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How To Eat Star Fruit?


How to eat star fruit? Star fruit is normally eaten raw and simple, but it may also be used to sweets, preserves, and juice drinks for a refreshing twist. You can also make chips of star fruit. The taste of star fruit is sweet and somewhat acidic. Some say it tastes like a combination of papaya, orange, and grapefruit, while others say it tastes like pineapple and lemon.

What Is Star Fruit?

The Averrhoa carambola tree produces star fruit, popularly known as carambola. Although star fruit is most common in tropical places like India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, it is found all over the globe.

When unripe, star fruit is dark green, but as it ripens, it develops a shiny golden color. The meaty, crisp, and juicy ripe star fruit has a sweet and slightly tangy flavor. The smaller star fruits have a tangier flavor than the bigger ones. The fruit resembles a star when cut horizontally, thus the name “star fruit.”

Nutritional Value

NutrientsAmount per 100 grams
Total fat0.3 g
Sodium2 mg
Potassium133 mg
Protein1 g


How to eat star fruit? When unripe, star fruit is dark green, but as it ripens, it develops a shiny golden color. The smaller star fruits have a tangier flavor than the bigger ones. Star fruit resembles a star when cut horizontally, thus the name “star fruit”.

How To Eat Star Fruit

You can eat star fruit by following ways:

Take A Ripe Star Fruit

A mature star fruit should be firm to the touch, brilliant yellow in color, and slightly browned on the edges. It’s OK if there are a few areas of green on a star fruit, but if it’s entirely green, it’s not ripe.

Cut It Into Slices

Begin by laying the starfruit horizontally on a cutting board and removing each end with a knife. Cut the star fruit crosswise to your chosen thickness while the fruit is still horizontal on the cutting board.

The pieces you cut will resemble stars; in fact, star fruit is so attractive when sliced this manner that there’s no need to dice or chop it. Half the joy is in the star form. Remove the seeds from the middle of the slices using the point of your knife or your fingertips. Star fruit seeds, like apple seeds, are edible but unappealing.

Use Star Fruit AS A Drink Garnish

Sliced star fruit can be used as an edible garnish on dishes and platters. Top tropical-flavored pastries or ice cream with sliced star fruit. Plates of tropical dishes, such as teriyaki-marinated chicken, should be adorned with beautifully arranged star fruit pieces. Cut a tiny slice from a star fruit and suspend it from the edge of a tail glass.

Add Star Fruit Into Fruit Salad

To create a vivid mix of sweet and sour tastes, toss star fruit slices with other tropical fruits. Banana, strawberry, kiwi, mango, pineapple, papaya, grapes, and citrus fruits all go well with star fruit.

To add additional layer of flavor, gently mix the fruit salad with a lemon vinaigrette, orange glaze, honey, or fruit tail syrup. Add a dusting of shredded coconut to the fruit salad for an extra tropical touch.

Add Star Fruit Into Green Leafy Salad

Simple green salads benefit from the addition of star fruit. Use basic items like romaine lettuce, chives, sweet bell pepper, and avocado to make the salad. Garden salad staples like carrots, cucumbers, and shredded cheddar cheese should be avoided.

Light vinaigrettes, such as lemon vinaigrette, balsamic vinaigrette, raspberry vinaigrette, or Italian vinaigrette, are a good choice. The taste of star fruit may also be enhanced with tangy French sauces.

Add Star Fruit Into Poultry Or Sea Food Dishes

Star fruit has a taste that goes well with chicken, duck, and a variety of fish and shellfish. Add fresh slices of star fruit to chicken fried rice, tropical chicken stir-fry, or Asian-inspired chicken stir-fry after they’ve been cooked.

Cut the star fruit into little pieces and toss it in a salad with chicken, tuna, or lobster. Serve the star fruit with grilled or fresh chicken, tuna steaks, prawns, or duck.

Pickle It

Pickles and chutneys produced from star fruits are popular. These might be used in salads, on top of curries, or anyplace else pickled vegetables are used. This is a great way to utilize less ripe star fruit.

Freeze Into Ice Rings

In a big ring of ice, star fruits look stunning. Furthermore, the massive block will not melt as rapidly in a punch, making it ideal for gatherings.

Use To Make Smoothies

It seems like a waste to purée a beautiful star fruit into a smoothie, but it’s fantastic. Star fruit may also be used in stir-fries and South Indian curries.


How to eat star fruit? Mature star fruit should be firm to the touch, brilliant yellow in color, and slightly browned on the edges. It’s OK if there are a few areas of green on a star fruit, but if it’s entirely green, it’s not ripe. It’s delicious with chicken, tuna steaks, prawns, or duck.

Health Benefits Of Star Fruit

Health benefits of star fruits are:

Anticancer Potential

According to preliminary study, star fruit may aid in the prevention of cancer. The fruit’s fiber helps to lessen toxin levels in the body, lowering your risk of cancer.

Anti-inflammatory Potential

This fruit’s strong antioxidant content makes it an excellent anti-inflammatory that may assist with psoriasis and dermatitis symptoms.

Weight Loss Potential

Star fruit’s high fiber content might help you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism. You may also eat star fruit as a pleasant snack without worrying about gaining weight since each serving is minimal in calories.

Immunity Boost Potential

Star fruit is high in vitamin C, which helps your body create the right quantity of white blood cells for a healthy immune system.

Improve Respiratory Health

This fruit’s anti-inflammatory properties may aid in the relief of a sore throat. Its juice cuts through mucous and phlegm, making it a popular remedy for respiratory infections and general health.

Improve Heart Health

Star fruit has a lot of salt and potassium, which work as electrolytes in our bodies and help us keep our blood pressure in check. This also maintains a steady pulse and good blood circulation. Star fruit’s calcium can also assist to relax stress in your blood vessels and arteries, lowering your chance of a heart attack or stroke.

Improve Digestive System

Constipation, bloating, cramps, and diarrhea may all be relieved by the fiber in star fruit, which helps to transport stool through the digestive system.


Star fruit’s high fiber content may help you lose weight and speed up your metabolism. Fruit’s juice cuts through mucous and phlegm, making it a popular remedy for respiratory infections.

Star fruit’s calcium can also assist to relax stress in your blood vessels and arteries, lowering your chance of heart attack or stroke.

Health Hazards Of Star Fruit

Health hazards of star fruits are:

Kidney Stones

Oxalate, also known as oxalic acid, is abundant in star fruit. This may be found in a variety of plants, including rhubarb, beets, and dark leafy greens like spinach and chard.

Oxalate is a waste product that the body creates and normally excretes via the urine. Some individuals may get kidney stones and damage if they drink too much oxalate.

An Upset Stomach

The whole star fruit is edible, but individuals should make sure theirs is ripe before eating it. Unripe star fruit contains more oxalate, which can cause stomach upset or vomiting if consumed.

Complication Of Kidney Stones

Star fruit should be avoided or consumed in moderation by anybody with renal problems. The fruit may induce neurological difficulties, such as disorientation and seizures, in certain persons with severe health concerns.

Star fruit may harm the kidneys over time if consumed in excess by someone who has never had renal problems. Eating star fruit might be exceedingly harmful and even deadly for certain persons with chronic renal disease. Before eating star fruit, anyone with kidney problems should consult their doctor.

Interaction With Medications

The way the body breaks down and utilizes drugs may be affected by star fruit. Star fruit, like grapefruit, may impede the body’s clearance of medications, perhaps resulting in greater amounts of these pharmaceuticals in the body than recommended. Anyone who is concerned about potential interactions should seek medical advice.


The whole star fruit is edible, but individuals should make sure theirs is ripe before eating it. Unripe star fruit contains more oxalate, which can cause stomach upset or vomiting if consumed. The fruit may induce neurological difficulties, such as disorientation and seizures in certain persons.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

People also ask:

What happens if you eat star fruit seeds?

It may be yellow or greenish in color and has a bitter to sweet flavor. According to studies, eating starfruit may be detrimental (toxic) to those with renal problems. Starfruit has chemicals that may harm the brain and cause neurological problems. A neurotoxic is a poisonous chemical.

What are the benefits of eating star fruit?

Star fruit is high in vitamin C, which helps your body create enough white blood cells for a healthy immune system. Better lung and respiratory health. This fruit’s anti-inflammatory properties may aid in the relief of a sore throat.

How much star fruit is toxic?

Patients with underlying chronic kidney illness had toxic symptoms after consuming as little as half a star fruit, but individuals with normal renal function experienced toxic effects after consuming 4–6 star fruits or 300 ml of star fruit juice.

What does star fruit taste like?

While star fruit is relatively obscure in the United States, where it is often used as a garnish for drinks or salads due to its appealing star shape, it is relished in raw and cooked forms all over the globe. It tastes sweet and tart, like a cross between a ripe pear, a green grape, and an orange.

Is star fruit juice good for hair?

Because it provides nutrients that the hair need for best hair development, star fruit is a fantastic fruit for hair. This fruit is also high in antioxidants, including vitamins B and C. This assists in the mending of skin and hair cells, resulting in lustrous hair and skin.

Do I need to peel star fruit?

Slice the star fruit and eat it simple. Before slicing the fruit, make sure it’s clean. Scrub it with your fingertips under running water until any loose dirt stuck in the crevices falls loose. You don’t have to peel or seed the star fruit before eating it since the whole thing is edible.

Can I eat star fruit seeds?

Half the joy is in the star form. Remove the seeds from the middle of the slices using the point of your knife or your fingertips. Star fruit seeds, like apple seeds, are edible but unappealing. One of the most bright and gorgeous treats is a dish of tropical fruit.


How to eat star fruit? The Averrhoa carambola tree produces star fruit, which resembles a star when cut horizontally. When unripe, star fruit is dark green, but as it ripens, it develops a shiny golden color and tastes like papaya, orange, and grapefruit. The smaller star fruits have a tangier flavor than the bigger ones. Star fruit has a taste that goes well with chicken, duck, fish and shellfish.

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