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How To Help Your Child During JEE Preparation


JEE preparation is tough. If your child is preparing for the examination, then you must be well aware of it. Managing school, regular coaching, trying to balance both, and then also sparing some time for themselves. It’s a tedious task.

The pressure and expectations are high from JEE aspirants. It’s natural for your child to expect support from your end too. You, as your child’s parents, need to be on your toes all the time and make sure you provide maximum support to your child.

Now, you must be curious to know what role you can play in helping your child in his/her journey to JEE success. Don’t worry about a thing as we have got you covered.

We have listed down five easy-to-follow things to help your child crack JEE with flying colors:

Enroll Them in the Best Institute

JEE preparations require ■■■■■■■■ coaching and mentorship. For that, your child needs coaching of the highest quality. Make sure you get them enrolled in the best institute of coaching institute. Here’s a small tip for you – get your child enrolled in myPAT and give them the best platform to prepare for both JEE Main & JEE Advanced exams. You can rest assured that your worries will disappear.

Keep encouraging

There will be moments when your child will feel exhausted or demotivated during his preparations. It’s this pivotal time when you need to stand up and show your unconditional support to them. Let them know that early hiccups are good for them, and it will prepare them for the time to come – for the real test ahead. Don’t feel disheartened by the poor or low performance of your child. They are bound to improve.

Acclimate a Healthy Lifestyle

This is an area where most parents don’t pay much attention to! Understand this; your child should be physically fit to crack JEE. Inculcate healthy food habits and lifestyle in their daily routine. Provide them with the best of food and influence them to include physical activities on a daily basis. This will not just help them in staying fit; it will also keep their brain sharp – which is a prerequisite for JEE preparation.

Observe Your Child

Monitoring your child’s progress is vital. If you won’t, then you’ll never know about your child’s academic development. Keep an eye, ask them about their preparation, ask if they need anything. Try to meet their demands. Another important aspect of observing your child is to check for any bad influence. Whenever you feel your child is influenced by someone/something wrong, never hesitate to talk about it.

Be Realistic

It’s a fact that barely 2% of the total aspirants make it to the final list of JEE. If, by chance, your child doesn’t manage to fare well in the examination, don’t put any sort of blame on them. Stay realistic and simply accept the fact that your child appeared for the toughest entrance examination in the country. Never allow your child to bog down with unrealistic expectations. Keep your expectations realistic.

So, these were some of the things you can do as parents for your child’s both JEE Main & JEE Advanced preparation journey. Always shower them with love and support, that is the least they deserve.

Cracking JEE is hard, but your child doesn’t have to complete this journey on their own. Be their guide, stand by them, and accompany them in their journey.

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