Stretch your arms in the directions of the feet. Your eyes, hands, and toes should be aligned at one point, looking straight. Hold till you fee some tension in your navel areas as abdominal muscles begin to pull. As you exhale, come back to the ground, and relax.

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This will improve your strength of lower muscles while cushioning the spine, triceps and opens the chest to promote inhalations. Provide flexibility to the spine. Lie on your stomach with your feet together and toes flat on the ground. Place your hands on the ground just right below your shoulders, lift your waits and head while inhaling in. with the support of your hands pull the torso back, keep your elbows straight, and put equal pressure on the elbows and palms. Keep your ears away from the alignment of shoulders and tilt your head. Exhale when you reach for the ground.

8. Paschimottanasana

This type of pose is for the flexibility increment in the body, especially of the hamstrings, hips, and alignment of the spine.
Sit straight up with your back and toes point outward. Inhale, while raising your hands over your head and stretch. Now, while exhaling out bring your hands down and touch your legs forward. Do not push yourself hard, wherever possible reach out your hands towards your legs. While inhaling elongate your spine and while exhaling, keep your navel close to your knees.

9. Child’s Pose

The resting position of this pose makes you attain the importance of physical, spiritual
and emotional restoration.
Insert this pose in your challenging asanas because it will help you to gain the momentum in performing another pose. Listen to your breath and practice it with close eyes. Bend your knees and sit on your heels, lower your head on the mat and bring your hands forward sideways. Put pressure against your chest through thighs and breath lightly.

10. Sukhasna

The perfect position for pranayama and meditation is sukhasna. It gives balance and control. This asana provides you with the channel to meet the spiritual side of yourself while other asanas provide the physical comfort this works on the spiritual dimension.
Sit comfortably on the mat with crossed legs, in a way that the left leg is tugged in the right thigh while the right leg is tugged in the left thigh. Keep your spine align with your head, place your hands on the knees. Relax your body and exhale and inhale gently.

Summary: Each pose affects you differently but they all have the same purpose to neutralize the body of internal and external impurities.

Yoga to Lose Weight

• Begin with the chair:

Move your feet at slight at a distance, raise your arms straight, so your triceps are sideways to your ears. Breathe in and bend your knees, pushing your ■■■■ back and lowering your body as if you are sitting on a chair.

Works for: thighs, hips, abs, arms, and ■■■■

• Chair pose with a twist

Hold your chair pose, now this does not keep your arms but lower them towards the chest level as you bend your knees more. Join your hands as if they are praying and twist your upper body moving your elbows to your right thigh. Keep abs tight and continue to do it gently.

Works for: thighs, abs, obliques, shoulders, upper back, hips

• Downward facing dog

Put your feet slightly at a distance than lower your hands to the mat. Raise your knees, reaching your pelvis up toward the ceiling, and pushing your ■■■■ behind the wall.

Works for: legs, arms, shoulders, abs, and upper back

• Dog-down split, knee-to-nose

Now holding your downward-facing dog, now make it a little more challenging. Inhale and push you left between your two arms and reach it to the level of your nose.

Works for: legs, shoulders, upper back, ■■■■, and abs

• Warrior I

Start in the downward-facing dog, then step forward your right foot. Raise and straighten your arms that your triceps are aligned with your ears. Your chest is aligned with your chin.

Works for: legs, his, ■■■■, shoulders, abs, chests, and back.

• Warrior III

From warrior I, keep your abs tight and lower chest towards your left knee (placing your weight on the left knee and lift the right leg to bring your body parallel with the ground. Straighten your arms in the air parallel to the ground

Works for: ankles, shoulders, back, abs, hips, and legs.

• Superman

Lie facedown with legs together and your arms together in the air, your whole weight is adjusted and balanced on your belly and pelvis.

Works for: back, chest, arms, shoulders, abs, hamstrings, and ■■■■

• Bow pose

Maintaining your superman pose reach for your ankles and grab them. make a wheel shape, keeping your knees and hip-width apart. Continue to take deep breaths slowly and gradually.

Works for chest, back, shoulders, abs, legs, and hips.

• Tabletop arm leg lift

Bend your knees on the mat and touch your hands on the ground. Then lift your left leg straighten it and your right arm hanging in the air parallel to the ground. Continue to take deep breaths, holding it to 3-5 breaths.

Works for: abs, ■■■■, upper back

• Plank arm- leg lift

Now maintaining the tabletop arm leg lift position, now raise your knees from the ground, letting the toes rest on the ground. Lift your left leg and straighten it and your right arm hanging in the air, both being parallel to the ground.
Works: upper back, abs, and ■■■■.

Summary: These poses will help you attain the goal of weight loss and eventually maintain balance in your life.

Yoga at Home

  1. Create a space for doing yoga, a comfortable one
  2. Get set to grab your Yoga accessories
  3. Prevent injury at all cost
  4. Maintain a time, schedule, and style of yoga you want to carry out
  5. Always relax with Savasana
  6. Make it a habit of doing yoga daily
  7. Enjoy and fall in love with what you do. You are always making progress
  8. Now that you are all set, practice and meditate it every day. Surely it will make you perfect.


1. Can you lose weight by doing yoga?

Yes, you can lose weight by doing yoga, even practicing yoga can help to gain tone body and improve your overall body physical performance. Restorative yoga has been considered the main channel to reduce the weight among individuals.

2. Which type of yoga is best for weight loss?

If you want to lose weight and it is your main goal then the most suitable one will be those which will be physically challenging and make you determine to change such as Ashtanga, Vinyasa, or Power Yoga.

3. How much weight can you lose by yoga?

According to Swami Ramdev, it is easy for women to lose weight up to 10-12 kgs in a month. If they incorporate yoga in their daily routine and make it a lifestyle.

4. Which yoga is best to reduce belly fat?

1. Adho Mukho Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
2. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
3. Kursiasana (Chair Pose)
4. Naukasana (Boat Pose)
5. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
6. Paschimottanasana

5. How does yoga can help you?

Incorporation of yoga in your lifestyle can help you attain the improvement in physical and mental health o the individual and connect you to the divine source. It provides the mind with clarity, balance, relieves chronic stress patterns. Increase blood circulation and improve an individual’s metabolism.

6. Is yoga easy for beginners?

It all depends on your determination. Initially, it will look difficult but once you have decided not to give in. you will eventually learn even the complex asanas.

7. What are some best yoga apps for beginners?

• Daily Yoga
• Glo
• Asana Rebel
• Down Dog


The dilemma of how to yoga is now resolved because we are now surrounded by technologies and a click away from our favorite yogi. You can attain health benefits by being at home, by going to the gym, and even now virtually by teaching yourself a specific form of yoga.
All you have to is never give up and keep your determination high.

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