How many fluid ounces in a gallon?

How many ounces of water are in a gallon?

A: In an American pint are 16 fluid ounces - so that 1 US gallon has 128 fl oz.

So, a US Gallon of water weighs 8 lb.

In an English pint there were 20 fluid ounces, so that an Imperial gallon had 160 fl oz. The Imperial gallon weighed 10 lb.

Ounces are utilized to allude to weight at times and different occasions as a unit of volume. A gallon, it appears to me, is most occasions utilized as a proportion of volume. Utilizing ounces and gallon as a proportion of volume, there are 128 ounces in 1 US gallon.

In the wake of accomplishing more exploration I discover a ton of disarray about particularly ounces. Most concur that there are 128 liquid ounces (volume) in a gallon. On the off chance that you check you will locate that a gallon of water weighs 8.34 pound. Most will disclose to you that there are 16 ounces in a pound, however multiple times 8.34 = 133.44 ounces in a gallon? The distinction can be clarified, 133.44 ounces are by weight of water in a gallon and 128 liquid ounces are an estimation by volume of water in a gallon.

But the English and the British and the Europeans and just about anybody who is keeping up uses the Metric system now, so we Americans are on our own with gallons.