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How To Open a Pomegranate


How to Open a Pomegranate can be hard, but it’s not impossible! With the right tools and knowledge, you can have your pomegranate opened in no time. This guide will show you how to easily open a pomegranate and eat the seeds inside without making a mess or getting hurt in the process. You’ll also learn how to store your pomegranate properly so that it lasts longer in your fridge.

How To Open A Pomegranate

If you’re not familiar with how to open a pomegranate, it’s a little difficult—but well worth it. All you need is a sharp knife and some patience. Follow these simple steps and you should be opening pomegranates in no time

Here’s what you’ll need to open your pomegranate:

  1. A sharp knife. You can use any type of kitchen knife—or even a pair of scissors—but make sure it’s not dull. Dull knives will crush rather than cut your pomegranate, making it more difficult to extract seeds and ruin your juice.

  2. A cutting board. Make sure it’s large enough to hold your pomegranate when you cut it in half.

  3. A bowl. You’ll need to place your pomegranate seeds in it after you cut it open.

  4. A fine sieve. You’ll need it to separate your seeds from any membrane that surrounds them.

Eat a Pomegranate

When it comes to opening and preparing pomegranates, many people avoid them because they’re intimidating. But once you know how to open them, these exotic little fruits are fairly easy to handle.

Follow these simple steps for safe and delicious results:

  1. Cut off both ends of a ripe pomegranate with an X-Acto knife. Take your time so you don’t poke through the skin.

  2. Hold it sideways in one hand and push firmly down into it with an X-Acto knife, and twist. You will feel it break apart in your hands.

  3. Gently lift off the top and bottom of the pomegranate with an X-Acto knife and separate it into individual seeds by hand. The juice can stain, so it’s wise to wear gloves if you have them on hand.

  4. The seeds are ready to eat immediately, but you can save them in an airtight container for up to one week in the refrigerator.

  5. Serve pomegranate seeds whole or add them to salads, chicken dishes, or even desserts like cakes and ice cream. If they are left too long they will lose their flavor and become overly sour, so be sure to eat them quickly.

Open a Pomegranate With Your Hands

Yes, it’s messy, but for those times when you want to use all of the pomegranate and not let any of its goodness go to waste, here’s how to open it. Lay your pomegranate on its side and use an X-Acto knife to score it deeply all around—the cuts don’t have to be perfect because you won’t see them after they breakthrough.

Then use your hands to break through each scored piece. Try to break them just before they reach their corners—these are often stronger and more difficult to open.

If you don’t have an X-Acto knife, you can use a paring knife or box cutter, but avoid breaking pieces off with your hands since some seeds might fall away from the fruit and be lost that way.

Once you’ve scored through each section, open your pomegranate carefully by pulling off one side of the rind. Use your hands to help break it off into large pieces—you’ll be able to see which pieces are strongest and should be removed first.

If there are any seeds that have fallen away from your pomegranate, gently shake them over a bowl or piece of parchment paper—some will fall out and some will stay stuck in their chambers.

Once you’ve opened your pomegranate, you can place it cut side down on paper towels to soak up any extra juice—you may need to do this two or three times before most of it is absorbed.

When your pomegranate is finished dripping and you’re ready to eat, pick up one of its halves and scoop out the seeds with a spoon.

Pomegranate Recipes

If you’re lucky enough to have a pomegranate lying around, then feel free to skip over opening it and go straight to eating! However, if you aren’t sure what to do with all those seeds, here are some delicious recipes that include pomegranates

Some recipes, however, call for pomegranate juice rather than seeds. Here are some wonderful things you can do with pomegranate juice

Now that you know what to do with your pomegranates, go and try some recipes! Here are some wonderful recipes you can use your pomegranates in. Happy cooking!

If you want to make your own pomegranate recipes, here are some basic steps. If you’re feeling adventurous, try your hand at coming up with creative pomegranate-inspired dishes of your own! Happy cooking!

If you want to enjoy your pomegranates but don’t know how to cook with them, then check out these delicious recipes. There are many wonderful things you can do with pomegranates!

Store Pomegranate

If your pomegranates are not ripe, they will likely be hard to open. Place them in a bowl, cover them with plastic wrap, and leave them on your countertop for one to two days before you try opening them. If they’re still hard after two days, don’t worry—pomegranates are best when they’re soft to moderate ripe.

Make sure you have an ample supply of pomegranates, as it takes time to open each one. It’s best to work with no more than two at a time.

Now that you have your pomegranates, you’re ready to start opening them. You may want to wear an apron or put down some newspaper or paper towels on your work surface, as it can get messy.

Pruning a branch is often necessary when removing heavy shading branches or overgrown sections of stems; especially older varieties that have become top-heavy with age and have begun to layover heavily to one side.

Now that you have your tool and you’re ready to get to work, it’s time to open your pomegranates. If they’re ripe, they should split open easily with minimal pressure. Otherwise, place them in a bowl of warm water for an hour or so until they soften.

If your pomegranates are ripe, place them in a bowl and cover them with water. Gently roll them around so that all sides become submerged. Leave them in water for at least 1 hour—but no more than 3 hours.

After 1-3 hours, you should be able to crack open your pomegranates easily using just your hands.


One of humankind’s oldest and most beautiful fruits, pomegranates are widely available in health food stores and in many supermarkets. But if you’ve never opened one yourself, you may be wondering how to open a pomegranate quickly, easily, and safely. Follow these simple steps: First, score your pomegranate into quarters by cutting through it lengthwise on each side.

Store Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranates can be stored at room temperature for up to two weeks, but if you don’t eat them within that time, you should store them in an airtight container in your refrigerator. Refrigerated pomegranates will last for up to one month.

Leave it at room temperature for about 30 minutes before attempting to open it. Use safety glasses and a wooden mallet. Cut It: First, cut off about 1⁄2 inch from each end of your pomegranate with a sharp knife.

This will make it easier to cut in half. Stand it up on one of its flat ends, and hold your knife at an angle against one side. Tap it firmly but gently with your mallet until you’ve made about 10 slices into that side, stopping just before you cut all the way through. Repeat on the opposite side.

You should now be able to stand your pomegranate up and shake it over a bowl until all of its seeds have fallen out. If any remain inside, give it another good tap with your mallet. Discard that tough outer skin and serve.

Store for up to three days in refrigerator and use within one month after opening. For longer storage, place the seed in an airtight plastic bag and freeze for up to six months.

When thawing, do not leave at room temperature for more than four hours. After that time, it will start to lose its flavor and become mushy. Remove seeds with a fork while thawing. When ready to serve, just add water or sprinkle with sugar or honey before serving.

Open a Pomegranate And Get The Seeds Out

That’s not always as easy as it sounds. Here’s how to open a pomegranate and get at those delicious seeds inside! Try out one of these simple tricks. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to open a pomegranate!

The easiest way to open a pomegranate and get at those delicious seeds inside is to score it all around with a knife, then submerge it in water. Leave it there for about 10 minutes and when you take it out, you’ll find that most of its seeds will have popped out of their own accord.

You can also open a pomegranate by slicing it into two and prying it apart from within. Or, if you’re feeling particularly strong, you can open it up with your bare hands! It’s easy once you know how to do it.

I was always intimidated by pomegranates, but now that I know how to open them and get at those delicious seeds inside, I couldn’t be happier! Give it a try for yourself. You won’t be disappointed. It’s easier than you think.

I hope you found my tutorial on how to open a pomegranate and get at those delicious seeds inside helpful. Do share your own tips for opening up these delicious fruits in the comments below!

Pomegranate Juice

There are two main ways to open up a pomegranate, depending on what you’re going to do with it. If you want to keep them fresh for as long as possible and don’t plan on juicing, open up only as many as you need at that time.

If you do plan on using them for their juice, then open up all of them. You can store any unopened pomegranates in an airtight container or plastic bag in your refrigerator. If stored properly, they will last at least three to four days.

Keep any opened fruit in an airtight container covered with juice and refrigerated as well, for about three days.

The easiest way to open up pomegranates is to break them open on a cutting board using something like a wooden spoon.

This method leaves you with one large piece, which can then be cut into quarters for easier access to seeds and removal of the membrane.

The other option is to simply use your hands and break each section apart into smaller pieces. It’s not as efficient but it does work well when you’re trying to juice multiple fruits in quick succession.

Once you’ve removed all of your seeds, you’ll want to separate them from any remaining membrane.

Most grocery stores carry kitchen tools that help do just that. If you don’t have one on hand, simply rub each seed between your fingers to remove any excess material.

From there, you can pour them into a colander and rinse under running water to make sure they are completely clean and ready for use.

Open Pomegranate Without a Knife

It’s really easy to open a pomegranate without using a knife. Just follow these simple steps: 1) Cut off both ends of your pomegranate, 2) Break apart into sections, 3) Then pull out the seeds by hand. Pour honey over for an added flavor.

If you’re looking for a kitchen tool that makes it easy to open pomegranates, check out The OXO Good Grips Compact Paring Knife. This simple knife is great for peeling, coring, and slicing fruit and vegetables with ease.

The sharp, serrated edge of The OXO Good Grips Compact Paring Knife cuts through soft fruits and vegetables with ease. With a non-slip grip handle and finger guard, it’s safe to use—even when you need to slice below your knuckles.

Plus, The OXO Good Grips Compact Paring Knife is dishwasher safe. Just pop it into your dishwasher and toss it back on your counter when you’re done. A 100% satisfaction guarantee backs The OXO Good Grips Compact Paring Knife, so you can buy with confidence.

If you’re looking for an easy way to open pomegranates, check out The OXO Good Grips Compact Paring Knife. It cuts through soft fruits and vegetables with ease, while keeping your hands safe from injury. Check it out today.

Get a Pomegranate Seed

Before you begin opening your pomegranate, make sure you have everything on hand that you’ll need:

The whole fruit, a cutting board and/or bowl to hold your seeds, and clean hands. Also, take note of where your best opportunity for cracking is: The top or bottom of your fruit? If it’s easier to get through from one side than another, try using that spot first.

In order to crack your pomegranate, place it on its side and give it a firm whack with something heavy.

A rolling pin, wooden spoon, or an actual hammer are all good options. Aim for an even hit—if you land too hard in one spot, you could damage your seed-filled pocket. If that happens, you’ll have to scoop out as many seeds as possible and start over!

Once you’ve successfully cracked your pomegranate, scoop out all of its flesh, membrane, and seeds. Depending on how ripe your fruit is, you might end up with more of one part than another.

You can either keep those additional parts in their own bowl (for use in other recipes later) or toss them right into your compost bin. In fact, any parts that you don’t intend to eat can be composted!

Now that you’ve scooped out your seeds, it’s time to clean them. The easiest way to do so is by rinsing them in a colander with some warm water—this will get rid of any remaining membrane and help any dirt or grime wash off.

Do be careful, though! Any seeds that fall down between cracks in your sink or colander can get lost and end up being thrown away when you empty your dirty water.


Opening a pomegranate is easier than you might think, but it’s important to know where to start. Follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to enjoying delicious pomegranate seeds in no time! In order to open a pomegranate, first, place it on a hard surface like your kitchen counter or table. Take hold of one of its rounded ends and begin twisting it gently until you hear the pop of its seed pod coming apart from its fleshy outer shell.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you swallow pomegranate seeds or spit them out?

They’re known as arils, and they may be complete of scrumptious, nutritious sweet-tart juice surrounding a small white crunchy seed. You can eat the entire arils such as the fiber-rich seeds, or spit out the seeds in case you decide on them- it’s your preference!

Why is the pomegranate the fruit of dying?

Symbol of loss of life and fertility

In Greek mythology, the pomegranate turned into known as the ‘fruit of the lifeless’ because it becomes stated to have arisen from the blood of Adonis. It is additionally prominently featured in the myth of Hades and Persephone.

How do you deseed a pomegranate in less than a minute?

Put one half of, reduce side down, for your give up a bowl. Use a strong wooden spoon to thwack the pomegranate firmly multiple instances, flip the fruit 1 / 4 of a flip, and repeat. Be sure you smack every inch of the fruit, repeating until all of the seeds have been released into the bowl. Repeat with the second 1/2.

How do you open a pomegranate without making a mess?

Cut the Pomegranate in 1/2 down the middle. While it is optionally available to attain the sides, doing so will help break up the fruit into sections easier! Submerge the reduced pomegranate into the water with the seeds going through down. Carefully, pry the fruit open.

Do you eat pomegranate seeds?

The small purple seeds inside a pomegranate, known as the arils, are the edible part of the fruit. While they can be exertions-extensive to remove from the fruit’s internal flesh, their dietary profile and flavor are nicely worth the funding.

Are pomegranates wholesome?

Pomegranates are wealthy in antioxidants and flavonoids, both of which might be regarded to save you loose radicals from unfavorable cells. In some studies, pomegranates show the capacity to be effective in stopping prostate, brast, lung, and colon cancers.

What is the fastest way to smooth a pomegranate?

Those “within the recognize” swore by using the underwater method; "reduce the poms in 1/2 then submerge it in a bowl filled with water. Pick out the seeds allowing them to sink to the bottom of the bowl and discard the membrane and rind which floats to the top. Lastly, strain the seeds. “Viola, you’re finished!” they proudly proclaimed.

What part of pomegranate do you eat?

Though the white, pithy element is safe to consume, it’s sour and most people pick to discard it. The pores and skin is technically safe to eat as well but is typically used in extract and powdered paperwork. Freeze the seeds. You can save leftover pomegranate seeds in your freezer for up to one year

Who must now not devour pomegranate?

But people with low blood strain or uncontrolled fluctuations in blood pressure ranges must stay faraway from pomegranates. This is one motive pomegranate may additionally purpose issues in the course of surgical treatment. Hence, forestall pomegranate consumption at least two weeks earlier than a scheduled surgery.


The pomegranate is among ancient civilizations’ favorite fruits. The ancients often used pomegranates in art and poetry, as well as for medicinal purposes. Today we use them for everything from juice to decoration. You should not be intimidated by their size or color; opening a pomegranate is easy if you follow these steps. If you have any questions about opening a pomegranate, contact me here: This email address is being protected from spambots.

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