How Long Is A Paragraph?

You read previously how long is a paragraph? And here you will read paragraph writing techniques and sentence editing techniques

Paragraph writing techniques

Devote one paragraph to one idea

One paragraph should formulate one idea. To make sure you follow the rule, you have to write a sentence telling what the paragraph determines to say next to each paragraph you carry. This will assist you to see two significant problems you will have to follow again.

Some impressions in one paragraph do not pertain to the major idea – this tells you what will be next to this place.

You have various paragraphs with the exact major idea – this tells you to need to eliminate duplicative content and formulate one focused paragraph improving this one idea.

Make as paragraphs go together

When you have completed the first paragraph, you might notice that subtopics are covered in which various paragraphs are related between themselves. Make sure you place them concurrently.

Similarly, when you set ideas that logically pursue each other one after another, you avert overusing linking words and phrases. Whereas linking words are common in academic writing and they might signal bad organization: if the intentions connect logically, there is no necessity to add extra elements to make the reader comprehend where you are heading. Thus, if you place several linking words in your paper, you might desire to change the direction of paragraphs to improve the logical flow of ideas.

Use parallel structures

If you have a longer paragraph with various illustrations, make the sentences relating instances have related configurations. This will substantially enhance the flow and readability of the article.

In sentences, maintaining parallel structures is not a suggestion, it’s a must: all components joined by “and”, “but” and “or” should be a similar portion of the speech. For instance, there are various ways to correct the error and enhance the writing and your mistake is given below

Wrong sentence : To be a decent experimenter, one has to be a lifelong teacher, think critically, and be and professionally dedicated."

Correct: “To be a decent experimenter, one has to be a lifelong teacher, a critical thinker, and a dedicated professional”

Use active voice

Search through all of your sentences in a passive voice and change them into active voice. An active voice enhances clarity and makes the article more engaging and attractive.

Students should relatively stop personal pronouns, but this does not mean you should try passive voice. When you look critically at your article, you will see that in many examples it is not necessary and you can simply overturn it to act with no change in meaning.

Use semicolons, colons, dashes, and parentheses to effectively combine and separate ideas

Proper practice of punctuation can improve flow and simplicity while enabling you to ignore and avoid unnecessary linking phrases.

Semicolons can appreciate the problem of two quick sentences following each other. They also enable us to show that an impression is separate, yet related to the main one. Colons help to reduce clutter when computing. Dashes and parentheses both put a paragraph aside and alleviate reading. However, use them carefully, as dashes underline what they cover, while parentheses it (actually, what is organized in the parenthesis can be barely skipped by a reader).

Sentence Editing Techniques

Avoid using noun forms of verbs

Similarly, to sound more academic, authors compose wordy phrases with noun forms of verbs. For instance," delivers a review of” instead of “reviews”, “describes” instead of “describes”, “expresses the belief” instead of “believes”. In the case of repetition, the nouns minted from verbs confuse reading even more: “the research aims at the selection of…, category of… and discussion of…” vs “the study aims to identify.

Try to rephrase your clauses turning nouns back to verbs, and you will see unexpected progress inflow and clearness.

Eliminate unnecessary adjectives

You can reduce extra adjectives when the verb and an adjective specifying an action are transferred with one strong verb. For illustration, “worth that approximately” may be transferred with “estimates” and “estimates that in the future” may be transferred with “projects”.
And the adjectives like possibly should be transfer by “may” and "must "

Turn negative forms into positive

You know although some negatives may be ok, “it is not unusual ” is just a word to tell “it is common.

Cut superfluous there is/there are

You must cut There is/ there are often establish wordiness and you can do well without them in most issues. For instance
“There are many students who hesitate when… ” = “Many students hesitate when…”

Get rid of cluttered phrases

Another editing method that will help you enhance your writing is searching for clutter or “deadweight” phrases. A nice list of clutter phases and their options may be found here.

despite the indication that – although

new trend – trend

outstanding outcome – outcome