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How Much Does A Nose Job Cost?


How much does a nose job cost? A nose job can cost you from $4000 to $15000. The cost of your nose job depends on the location and surgeon competency. A good rhinoplasty will last a lifetime, so choose carefully.

Factors To Consider In The Total Cost Of A Rhinoplasty

Cost FactorExplanation
Type of RhinoplastySurgical vs Non-Surgical
ProviderTraining, experience, specialty
Anesthesiologist FeeTraining, experience
LocationFacility fees vary by region
Recovery ExpensesSpecial equipment, follow-ups, etc.

Few insurance companies would foot the bill when it comes to cosmetic surgery or operations that are sought out for aesthetic purposes. A nose job isn’t cheap, though. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of rhinoplasty in 2022 was $6,483.

The most prevalent reason for undergoing rhinoplasty to improve one’s breathing ability is airway obstruction. If combined with this operation, which is considered reconstructive, Cosmetic rhinoplasty may be reimbursed by insurance.

However, many people are prepared to pay for plastic surgery to achieve a more attractive appearance or to remedy a problem that has bothered them for a long time. Because cosmetic surgery is a long-term investment with life-changing results, it’s important to know the factors that will affect the total cost of your procedure.

Rhinoplasty Costs

  1. Anesthesia fees

  2. Hospital or surgical facility costs

  3. Post-surgery garments

  4. Prescriptions for medication

  5. Surgeon’s fee

Ensure that the surgeon’s experience and level of comfort with him or her are as crucial as the ultimate cost when selecting a board-certified cosmetic surgeon in your region for rhinoplasty surgery.

Additional Costs for Rhinoplasty

A nose operation comes with a slew of pre-and post-operative expenditures. Even though these expenses aren’t going to break the bank, they should be considered when determining the exact pricing for your rhinoplasty surgery.

Your surgery’s initial price may include some of the expenses mentioned above. Consult with your surgeon ahead of time to determine if these costs have been included in your estimate.


According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of rhinoplasty in 2022 was $6,483. To find out exactly how much your procedure will cost, make an appointment with your cosmetic surgeon’s office.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

If you’re unhappy with your nose’s size, shape, or functioning, rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, effectively addresses your problems. People have rhinoplasty every year to enhance their quality of life, whether it’s because they want a more appealing look or because they have blockages affecting their ability to breathe.

Consider factors such as the goal of your surgery, your surgeon’s level of competence, and post-operative care if you’re considering rhinoplasty. This means that you must know the complete cost and payment choices accessible to you before beginning treatment.

Types Of Corrections In Nose Job

Aesthetic Corrections

One or more of the following problems may motivate a person to get a rhinoplasty:

  • An uneven or crooked nose and a bump or bumps can be found on the nose’s bridge.

  • Compared to other facial characteristics, the nose appears out of proportion.

  • It doesn’t matter if your nostrils are little or large;

  • An abnormally large or downward-pointing nose tip

  • If you have a rhinoplasty purely for cosmetic reasons, your medical insurance company is unlikely to foot the bill.

Functional Corrections

Functional rhinoplasty is another option for rhinoplasty and enhancing the appearance of your nose. Your insurance company may cover a percentage or the entire cost of your medical bill if nasal blockages or other irregularities affect your ability to breathe or your quality of life.

New York Group for Plastic Surgery has board-certified plastic surgeons on staff who can perform a comprehensive evaluation of your breathing problems to see whether you qualify for medical coverage.

Rhinoplasty may be performed for one or more of the following reasons, according to the patient’s needs:

  • Disorders of breathing, such as a crooked or deviated septum

  • Congenital deformity or post-injury deformity of the nose

  • Snoring, constant suffocation, and post-nasal drip are all chronic sinus infection symptoms.

  • To repair

Complexity Of Nose job

The average cost of rhinoplasty procedures in 2022 was $5,483, according to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). Rhinoplasty surgery can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $15,000, depending on various factors. The degree of the operation and the style of rhinoplasty, for example, will significantly influence the overall cost of your surgery.

The overall cost of your treatment will be affected by the intricacy and extent of the operation. Reconstructive surgery might take longer and cost more than a simple cosmetic operation. If you’re having your first rhinoplasty or a more substantial correction, additional considerations are to take into account.

What Is the Procedure for Rhinoplasty?

As an outpatient treatment, rhinoplasties are normally completed in one day. You’ll need someone to drive you home and remain with you for the night. You may be put under general anesthesia (you’ll be unconscious) during your procedure.

Further options are local anesthetic (numbing of the nose) and intravenous sedation (relaxation, but not sleep). A hospital or outpatient medical institution may be used for the operation.

Surgeon Duties

  • The nostrils are punctured to do this (closed rhinoplasty). An incision at the base of the nose may also be necessary in some cases (open rhinoplasty).

  • The skin that covers the nasal bones and cartilage is raised in this motion.

  • Creates a new form or straightens a deviated septum by altering the bone and cartilage beneath it.

  • Skin and cartilage on the nasal bones and cartilage are replaced.

  • Dissolvable sutures are used to keep the skin in place throughout the procedure.

After a Rhinoplasty, What Can You Expect?

After the treatment, the surgeon will provide a long-lasting numbing drug to minimize your pain or discomfort. Post-surgical complications include:

  • A small plastic splint helps reduce swelling and retain the new shape of your nose while it recovers. The splint should be worn for five to ten days.

  • The interior of the nose is packed with cotton gauze. After 24 to 48 hours, you can remove the packing.

  • The nose and eyes will swell and bruise for several weeks after the injury. For up to a year following surgery, you may feel modest face swelling, particularly in the morning.

What Are The Potential Risks Or Complications Of Rhinoplasty?

Surgery, including rhinoplasty, is not without danger. Some of the possible side effects of rhinoplasty include:

  • The septum of the nose has been punctured (nasal septal perforation).

  • Infections.

  • Nosebleeds.

  • Scarring or poor wound healing.

  • Discoloration of the skin.

  • Appearance is a problem.

What Is the Purpose of a Nose Job?

A general anesthetic is frequently used for nose reshaping surgery. If you’re undergoing a certain sort of surgery, your doctor might:

  • By removing some of the cartilage and bone, you can reduce the size of your nose.

  • Augment your nose using cartilage from your ears and bone from your hips, elbows, or skull (nose augmentation) (known as a “graft”)

  • By shattering the nasal bone and rearranging the cartilage, you can alter the contour of your nose (including the nostrils).

  • The angle between the nose and the upper lip may be adjusted.

  • You should see a change in the contour of the skin of the nose after the surgery.

It’s not uncommon for the process to take an hour and a half to three hours. You’ll probably have to spend a night or two in the hospital. For the first 12 hours following surgery, you’ll wear a dressing over your nose and then a splint over your nose for the next seven days. There is a chance that you will not be able to breathe through your nose for about a week. If you’re experiencing any pain or discomfort, you’ll be offered a painkiller.


One option for rhinoplasty is an open procedure, in which an incision is made between each of the nostrils (referred to as an “open rhinoplasty”) (closed rhinoplasty). There are times when a closed rhinoplasty is not possible or is not an option.

Does Insurance cover rhinoplasty?

Seeing the statistics, you may question if there is any situation in which the expenses of a health insurance plan may be partially or completely covered. There is no definitive answer, although it’s possible. Two definitions from the American Medical Association (AMA) need to be reviewed to better address this question:

  • Cosmetic Surgery: Cosmetic surgery is the practice of altering the look and self-esteem of a patient via surgical techniques.

  • Reconstructive Surgery: If you have a congenital flaw or developmental abnormality or have been harmed in any way, you may need reconstructive surgery.

Rhinoplasty surgery performed for aesthetic reasons is not covered by most health insurance plans, so understanding these terms is critical. On the other hand, most reconstructive nose procedures aren’t.

In some cases, applicants for rhinoplasty surgery might benefit both from its cosmetic and functional aspects. In this case, the patient’s doctor may be able to prove medical necessity and show that alternative treatments have been tried and failed to get insurance coverage.

During your appointment with your healthcare professional, you can discuss the ASPS criteria in further detail. Septal deviation, turbinate edema owing to allergies, and cleft lip nasal abnormalities are among medical issues that may need reconstructive rhinoplasty.


Unless you have a continuously confirmed and documented medical issue that affects your breathing, your rhinoplasty surgery will most likely be denied coverage by your insurance company in the majority of cases. Hybrid surgeries, including cosmetic and practical benefits, may not be reimbursed by insurance.

Surgeon Skill Level In Rhinoplasty

Your surgeon’s ability, knowledge, credentials, and even the geographic location of their clinic will considerably impact the cost of your rhinoplasty. When looking for a rhinoplasty surgeon, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the cost of the procedure isn’t the most significant consideration.

You need to choose a board-certified surgeon who is also someone you feel comfortable with, who understands your aesthetic objectives, and who has the competence to show this specific treatment.

Extra expenditures are associated with post-surgery drugs, such as painkillers, that aren’t often included in the overall estimate. Suppose you have to travel to see your surgeon because he or she is situated in a different city. In that case, those are some of the other expenditures associated with rhinoplasty that you will have to bear on top of the procedure’s direct cost.

Choosing A Surgeon

Check with the Care Quality Commission if you’re getting rhinoplasty in the United Kingdom (CQC). All cosmetic surgery clinics and hospitals must be registered with the CQC in England.

It’s important to be cautious while surfing the internet for medical professionals that do nose reshaping procedures. Some clinics may use Pay-per-click advertising to promote their services.

Verify the surgeon’s GMC registration status before entrusting your health to them (GMC). They should have a license to practice and be on the specialized registry.

A “full member” of a plastic surgery specialist registry such as the British Association of Plastic Reconstruction and Aesthetic (BAPRAS) or British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) indicates that a plastic surgeon is qualified to practice in the country as a plastic surgeon.

Before the operation, make an appointment with the surgeon.

Ask Your Surgeon

  • Inquiring about their background and training

  • How many nose reshaping surgeries they’ve conducted and how many operations where issues occurred

  • If something goes wrong, what you may expect in follow-up and patient satisfaction.


The rhinoplasty cost sometimes excludes the additional care required for the treatment and the accompanying expenditures. Your surgeon should go through all aspects of your pre-and post-operative appointments with you in great detail since they are critical to your treatment’s outcome.

What Affects The Cost Of Rhinoplasty?

Let’s take a closer look at the factors we discussed earlier in the article. You should keep in mind that the information supplied is a rough estimate, and conversations with the providers you’re considering will always provide the most precise estimate for the price of your treatment. It’s important to know what to expect during a cosmetic consultation to prepare to ask the right questions and make well-informed decisions.

  • Non-Surgical vs Surgical: Non-surgical procedures often cost less than surgical procedures because they are less intrusive, do not need general anesthesia, and are less expensive to run.

  • Provider: This may lead to higher consultation fees (which may or may not be applied as a credit towards the actual operation cost) and higher procedure costs for more experienced providers.

  • Anesthesiologist: The price depends on their level of training and experience, just as they do for surgeons. Anesthesiologist-assisted general anesthesia will cost substantially more than non-anesthetic, non-invasive local anesthesia.

  • Location: The cost of living on the coastlines is often higher than in the country’s center. The east and west coastlines will account for 78% of all 2022 rhinoplasties, according to the ASPS Report 2022. In most cases, more operations equate to more skilled providers and hence greater process fees.

  • Recovery: A rhinoplasty’s recovery period will vary greatly depending on the operation but may involve medications, recovery clothing, follow-up visits, and time away from work, among other things.


While there are several varieties of rhinoplasties to choose from, the best operation for a patient will depend on their circumstances. Detailed information on each process type is provided in the table below.

Recovery After A Nose Job

You may require up to 2 weeks off work to recover following nose surgery.

It might take many months before you notice the full result of the surgery, and it could take up to six months for the swelling to subside entirely.

  • After about a week: Stitches can be removed after one week (unless you had dissolvable stitches). It is also possible that the splint will be able to be removed.

  • At 3 weeks: Bruises, swelling, and redness may have subsided after three weeks. It’s possible that you can swim.

  • At 4 to 6 weeks: Ideally, you should be able to resume intense activity after 4 to 6 weeks.

Suggestions for a Rapid Recovery

  • For the first couple of days, keep your head up with pillows while resting to help minimize swelling. Avoid hot baths and get the splint wet until your appointment to have the splint removed. Sneeze through your mouth to help avoid strain on your nasal passages.

  • For 4 to 6 weeks, stay away from dusty or smoky environments and refrain from excessive activity or contact sports.

How Can I Speed Healing After A Rhinoplasty?

To aid in the correct healing of your nose in the first few weeks following surgery, you should do the following:

  • Cool compresses (notice) should be applied to the cheeks or beneath the eyes (not directly on the nose).

  • Avoid making any direct contact with the face.

  • When wearing eyeglasses or sunglasses, be cautious not to put too much pressure on the bridge of the nose.

  • Maintain an elevated position for your head, especially while sleeping.

  • Reduce your exposure to the sun.

  • It is not necessary to damage your nose.

  • Do not lift anything too heavy.

  • Take pain relievers that are available over-the-counter.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

People asked many questions about the nose job cost. We discussed a few of them below:

What will the cost of a nose job be in 2022?

Depending on the surgeon’s location and degree of skill, the cost of a nose job can range from $4,000 to $15,000 on average in California, with the average price being approximately $4,000 to a maximum of $15,000 throughout the state.

What is the expected lifespan of a nose job?

While certain cosmetic surgeries, such as a facelift, require an update after a few years or more, this is not the case with rhinoplasty. Choosing the proper physician for your rhinoplasty procedure is critical since a decent result will last a lifetime.

Is rhinoplasty a risky procedure?

Rhinoplasty procedures, in particular, have been known to go wrong for a variety of reasons. It is possible that the surgeon made a mistake. If the patients don’t research well before the surgery, they may not be happy with the results.

Does insurance cover a nose job?

Generally, cosmetic rhinoplasty treatments are not covered by health insurance. An insurance plan may pay a portion of the operation if there is a functional or medical component, such as a respiratory difficulty or other reason.

Can I change the shape of my nose?

Because of this, it’s quite improbable that they’ll alter the contour of your nose. The bone and cartilage of your nose dictate its overall form, which can only be altered surgically.

Is getting a nose job worth it?

If your goals are attainable and you’re dealing with a reputable rhinoplasty surgeon with a good track record, getting a nose operation is well worth it.

What is the perfect nose?

We conducted literature research to better understand what constitutes a ‘perfect’ nose from an aesthetic standpoint. Results: According to neoclassical canon, the nose’s breadth should be equivalent to the middle fifth. The golden ratio is a good guideline for determining the appropriate breadth of the mouth-to-nose ratio. It is recommended that the RT be set at 0.67 times the midfacial height.

Do noses get bigger with age?

There is a limit to how much your nose can expand as you get older. After that, the form and size of your nose may alter due to changes in the bone, skin, and cartilage that make up your nose.

Do nose jobs cause any pain?

Pain in your nose will be a common side effect and the possibility of an accompanying headache. You may find it difficult to breathe briefly because your nose is stuffed up. In some cases, your nose may be numb. As the sensation returns, you may experience itching or shooting pain.

Why do surgeons break the nose for rhinoplasty?

Osteotomy may be used in various rhinoplasty treatments. When the nose is broken in an osteotomy, it is done in an extremely controlled manner. When a huge dot on the top of the nose is removed, the result might be an overly broad nose; thus, a controlled break can be used to shrink it down.


In addition to the cost of the surgical facility, anesthesia, and other associated expenditures, a rhinoplasty typically runs roughly $5,400. Living in a major metropolis might raise the cost. Surgeon experience and the type of surgery are other factors in the cost of an operation. If you require rhinoplasty to fix a deviated septum or for any medical reason, your health plan may reimburse the charges. Cosmetic rhinoplasty to enhance one’s looks is often not covered by insurance. Always verify with your health insurance provider before signing up for a new plan. Your plastic surgeon may potentially offer a payment plan.

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