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How much is a chemical peel?


How much is a chemical peel? Deep peels might cost as much as $3,000 or more, while light peels can cost as little as $150. (specifically, if it requires anesthesia or in-patient stays). The average cost of a chemical peel is $673, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The cost of the operation will vary depending on several factors such as location, provider competence, and the type of peel you choose.

How much is a chemical peel?

As a result, most insurance companies refuse to pay for chemical peels because they are primarily cosmetic operations. You’ll be responsible for the cost of the procedure. However, you should check with your insurance company to see if the first consultation is covered.

The cost of the operation will vary depending on several factors such as location, provider competence, and the type of peel you choose. Deep peels might cost as much as $3,000 or more, while light peels can cost as little as $150. (specifically, if it requires anesthesia or in-patient stays). It costs $673 on average to have a chemical peel, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

What You Should Know About Chemical Peels


The following is a brief overview of chemical peels:

  • Chemical peels are used to exfoliate destroyed skin cells, leaving healthier skin beneath
  • There are three types of peels: light, medium, and deep


To ensure your safety, chemical peels should only be performed by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon who is board-certified in their field, a licensed healthcare professional, or a skin care specialist with specialized training.


  • Light chemical peels may not require much recovery time
  • Medium and deep chemical peels may require two to three weeks of recovery time.


The price of a chemical peel varies according to the type you obtain, but on average, it comes to $673.

What are chemical peels?

Chemical peels can be used to improve the appearance of the face, hands, and neck. Improve the look or feel of the skin. Exfoliation and peeling will occur as a result of the application of a chemical solution to the area being treated.

When this procedure is complete, the underlying skin may be less damaged and more wrinkle-free. Using chemical peels, the outermost layers of skin are removed, revealing a smoother, more youthful surface. As time passes, newer layers develop with fewer wrinkles and blemishes.

Chemical peels are an excellent technique to improve the texture and tone of your skin while simultaneously reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, and dark spots produced by aging or UV exposure can all benefit from the usage of these products.

Chemical peels can be used for a variety of reasons. They may be attempting to address a range of issues, such as:

  1. Wrinkles

  2. Sun damage

  3. Acne scars

  4. Hyperpigmentation

  5. Scars

  6. Melasma

  7. Redness or Uneven skin tone

What type of chemical peels can I get?

Three types of chemical peels are available to patients. These are only a few examples:

Superficial peels:

Skin peels that use mild acids such as alpha-hydroxy acid are called superficial peels. There’s no way to get it past the epidermis.

Medium peels:

Medium peels, which use trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid to pierced the skin’s middle and outer layers, are the most commonly used. This enhances its ability to remove damaged skin cells.

Deep peels:

There are several types of deep peels, including those that go all the way down to the dermal layer of the skin and remove all of the damaged skin cells.


The average cost of a chemical peel is $673, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Deep peels might cost as much as $3,000 or more, while light peels can cost as little as $150. Most insurance companies refuse to pay for chemical peels because they are primarily cosmetic operations.

How is a chemical peel done?

Outpatient surgical facilities may be used for thorough chemical peels, but this is rare. Eye protection, such as goggles or gauze, may be applied after your face has been washed. If you’re getting a deep peel, your doctor may use a topical anesthetic to numb the region.

A regional anesthetic, which numbs vast areas, maybe be used by your doctor for thorough peels. If you’re having your face and neck treated, they’re more likely to do this. Your pulse rate will also be continuously monitored during deep peels, which require an IV.

Light peel

Chemical solutions like salicylic acid will be applied to the region being treated with a cotton ball, gauze, or brush. The skin will begin to turn white and may feel a little stinging. A neutralizing solution or the chemical solution will be take off once the process is complete.

Medium peel

During a medium chemical peel, your dermatologist will apply the chemical solution to your face using gauze, a special sponge, or a cotton-tipped applicator. This could be trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid.

The trichloroacetic acid popularly referred to as a blue peel, can be tinted with a blue color. Your doctor will apply a cool compress to the skin when the skin begins to whiten. For up to 20 minutes, you may experience stinging or burning.

Although they may provide a hand-held fan to chill your skin, there is no need for a neutralizing solution. You may have a blue tint to your skin for several days following the blue peel if you’ve had it.

Deep peel

For a deep chemical peel, you’ll be sedated. A cotton-tipped applicator will be used by the doctor to apply phenol to your skin. As a result, your skin will become either white or gray. The procedure will be divided into 15-minute pieces in order to prevent the skin from being overexposed to the acid.

How do you prepare for a chemical peel?

Before the operation, you’ll meet with the skin care expert for a consultation. During this appointment, they’ll work with you to figure out which course of action is best for your particular case.

They’ll go over the specifics of the peel you’re getting and ask if there’s anything that might get in the way of the treatment. Information such as whether or not you’ve taken acne medication and whether or not you have a tendency to scar easily may be included.

  • Preparation for a chemical peel includes not using any type of retinol or Retin-A topical medication for at least 48 hours

  • Telling your skin care specialist about any medications you take

  • Not taking Accutane for at least six months

Your doctor may also recommend that you:

  • If you have a history of fever blisters or cold sores, your doctor may suggest taking an antiviral medication to prevent a breakout near your mouth; using topical treatments such as glycolic acid lotion

  • Applying a retinoid cream to prevent skin darkening

  • A week before the peel, stop waxing, epilating, or using depilatory hair removal products Bleaching your hair is also something you should avoid.

  • One week before the peel, refrain from using any facial scrubs or exfoliants.

  • For medium or deep chemical peels that will require you to be sedated, make arrangements for transportation home.

As a general rule, you should take any prescribed painkillers or sedatives before arriving at the doctor’s office.

Risks and possible side effects of a chemical peel

Minor swelling and stinging or burning are the most common short-term adverse effects. You may permanently lose your ability to tan if you have a severe peel. More serious concerns and potentially harmful side effects of chemical peels, on the other hand, can be long-lasting.

The following are examples:

  • A change in the hue of the skin. People with unlighted skin are more likely to have these issues.

  • Scarring. That’s not a one-time thing.

  • Infections. ■■■■■■ simplex sufferers may develop flare-ups after therapy is completed. A fungal or bacterial infection can occur very rarely as a result of a chemical peel.

  • Damage to the heart, liver, or kidneys. Heart rhythm irregularities can be caused by the phenol found in deep peel products.


If you’re having chemical peels, your doctor may use a topical anesthetic to numb the region being treated. Dermatologists may apply chemical solutions like salicylic acid with a cotton ball or gauze. Lasers and micro-needling can provide similar results with medium peels, but you may end up paying more in the long run for the same results if you need many sessions.

What to expect after

There are several types of chemical peels, and each has a different recovery time.

Light chemical peels

Four to seven days is a reasonable amount of time to expect to be fully recovered. A temporary change in the color of your skin is possible.

Medium chemical peels

After a medium chemical peel, your skin will begin to heal within five to seven days, but the redness may last for months. Initially, your skin will swell, forming crusts and brown blotches before new skin is exposed.

Deep chemical peels

Swelling, redness, and a burning or throbbing sensation are common side effects of deep chemical peels. The swelling of the eyelids is a common symptom. In about two weeks, the new skin will be formed, but white spots or cysts may last for several weeks. It is not uncommon for the redness to persist for several months after it has first appeared on the skin.

Follow your doctor’s post-surgery instructions to the letter. For example, they’ll tell you what products you should use, how often you should wash your face, and how often you should moisturize.

Until your skin has recovered, try to remain out of the sun as much as possible, and wait to put on makeup or other cosmetics until your doctor gives the all-clear. A cool fan or ice pack can be used at home to ease the pain for 20 minutes at a time.

In addition, each peel carries a distinct chemical. You won’t have to dig out the old periodic table to solve this problem. A list of the most common chemical peels has been provided for your convenience:

More Peels:

VI peels

The top layer of skin is peeled off with a VI peel, which is a medium-depth chemical peel. Skin issues such as acne, fine lines, and wrinkles can be improved with the use of this product.

Glycolic acid peels

One of the most commonly used alpha-hydroxy acids is Glycolic acid. That is a sugar cane-derived acid. The most well-known acid in the skincare industry’s deep intensity chemical peel. Exfoliating the skin and clearing up the pores using glycolic acid peels can help to reduce outbreaks.

Salicylic acid peels

Sodium ascorbyl phosphate (SAP) is a mild chemical peel. A salicylic acid peel, when applied to the skin, can help unclog blocked pores and reduce swelling and redness.

Lactic acid peels

When it comes to chemical peels, lactic acid is considered to be one of the more gentle options. Those troublesome damaged layers of skin can be removed by using this chemical solution. A new layer of skin that is smoother and more radiant is also promoted by using this product.

Retinol peels

Retinol is a well-known ingredient in cosmetics. Skin’s natural collagen production is increased by retinol, which reduces fine lines and wrinkles by increasing the production of collagen. As a bonus benefit, it helps to lighten age spots and hyperpigmentation by promoting new blood vessel growth in the skin.

Phenol peels

Phenol peels are chemical peels’ strongholds. For the most part, they’re used to cure severely aged skin because they’re so powerful. Like other peels, phenol peels remove the outer layer of skin to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, just like any other peel.

Mandelic acid peels

These kinds of peels are gentle and only pierce the skin a little bit. Acne, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles are all treatable with Mandelic acid peels. There are many uses for these compounds, but it’s important to note that they may not be good for everyone’s skin.

Eczema sufferers should avoid using retinol, alpha hydroxy, and salicylic acids, according to the National Eczema Association. These can set off an eczema flare, so avoiding them is a good precaution.

Benefits of a Chemical Peel

Chemical peels may not be able to make you seem ten years younger, but they do have some pretty fantastic side effects. Using chemical peels can assist with:

1. Fine lines and wrinkles

Softening the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles with chemical treatments is an effective way to lessen the effects of aging.

2. Acne and acne scars

Using a chemical face peel to treat acne and acne scars can also help clear up clogged pores and remove the bacteria that is generating breakouts in the first place. We’re all in favor of anything that reduces breakouts!

3. Sun-damaged skin

As much as we all enjoy the sun, it isn’t always kind to our skin. A chemical peel can help to minimize the appearance of sun damage on your face, hands, or neck by peeling away the damaged layers of skin.

4. Age and liver spots

When the outer layers of skin are removed during a chemical peel, blemishes like age and liver spots can be lightened. As a result, the new skin that grows in its place appears more radiant and supple.

5. Freckles

While we adore our freckles, not everyone does, and that’s fine. We’re all different. Chemical peels are a less expensive option than laser facials for people with freckles.

6. Skin pigmentation

With a chemical peel, pigmentation and dark spots fade away, resulting in an evener and brighter skin.

Does a higher-priced peel offer better results?

For the most part, the most expensive peels are more effective. Lighter peels offer a fraction of the benefits of more abrasive peels at a significantly lesser cost. But this does not mean that everyone should opt for a more invasive procedure such as a chemical peel.

If you don’t have a lot of sun exposure or aging to deal with, a gentle peel may be all you need.

How Much Does a Chemical Peel for Acne Cost?

Chemical peels containing glycolic acid or salicylic acid are commonly used to treat recurrent breakouts. Anti-acne products contain acids that exfoliate your face to remove damaged skin cells as well as reduce oil production in your skin, which is caused by Cutibacterium acnes (previously known as Propionibacterium acnes).

This procedure costs between $100 and $300 for a complete peel. After a few sessions, you can have a stronger peel for the same price because your skin can take higher concentrations of solution for longer lengths of time.

Are chemical peels for acne scars expensive?

Acne scars can be reduced with a series of light peels. Hyperpigmentation and unevenness can be reduced with a pricey medium peel that costs between $1,000 and $3,000 if the scarring is bad enough.

If you have deep atrophic scars, you may be a candidate for the CROSS technique of scar removal (also known as an ice pick or boxcar scars). With this technique, scars are torn up and repaired, resulting in a more even skin tone. The CROSS technique normally requires six months of treatment.

Are Chemical Peels Covered by Insurance?

Because chemical peels are considered cosmetic procedures, they are not covered by medicare. However, a peel has the ability to conceal malignant growths.

Chemical Peel Maintenance Costs

Upkeep is required to maintenance the results of a medium chemical peel fresh for up to ten years. It is possible to maintain the effects of a chemical peel by having it done on a regular basis, such as monthly or annually.

You may wish to invest in anti-aging skin care products in order to maintain the effects of your peel. However, even if you just have to pay for the peel one time, your skincare routine would be far more expensive if you buy additional items to keep it fresh.

Chemical peel frequency

As often as once a month, light peels are safe to use. Re-application of medium peels is possible as often as every 3 to 6 months, depending on the individual. For the first time in a person’s entire life, an extensive peel can only be done once.

At-home Chemical Peels Cost

Chemical peels can be done at home for a fraction of the cost of professional treatments. Compared to dermatologist-performed procedures, home chemical peels are much less expensive.

There are no significant differences in the active components between these over-the-counter products and those prescribed by doctors, but the acid concentrations are drastically reduced. For the very same results as a gentle peel, using a drugstore treatment will require weeks or months of application.

There are no side effects or downtime if this method is used as instructed, so long as it is done correctly. Leaving chemical solutions on the skin for long periods of time might cause skin irritation.

Amazon and other internet retailers sell higher concentrations of chemical solutions. Because of the high danger of skin harm, these are strongly advised from being used without the guidance of a professional.


The price of a chemical peel varies depending on the type you get and what you hope to get out of it. For visible results, you can opt for a more abrasive peel, but it will charge more and require longer recovery time.

On the other hand, you may get the same result with a few simple, low-cost peelings. Additionally, it may be required to have a chemical peel done every day in order to maintain the effects.

These include microdermabrasion and hydradermabrasion, micro-needling and laser therapy. In the same way that chemical peels can vary substantially in price, so can these. At-home peels, on the other hand, are less expensive and can only address minor skin concerns.


Following are some of the important questions:

1. How long does a chemical peel last?

The effects of light, or superficial, the peel can last for up to two months. The effects of a medium peel will last for two to six months, while the effects of a deep peel will last indefinitely.

2. How much is the average cost of a chemical peel?

According to 2020 data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of a chemical peel is $519.

3. Is it worth getting a chemical peel?

That’s fantastic! In addition to their role in keeping your skin healthy, facials are also one of the most effective treatments out there. If you have uneven skin tone, wrinkles, dark spots, or acne scars, a chemical peel can help.

4. Can you see results after 1 peel?

Yes! One peel treatment is often enough for many people to noticeably improve the texture and tone of their skin. It’s because of the exfoliating properties of peels, which can greatly improve the skin’s surface quality.

5. What does your face look like after a chemical peel?

Dryness, irritation, and slight swelling are common in the first few days. Two to Three days – your skin may look flaky or peeled, and discolorations or imperfections may temporarily be more noticeable. Three to four days - you may breakout or notice skin seems brown or a little darker than usual.

6. Why does my skin look worse after a chemical peel?

Hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation can occur as a result of chemical peels (hypopigmentation). It is more usual for shallow peels to cause hyperpigmentation than for deep peels to cause hypopigmentation

7. Can I do a chemical peel at home?

A chemical peel can be done at home. A chemical peel at home allows you to utilize many of the same ingredients as an in-office peel, but at a fraction of the price and without the downtime that comes with in-office peels.

8. What’s better Microneedling or chemical peel?

Chemical peels tend to be more effective on minor flaws, but micro needling treats more serious problems by penetrating deeper into the skin. Microneedling and chemical peels seem to work best for many persons with wrinkles.

9. Does chemical peel remove dark spots?

Chemical peels help treat many kinds of dark spots, including acne scars, fine lines, sun damage, and sun damage scarring. Reduced dark spots are a function of peel concentration and type, as well as the degree of dark spots already present.

10. How many sessions do you need for a chemical peel?

To achieve the desired outcomes with superficial peels, a patient may require up to five sessions. A superficial peel can be performed every 2–5 weeks for some people.


The average cost of a chemical peel is $673, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Deep peels might cost as much as $3,000 or more, while light peels can cost as little as $150. Chemical peels are an excellent technique to improve the texture and tone of your skin while simultaneously reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, and dark spots produced by aging or UV exposure can all benefit from the usage of these products.

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