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How Long Does a Root Canal Last Without a Crown?


How Long Does a Root Canal Last Without a Crown? According to the study, 98% of root canals last one year without a crown, 92% last five years, and 86% last ten years or longer. Molars had a significantly higher 10-year survival rate than molars treated by general dentists.

Factors That Impact the Lifespan of Root Canals

In order to have a root canal that lasts a lifetime, there are a few key factors to consider. A patient’s chances of a successful outcome can be improved by what actions can be taken. Some things to keep in mind.

Timing of Treatment

Treatment that is started right away has a higher chance of success than treatment that is put off. A tooth’s condition worsens if it isn’t treated, especially if the root canal infection spreads to the jawbone.

Timing and Quality of Restoration

If you’ve had root canal therapy, you’ll require a dental crown or filling that will last forever. The time and quality of this restoration are essential. When it comes to getting your tooth fixed, the earlier you can schedule an appointment with your dentist, the better.

For your tooth to be in optimal health, you should not wait longer than the specified time period between root canal and dental crown.

Location of Tooth

A single root canal simplifies endodontic treatment for a front tooth. Because these teeth are utilised for biting and cutting rather than grinding, they are subjected to a lower amount of force and stress.

In addition to being more difficult to treat, the rear teeth, with their two or three roots, also bear a greater load during eating. Damage to restorations as a result of fracture increases their vulnerability to issues.

Patient Age

As we age, our teeth become more brittle and more likely to break. There are many factors that can determine how long a root canal procedure lasts. For molars that have been damaged, dental crowns are often preferable to dental fillings because they preserve the tooth from stress.


A root canal procedure can take a long time depending on a variety of factors. When it comes to dental appointments, the sooner you can make one, the better. Dental crowns are often preferable to dental fillings for damaged molars because they protect the tooth from further stress.

Root Canals With and Without Crown

The afflicted tooth must be repaired after root canal therapy is complete. During endodontic treatment, your tooth is drilled open in order to gain access to the canals. This makes it vulnerable to infection, but a restoration closes the tooth and strengthens its general structure to avoid contamination.

After root canal treatment, crowns are a typical option, but they aren’t the only option. Here’s how your dentist determines which kind of restorative treatment is best suited to your specific situation.

Different Teeth Require Different Restorations

Even before determining your specific needs, we know that root canal restorations for different types of teeth have varying requirements.

They’re more likely to need a crown because molars and premolars are primarily used for chewing and grinding food. Patients with a history of grinding their teeth are at greater risk of fracture, and this is especially true for them.

Endodontic therapy usually simply necessitates a dental filling for the restoration of incisors and canines. We can save most of the healthy tooth structure in these teeth if we use cautious access holes.

Strengthening a Compromised Tooth

It’s also important to assess if the tooth in issue has had any previous restorations or damage. It is more likely that a crown will be needed if a root canal is required due to a fracture because the tooth is already weakened. It is possible that teeth with previous fillings are more likely to need a crown to restore strength after root canal treatment, although this is rarely the case.

Finding the Right Solution for You

Endodontic therapy necessitates the necessity for a restorative procedure, and this option must be taken with the help of your dentist. Finally, the selection is made by carefully considering all the above-mentioned aspects and weighing the risks and benefits of each alternative in light of your own situation and goals.

We must balance your desire for a cautious repair with the need for a restoration that is both solid and long-lasting.

The Benefits of Dental Crown after a Root Canal

Even while a root canal can keep an infected tooth from further damage, it does nothing to strengthen the tooth. This method weakens the tooth by decreasing the amount of healthy tissue within it in conjunction with dental decay.

A dentist may propose a dental crown in order to keep the tooth from decaying. Root canals necessitate the use of a dental crown:

1. When the tooth becomes weakened

A tooth’s strength is reduced when it is compromised by decay or a root canal that removes a significant amount of dental tissue.

Teeth can crumble under the pressure of chewing and grinding if they are infected with decay and have a root canal. The tooth’s exterior structure will be strengthened, and it will not crumble, thanks to a crown.

2. When the tooth becomes sensitive

When a root canal is performed, some of the pulp may need to be removed. Temperature, pressure, acid, and sugar can all have an effect on what’s left. A crown covers the tooth and shields it from the elements. It is a simple procedure.

3. When the tooth becomes discolored

A discoloured tooth may be the result of decay or a root canal procedure. A crown should be placed in this situation for aesthetic reasons.

4. When a tooth has been restored before

If you conduct a root canal on a tooth that has already been treated for decay, you run the risk of the tooth developing another problem in the future. Placing a crown totally covers the tooth, preventing future infections.


A crown protects the tooth by encasing it in a cap. With a crown, the tooth’s outer structure is reinforced and won’t crumble.

When is it appropriate to leave a tooth without a dental crown?

For the restoration of the back teeth, crowns are essential. Because they protect the tooth from the pressure of grinding, they are required. Molars, on the other hand, are subjected to the most stress.

They don’t need a crown after a root canal; a dental filling will suffice. However, if decay has stained the front tooth, it is recommended that a crown be placed for aesthetic reasons.

When is a root canal needed?

The pulp refers to the innermost portion of a tooth. Connective tissue, nerves, and blood arteries make up the majority of its structure.

To save the outer tooth, the dentist will remove the infected pulp and replace it with a filling or crown. Root canals are preferable to extractions because they avoid the need for an implant.

How does the dentist diagnose pulpitis?

When the infected pulp is removed, the tooth is practically inactive, and all that is left is the shell. Root canals are only performed when there are no other options, and the dentist will need to ensure that the patient has pulpitis before beginning the treatment.

Signs that the dentist will be on the lookout for include:

  • An abscess might cause pain to worsen when the patient lies down, bends over, or even bounces around. One sign of a bad tooth is an abscess.

  • Another symptom of a tooth infection is persistent or recurrent pain.

  • The abrupt onset of severe pain is a sign of a tooth that is dying or has already died. That’s also true of pain that originates in the tooth and spreads to other parts of the body, such as the jaw, the ears, or the adjacent teeth.

  • Another indicator of infection is a white, red, or yellow lump on the gum.

  • A pulpitis abscess is unmistakable. Only an x-ray can reveal it.

The root canal operation will be scheduled as soon as the dentist establishes that the inner tooth is infected. Delaying treatment could allow the illness to spread throughout the body.

What happens during a root canal without a crown?

Afterward, the dentist drills a small hole in the tooth’s outer layer. The dentist will be able to access the pulp and remove all of the diseased tissue through this opening. The dentist will then remove any remaining material from the tooth’s root canal. Fillings will then be used to secure the tooth.

A filling will be all that is needed if both the doctor and the patient agree that the tooth is fine without a crown.

What happens after?

A root canal can cause the outer tooth to become weaker. During a root canal, a large portion of the tooth’s structure is removed, making the outer tooth more susceptible to cracking and breaking. To summarise, when and why would a dentist opt to carry out a root canal procedure without using a crown?

Because they are not subjected to the same wear and tear as molars, the teeth in the front of the mouth are less susceptible to decay. As a result, a filling is all that’s required following a root canal.

If your molars are in good shape following a root canal, you may be able to avoid getting a crown. A filling can be used as a tooth restoration if the majority of the tooth’s structure is sound.

Factors Influencing the Lifespan of a Tooth Following Root Canal Treatment

A damaged tooth can be saved with root canal therapy, but this does not guarantee that the tooth will last indefinitely. When a tooth’s pulp becomes infected or damaged by decay or trauma, dentists typically recommend root canal treatment.

When the pulp is exposed as a result of deterioration or trauma, it can be quite painful. Tooth loss can occur if an infection spreads from the tooth to the supporting bone.

For many patients, root canal therapy raises a number of issues, one of which is how long the tooth will last after it has been restored. After root canal therapy, there are six factors that affect how long a tooth can be saved.

Root Canal Therapy

An endodontist removes the infected pulp tissue during root canal therapy. He or she does a thorough cleaning of the tooth’s inside, including the nerve canals, before placing a dental filling, usually Gutta Percha.

To finish, a filling or crown is placed on the tooth to keep it safe from further decay and infection. Root canal treatments have a variety of lasting effects, including:

1. The Initial extent of Decay

The higher a patient’s chances of a successful recovery from tooth decay are, the earlier they receive treatment. A tooth with extensive decay necessitates the removal and replacement of more of the tooth’s structure with restorative materials like composite and crowns.

There is no alternative for the structural integrity of actual dentin and enamel, despite developments in dental materials. Bacteria can colonise both the tooth and the neighbouring bone in an infected tooth.

Even with appropriate treatment, it may be difficult or impossible to eradicate an illness that has been present for an extended period of time. Endodontic infections can cause such extensive bone loss that saving the tooth becomes difficult. Bone support is reduced, and the tooth is less stable as a result of this.

2. Location of the Tooth

Depending on where the teeth are located, they perform different tasks. One root is all that separates the anterior teeth from the rest of the mouth.

As we chew, our posterior teeth are designed to endure the ever-increasing stresses generated by the process. It is the loss of tooth structure that diminishes the tooth’s mastication-resistant qualities.

3. Treatment Success

A qualified dentist should always undertake root canal therapy. Choosing an endodontist to do your surgery is a definite no-brainer. It’s a good idea to get help from an expert in the beginning, but it’s not a guarantee of success.

In order to properly disinfect the dental pulp chamber, the dentist must first find and remove all diseased tissue from the area to be treated during the procedure.

This is more complicated with back teeth since the roots may have many nerve canals, all of which need to be accessible, found, and treated.

4. Patient Age and Health

In older patients, teeth are more prone to shatter both before and during dental treatment because of the brittleness of their enamel.

Aside from their symptoms or treatments, many elderly people’ systemic problems can affect their dental health.

Having a dry mouth, for example, can contribute to the development of mouth infections because saliva production is reduced. Nerves may have hardened or become blocked, making treatment more difficult.

5. Root Canal Failure

According to the American Association of Endodontists, root canal therapy can go wrong for a variety of reasons. Root fractures, tooth decay, and missing nerve tissue are just a few of the issues that might affect a crown.

Endodontic retreatment may be required if the patient experiences symptoms like as discomfort, tenderness while biting, swollen gums, loose teeth, or sinus pain as a result of root canal failure.

6. Good Aftercare

Dental treatments are only the beginning of a patient’s commitment to good mouth hygiene, which has a substantial impact on how long a tooth treated with a filling or crown will last. Regular dental examinations, teeth cleanings, and timely treatment for any issues are essential to long-term dental health.

In Short

Root canal therapy can save a damaged tooth, but it does not guarantee that the tooth will last long. If an infection spreads from the tooth to the bone that supports it, it can lead to tooth decay and eventual tooth loss. Because saliva production is decreased when you have a dry mouth, it can increase your risk of developing a mouth infection.

How Root Canal is Performed

Over the course of several appointments, your dentist will perform root canal therapy. A root canal procedure costs money if you aren’t covered by dental insurance.

Endodontists, specialists in root canal treatment, may be referred to by your dentist if the work is very difficult.

Preparing for root canal treatment

A series of X-rays of the tooth in question may be taken by your dentist before root canal therapy is started. To get a clear picture of the root canal and determine the degree of any damage, they use this method.

A local anaesthetic, a painkiller that numbs your affected tooth and the gum around it, is typically used during root canal therapy. The use of a local anaesthetic may be unnecessary in some situations if the tooth has died and is no longer sensitive.

Removing the pulp

Your dentist will cover the tooth with a rubber sheet (dam) to keep it dry during the procedure. In addition, the dam prevents you from inadvertently ingesting or inhaling any of the dental chemicals.

To get to the soft tissue in the tooth’s centre, your dentist will use a drill to open the crown, the flat top portion of the tooth (pulp). They will next remove any remaining contaminated pulp. While your dentist is performing the procedure, he or she will be able to remove any pus from a dental abscess.

Cleaning and filling the root canal

After the pulp is removed, the root canal is cleaned and enlarged by your dentist. Filling the root canal can be a challenge because it’s so little. In order to fill the canals, your dentist will first use a succession of small files to widen and straighten them out.

For this stage of the treatment, it may take many hours and require multiple visits. Your canine and incisor front teeth (the ones you bite with) often have a single root canal.

The roots of the premolars and rear molars (chewing teeth) have one or two canals, depending on the number of roots. In general, more roots in a tooth mean a lengthier treatment time.

If the procedure requires multiple visits, your dentist may place a small amount of medicine in the cleaned canal to eradicate any leftover bacteria. Afterwards, a temporary filler will be used to seal the hole.

Antibiotics may be prescribed if you show signs of an infection, such as a high temperature or a large swollen area.

Sealing and fixing the tooth

The root canal filling will be implanted at your next appointment, after the temporary filling and drugs have been removed from the tooth. With a filling, this closes the tooth and prevents future infection.

For teeth that have been damaged by root canals, a crown may be recommended by your dentist to protect the tooth. When a root-filled tooth dies as a result of an injury such a knock to the tooth, it may discolour.

Discoloration can be treated in a variety of methods, including whitening the teeth using chemicals.

Adding a crown

When a tooth has a crown, it is entirely covered by a cap. After root canal treatment, a crown may be necessary to protect the tooth from breaking.

A variety of materials can be used to create crowns, including:

  • porcelain or metal (or both)

  • an inorganic substance

  • shattered glass in powder form

Using a drill, the dentist will remove a portion of your tooth and replace it with a crown. Make sure the crown is exactly what you need by having a mould taken of your tooth. The crown will be glued to the shortened tooth with cement throughout the procedure.

To Summarize

Your dentist will perform root canal therapy over the course of several visits. If you don’t have dental insurance, a root canal will set you back hundreds of dollars. A crown may be necessary if you have a tooth that has been damaged by root canals. Throughout the procedure, cement will be used to adhere the crown to the tooth, and fillings will be used to seal the hole in the tooth.

How successful is root canal treatment?

The majority of the time, root canal therapy is able to save the tooth and eliminate the infection. Nine out of ten teeth that have had their roots treated live for eight to ten years. Crowning the tooth following root canal therapy improves the chances of the tooth surviving.

Your fixed tooth should last a long time if you maintain your teeth clean. Your tooth’s survival depends on a variety of circumstances, such as:

  • how much of the original tooth structure can be seen?

  • whether or not you take good care of your teeth

  • the forces exerted on a tooth by chewing

The root canal procedure might be repeated if an infection recurs. To treat an infection, a minor operation to remove the root’s tip (an apicoectomy) may be performed if treatment has already been completed to a high quality.

A post can be inserted into the root canal and used to maintain the crown in place if there is only a tiny portion of tooth remaining following root canal treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are some frequently asked questions related to how long does a root canal last without a crown.

1. Can you leave a root canal without a crown?

They can be restored with a dental filling and left without a crown after a root canal. If the front tooth has become discoloured due to decay, a crown should be adjusted for cosmetic reasons.

2. What happens when you get a root canal and no crown?

The outer tooth is frequently weakened by a root canal. Because a significant portion of the tooth’s structure is removed during a root canal, the outer tooth is prone to crumbling if not reinforced with a crown.

3. How long can you go without getting a crown after root canal?

The crowns can be postponed for 1-2 months, but after that they are at risk of fracturing. Please don’t wait too long for the permanent crown because that is the maximum length of a temporary crown, 1-2 months.

4. What happens if you wait too long to get a crown?

Cavities will grow larger and erode more of the enamel if they are not treated. When it becomes too large, there isn’t enough tooth structure left, so a restoration is recommended to restore the tooth’s stability and size.

5. Is getting a crown the only option?

If the problem area is on the tooth’s tip, the cusp, an inlay may be a better option than a dental crown for restoring the tooth. After the tooth has been treated by a skilled dentist, an impression will be taken so that the inlay can be firmly bonded to the tooth.

6. What happens if you don’t get a crown?

An uncrowned cracked tooth may worsen, so it is best to get the crown placed as soon as possible to prevent this. Fractures in teeth can lead to tooth decay or infection in the innermost part of the tooth because bacteria can leak into the crack and infect the tooth.

7. Is it possible for a root canal to last a person’s entire life?

Almost all root canals are successful, according to the American Association of Endodontists, and can last a lifetime in the vast majority of patients.

8. For how long should you wait before getting a permanent filling?

If the consent form specifies a permanent restoration, you must see your general dentist within six weeks. By strengthening your tooth, a permanent restoration reduces your risk of fracture and decay.

9. Can I wait six months to get crown after root canal?

Root canal treatment can cause an infection, and some dental schools advise dentists to wait six months before crowning a tooth.

10. How long can you put off a root canal?

While one patient may develop an abscess within a week, another patient may take three weeks. Only an endodontist or a properly trained general dentist can give you advice on this.


We can’t say how long your root canal will last without a crown because there are so many variables. We do know, however, that a root canal is an effective treatment option for saving a compromised tooth, and when performed by a board-certified endodontist, it is very likely to last a decade or more.

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