How Long Is a Decade And a Century?

What is the Calendar’s History?

Before we find out how long a decade and a century are, let’s examine their history. Actually, the calendar was not always the same as it is now. The calendar devised by Julius Caesar was followed by the world’s people until 1500 when Pope Gregory XIII modified Caesar’s year allocation, which we now use. Here are some interesting facts regarding the Caesar and Gregorian calendars.

The Julian Calendar

  • With the help of the Greek scientist Sosigenes, Julius Caesar established the Julian calendar since the Roman calendar was three months earlier than the solar calendar.

  • The Julian Calendar was divided into 12 months, each with 30 or 31 days, except for February, which had no February 29 and the additional day repeated as February 23.

  • The Eastern Orthodox churches now utilize the Julian calendar.

Gregorian Calendar

  • Pope Gregory XIII changed the Julian calendar in October by adding 10 days as it retreated one day each century.

  • The calendar went into force on October 4, 1528, and the next day was designated October 15.

  • The British Empire followed in 1752, then the Protestants of the German states in 1699, and eventually the rest of the world.