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How to cancel Paramount plus


How to Cancel Paramount Plus

Canceling your Paramount Plus account may seem like an easy task, but you’ll have to take several steps in order to ensure that the cancellation goes smoothly. This article provides instructions on how to cancel Paramount Plus and explains how long the cancellation process takes. It also gives tips on how to avoid future charges, especially if you aren’t canceling your account properly. By following these instructions, you’ll be able to cancel your Paramount Plus account with minimal hassle and avoid any confusion or frustration when it comes time to file the paperwork with your state’s department of consumer affairs.

Cancelling your Paramount plus

If you want to cancel your subscription, you can do so in two ways. The easiest method is to use our website. Just log into your Paramount plus account, head over to your subscription settings page and click on Cancel Subscription. This is really easy! You can also cancel by emailing or calling us.

To cancel by email, just send an email to our customer support team at [email protected] You can also call us on 0203 433 3700. Be sure to remember your Paramount plus account details so you can quote them over the phone.

You can also cancel by calling us on 0203 433 3700. When you call, a customer services advisor will be able to help you with any queries you may have about cancelling your subscription.

For example, they’ll be able to tell you what happens when your Paramount plus account is cancelled, or if there are any costs involved.

What is Paramount Plus?

Paramount Plus is a magazine subscription company founded in 2013. They are based out of Tempe, Arizona and specialize in subscription boxes. Paramount offers 2 different subscription box options: 1) print only; 2) print and digital + shipping costs.

In both scenarios, you will receive a monthly (2 month minimum required) shipment of magazines that were curated by a team of experts.

The idea behind each magazine is to keep you informed on current events or trends within specific industries such as entertainment, food, health & fitness, etc.

If you are looking for an educational, informative magazine service, then look no further. The variety of magazines that you can choose from is astounding.

Paramount offers a wide array of both general interest magazines and niche focused magazines catering to your interests in pretty much any subject matter under the sun.

They have everything from National Geographic to Women’s Health, so there is a little something for everyone!

Whether you are just getting started on your adventure as a new mom or have been in it for years, there is something for you. Grown & Flown features advice and stories from other moms who have been where you are now.

Women’s Health offers a wide range of information from beauty tips to recipes, pregnancy, fitness and much more.

How much does Paramount Plus cost?

The cost of monthly membership is $54.95 per month or $64.95 for 3 months, but there are also options for 6 months and 12 months, which bring down the price a bit more.

These plans can be canceled at any time, so if you decide Paramount Plus isn’t for you, you won’t have any problems getting your money back quickly. This means that memberships purchased online won’t have fees attached once you send in your cancellation request by email.

Be aware, however, that if you sign up for a longer-term membership (more than 1 month), you’ll have to send a cancellation request in writing.

If you signed up through an auto-renewal process with your credit card or PayPal account, your subscription will automatically renew at $59.95 per month.

You’ll be charged on your next billing date, so it might be a good idea to set up email reminders to give yourself time before these automatic payments kick in again.

It’s also worth noting that Paramount does not offer refunds, but there are no hidden fees associated with canceling your membership. To cancel your monthly plan by phone, call 888-888-4747.

That said, let’s get down to business: here are some of our favorite tips and tricks for canceling plans and services online.

Review of the service

Paramount Plus is a subsidiary of Dish Network. The satellite service offers over 300 digital channels and thousands of on-demand titles, but subscribers may find that they are subject to cancellation fees if they don’t take proactive steps before their contract expires. Below, we offer an overview of how to cancel Paramount Plus.

If you have any questions about canceling your subscription or want more information about other ways to save money on your television service, feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to hearing from you!

My final thoughts on the service

It’s easy to cancel your account at Paramount Plus. If you want to cancel now and take your service elsewhere, follow these steps

If you’re still unsure about canceling, check out my review of VyprVPN. I’ve used both services extensively and found them to be very similar in many ways.

In some ways, I actually prefer VyprVPN over Paramount because it’s faster and has more servers in different locations around the world. However, if you’re unhappy with your service now, it might be worth trying a new provider.

Remember, you can always contact a live chat representative at any time if you need help or have questions about canceling your service.

Just go to Contact Us on the site and start chatting! You can also get in touch with someone via email at [email protected] or by phone at 1-866-697-9658 (toll free). If you choose not to cancel now, don’t worry.


You can cancel your membership with Paramount in any of 3 ways. If you wish to speak with someone directly, you may contact them at 1-800-764-7422. You may also request a cancellation form be sent to you via email. Lastly, you may simply go online and cancel through their website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I hold getting charged for Paramount Plus?

You may additionally have by accident created a 2d account with the aid of using a different email address to check in or through an e-mail address typo upon signup. If you observed this can be the case, please touch us at help.Paramount. Don’t worry, you may cancel Paramount+ at any time.

Why can’t I watch whatever on Paramount Plus?

Make positive you’re jogging the present day version of the Paramount+ app through pressure final and reinstalling it. This can remedy streaming problems, and If there are any pending app updates, you’ll see messaging to install them on your home screen.

What is the difference among Paramount Network and Paramount Plus?

While Paramount Plus is a subscription streaming service, Paramount Network is a traditional cable channel to be had to individuals who pay for it via a live-TV issuer.

Can you cancel Paramount Plus each time?

If you need to cancel your Paramount Plus subscription, you typically need to do it on the device where you commenced the subscription. You can not cancel the provider from the Paramount Plus app to your iPhone or Android; you need to apply the app shop instead.

How many human beings can watch Paramount Plus immediately?

Three gadgets

**All Paramount+ customers can stream on 3 gadgets on the same time, and subscribers to the $9.**Ninety nine advert-free plan also can down load maximum movies and TV indicates to watch offline.

Why does Paramount Plus have classified ads?

As defined in a assist submit, Paramount+ will still sometimes display Paramount+ commercials, even to those subscribers procuring the Premium revel in. The company says this decision is designed to exhibit the content material that is available to circulate thru the provider.

Do I have to pay for Paramount Plus?

Unfortunately, Paramount Plus isn’t always free. Thee service gives plans: advert-supported Essential Plan and an ad-unfastened Premium Plan. Without any deals, the Essential Plan fees $four.Ninety nine in line with month, while the Premium plan charges $nine.99 per month.

What is the distinction among essential and premium Paramount Plus?

The $10 commercial-free plan consists of each neighborhood and countrywide information insurance with CBSN and CBS stay, whereas the new vital plan handiest includes country wide information with CBSN. There’s more sports activities insurance on the industrial-unfastened plan as well, and top rate users additionally get support for offline downloads.

How do you use Paramount Plus?

You can watch movies the equal manner you watch shows with Paramount+, and we made it easy a good way to locate and read films. Depending at the tool you’re using, the “Movies” choice might be located inside the main menu of the Paramount+ app or the top navigation of paramount plus


Paramount is an average service. There are some good features, but not enough to warrant paying $15 a month. You can find similar services elsewhere that will cost you less while providing more features and support. If you’re looking for a live chat app, check out Olark.

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