World is moving fast excessive usage of technologies now harming us because it gives us so much comforts that we are gaining weight day by day. Absence of physical exertion makes us able to become weighty. From kids to oldies everyone is watching and asking how to loose weight so I would like to present some home remedies you can apply and shed some kg’s.
#2Black pepper:
Every spice is an essential part of cooking food its add aroma in your food without spices taste becomes dull but black pepper is also effective for weight loss process it contains a pepoerine a compound which boast up metabolic working and stops fat production. This spics burns calories more quickly and fastly. There is no harm to add this spice in your daily meals . Frequent use of black pepper can lead to loose weight soon. There are many ideas to bring it in your daily intake for example you can chew directly, but it has strong taste you can rake it at morning before breakfast. Many people prefer to add it on morning tea for good taste add honey to avoid its strong flavor. One more way is there to take it use peeper oil. Take glass of water and oil 1 drop of pepper oil in it and drink it before having breakfast. Same as you can sprinkle pinches of pepper powder on veggies, fruits , salads , juices , for betterment of taste as well as maintaining health.
#2curry leaves :
Curry leaves are eaten in many leaves in all countries but it is mostly common in Asian countries and usually used as a main ingredient to apply Tarka in Asian dishes. They are enriched all types of vitamins , as well beneficial for loosing weight. Curry leaves are major command in fighting with digestive issues . It serves to balance cholesterol levels it is reliable source of iron and calcium. Curry leaves support bowel movement and stimulate digestive enzymes. Fresh curry leaves can be taken at empty stomach before breakfast. Boil it in warm water and drink twice a day for better result in loosing pounds you can add these leaves in you daily cooking.
If you wanna loose weight efficiently always add garlic in your cooking whenever go for shopping grab garlic because it has immense and unlimited health benefits. Its improvise energy levels , reduce fat , boast your metabolism it is called miracle food it gas compound that named Allicin which is anti of bacteria that kills unhealthy fats and cholesterol. The list goes long and long of health advantages from preventing heart disease to fighting from cancer and other infections it has enormous effects while fighting from disease. You can take raw garlic at morning, garlic tea, garlic and honey in warm water . Use minced garlic in veggies , meat , chicken , fish and moreover garlic breads are also an option. The more garlic extract you will take the more slim you will become .
#2Cinnomon :
Distasteful herb has a lot benefits in sense of maintaining weight. It keeps in level sugar and insulin and increase metabolism in short collectively it encourages weight loss process. It is fully loaded with fiber it gives indication to your body that eating time has been finished. 1 tablespoon cinnamon contains 6 calories and about 2 gram carbs and little more fiber. There are some ways to inculcate cinnamon powder in your meals and get in shape. For flavor you can add sprinkle of powder in oatmeal’s, in coffee , over fruit , in creamy items , and in warm water . Regular intake can show better results.
#2Honey & Lemon:
Considering honey and lemon is the easiest and common remedy everyone knows! Its very old trick to loose weight honey is also consider very helpful and has a lot heathy advantages. Honey is fat free , sodium free , and cholesterol free. Honey control your cravings lemon keeps you hydrated , improves your metabolism that is key factor to loss weight. Lemon is fat killing how to consume these two take it together for example take glass of warm water squeeze lemon and add 1 table spoon honey , take it regularly at empty stomach , make tea with honey and lemon, add lime juices on salad and other meals these all are easy ways to consume it.
#2 Aloe Vera :
Its common practice to use aloe vera for the enhancement of beauty but surprisingly it us contributing for weight reduction it helps digestion, combats water retention , detoxify your body , burns fat for loosing weight its juice is very useful. It has bitter taste so you can add honey to make able to digest.
#2Green tea :
Study showed who consumed green tea are more likely to lost some weight. It helps to elevate metabolic rate and eliminate fat and insulin activity . It also contain nutrients that are anti oxidant and anti cancer . Take at least 2 cup of green tea without sugar to maintain weight.
There are unlimited ways and practices to shed some pounds I presented some home remedy which are not expensive and time taken it can easily apply it at home and take advantages. Now its up to you what you choose to reduce your weight.