Fairy Tail is a Japanese manga series that is written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima. It was serialized in a Japanese magazine from August 2006 to July 2017. The story is based on the adventures of Natsu Dragneel, who is a member of the popular wizard club that was Fairy Tail, while he looks for the fictional world of Earth and land for the dragon named Igneel.
The manga was adapted into an anime series broadcasted in Japan on TV Tokyo from October 2009 to March 2013. Its second series was broadcasted from April 2014 to March 2016. A third and final series was on aired from October 2018 to September 2019. The series also inspired numerous sequel of manga, including a prequel, Fairy Tail Zero, and a sequel Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest. The manga series anime was licensed by Funimation for its English language release in North America. Since February 2020, Fairy Tail had reported 72 million copies in print.
How to watch Fairy Tale Anime?
Fairy Tail as mentioned earlier was an anime series that ran from 2009 to 2019. In total it had 328 episodes on aired. Fairy Tail included a total of 63 reported filler episodes, meaning that it has a low filler percentage of 19%. The story of this series follows Lucy Heartfilla who is wanted to join the notorious and mysterious Fairy Tail Guild. Throug a daring rescue, she comes across Natsu who is part of the guild and finally offers her a place. And then they become teammates performing various missions for their Fairy Tail Guild. If you are in search of an exciting and adventurous anime series then Be prepared for this action packed adventure!
Fairy Tail an anime with a natural marine plot is surrounded by a rather simple theme, that is the power of friendship. Staying true is Shōnen nature, Fairy Tail is filled with fast paced action sequals and amazing fighting scenes. It explores a wide range of characters while bringing plenty of fan service.
The show was aired for 10 years (2009-2019) and had extensive content keeping you captivated. The show had in total 9 seasons and 328 episodes taking their audience on an amazing adventure. The computer graphics are bold and brilliant at world building. Fairy Tail requires a massive investment of time. But if you invest, it can be worth the adventure!
The Story
In the mystic land of Fiore, magic exists as a vital part of day to day life. Innumerable magic guilds stretch out at the core of all magical activity, serving as venues for like minded people to group together and take on job requests. Between them is the Fairy Tail guild that stands out from the rest being a place of spirit, strength and family.
Lucy Heartfilia was a young girl searching for outer gate keys, and her dream was to become a full fledged wizard by joining that famous guild. In her hunt, she comes across Natsu Dragneel with his partner Happy, who are on a mission to find Natsu’s foster father, the dragon named Igneel.
When being trapped by a man, Lucy fell under an kidnap attempt when she could only be saved by Natsu. And she was shocked when he reveaed that he is a member of Fairy Tail and was invited to join them. There, Lucy met other strange members of the guild, including the ice wizard Gray Fullbuster as well as the magic swords woman Erza Scarlet. Together like a family, they fight against the evil forces, help persons in need, and put on new friends, all the way enjoying their never ending adventure of Fairy Tail.
Fairy Tail is a Japanese manga series having in total 9 seasons and 328 episodes taking its audience on an amazing adventure journey. The chronological order can be cumbersome to watch despite this, if you want to watch the main seasons, it can be worth the adventure!