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House Wolf Spider


House Wolf spiders are enormous spiders that should be avoided at all costs if you find them on your property. Large, hairy legs let them sprint rapidly, and their bodies are well-built. They capture their prey by being able to sprint. They don’t hide in webs; instead, they go out and find them.

What are House Wolf Spiders?

Wolf spiders are one of the most popular and polarizing spiders. Homeowners usually have a strong emotional reaction to them, either adore them or loathe them. Hairy, eight-legged, and moving quicker than most humans can keep up, they’re the definition of a dangerous predator. The wolf’s spider is considered a nuisance because of its looks, speed, and propensity to bite.

NameWolf Spider
ColorDar Brown with Yellow stripes
LegsEight legs
ShapeStout, spiny body and legs
Size3/8 – 1 3/8“ (female)
1/4 – 3/4“(male)
RegionUnited States


Wolf spiders are nocturnal hunters, preferring dark, secluded areas to spend the day. As a hunter, they are nimble on their feet. Wolf spiders are often seen by the public due to their social behaviors.


In quest of food, wolf spiders may break into homes and other buildings. Even though they don’t want to live in buildings for the long term, they often do so after they’ve entered. Wolf spiders like to stay close to the ground, particularly behind walls and beneath furniture in the house. If you’re outside, look for wolf spiders among the rocks, logs in the terrain, wood, and other detritus.


The bite of a wolf spider may have a bad reputation, although the ordinary adult is not at risk from the spider’s venom. Wolf spiders seldom strike unless provoked or threatened. The wolf spider usually retreats or rears up on its legs, revealing its huge fangs, before attacking the first time it is attacked.


Insects, especially agricultural pests, may benefit from the presence of wolf spiders. Although wolf spiders are capable of biting, it is very unusual to be the victim of an unsolicited bite. Only when touched will they bite. Wolf spiders are commonly found in houses by mistake.

Preventing Wolf Spiders

Sealing exterior gaps and installing screens on doors and windows can help keep wolf spiders out of your house. Glue traps are often used by exterminators to catch wolf spiders and get them out of homes.


SizeWolf spiders are large hairy arachnids with a maximum body length of 35 millimeters.
ColorBlack, gray, and brown are the most prevalent colors seen on their bodies.
BodyWolf spiders, because of their speed and size, frequently arouse terror in people who come across them in their homes.
EyesThere are four little eyes in the bottom row, two huge eyes, and two additional small eyes on top of the head in the wolf spider’s eight non-compound eyes.


When you come across a wolf spider on your property, brace yourself for a horrific experience. They are built for speed and agility, thanks to their powerful physique and long, hairy legs. They capture their prey by being able to sprint. They don’t hide in webs; instead, they aggressively seek them out.

How Dangerous Are Wolf Spiders?

Aside from the fact that wolf spiders have hairs all over their body, they are also among the most dangerous spiders on the earth.

Most people’s initial response upon seeing them is fear and maybe aggression, yet they are pretty harmless house intruders. Some people are so enamored with them that they keep them as pets.

The bite of a wolf spider is non-toxic to humans, unlike the bite of most other spiders.

If you’re bitten by a wolf spider, all you’ll feel is excruciating agony, followed by an itch that lasts for days, and nothing else. The toxin that floods the body is not what causes the agony, which lasts just approximately 10 minutes after the bite. People with a weakened immune system, such as children and the elderly, should seek medical assistance if bitten.

Wolf spiders, on the other hand, don’t run about biting everyone they come across. As timid animals, they are unlikely to attack unless provoked. Even if they were to approach you, their first instinct would be to flee and remain at a safe distance.

Wolf spiders have a predisposition for hunting. Their presence in your yard or garden might help protect you from other pests. It is possible to use them to identify and eliminate insects like grasshoppers, caterpillars, and moths, as well as smaller rodents and critters in your garden. In terms of both efficiency and cost-effectiveness, they’re a great option.

What Does Wolf Spider Look Like?

Wolf Spiders share several physical traits with other common spider home pests. Brown recluse and grass spiders are the most prevalent.

  • The wolf spider and brown recluse share their dark-brown coloring, back pattern, and overall size, however, the two spiders vary in a few key ways. There are just three sets of eyes on the head of the Brown Recluse.

  • One pair of legs belongs to the wolf spider, and it is reflective.

  • Even though the design on the back seems identical at first sight, a closer look reveals a significant difference. There is an inverted violin pattern that extends from the brown recluse’s head to the bottom of its belly.

  • The Brown Recluse, on the other hand, is highly venomous and very harmful to humans.

  • The second insect to which the wolf spider has a striking resemblance, the grass spider, differs primarily in two respects.

  • It hunts by weaving webs that resemble funnels. So they are often referred to as funnel spiders.

  • In addition, they have a unique spinneret and smaller teeth.

  • The fact that grass spiders don’t bite is another indication that you may not be dealing with a wolf spider infestation.

How to Get Rid of Wolf Spiders?

Weaved, gnarled, and gnarled wood are all good places for wolf spiders while they’re out in the open. These creatures may also be found lurking under mulch and bushes, as well as in woodpiles and other debris. Cleaning up waste, mowing tall grasses, and using an Insect Killer for Lawn & Landscape Ready-To-Spray may help keep wolf spiders at bay. Spiders (and other mentioned pests) are killed and protected for up to three months when treated as prescribed.

Through tiny gaps around doors and windows, a wolf spider is likely to make its way inside your home if at all possible. After entering a home, wolf spiders like to hide in dark corners, such as behind doors and windows, under furniture, and in dark corners of the house such as the basement or garage. They like to remain close to the ground, in contrast to other types of spiders. To keep wolf spiders out of your house in the first place, follow these steps:

Discourage Them

If you want to keep wolf spiders at bay, you’ll need a broom or vacuum to sweep up their preferred hiding spots. Do this once a month or so.

Block Entrances

Caulk, screen, and weather stripping may be used to shut off and seal any possible entry points. Restore or replace any damaged areas immediately upon discovery.

Give Them No Place to Hide Out

Remove clutter, fix wall gaps, and seal storage containers with tape or sealant.

Build a Wall

Insect Killer for Indoor may be used for a long time to establish a barrier against pests. This product helps kill and prevent wolf spiders and many of the insects that serve as their food when used as directed in a 4-inch band around the interior perimeter of your house and a 12-inch band around the outdoor perimeter.


There is nothing wrong with having the desire to rid one’s home of creepy crawlers, particularly those that are large, active, and hairy. You should be able to consider the wolf spider issue resolved now that you’ve read these instructions.

What Steps Can You Take to Avoid Wolf Spiders?

There are hundreds of wolf spiders in leaf litter and grassy regions. There are several types of shelters, but the most frequent one is a retreat (hole or tunnel) that is dug into a patch of dirt. Other sanctuaries, such as beneath boards, stones, and firewood, are also protected locations. They’ve been seen to wander inside on rare occasions.

Spider control methods recommended by the U.K. are as follows for your home:

  • The home should be completely cleaned and vacuumed.

  • De-clutter unused spaces including attics, basements, garages, and other storage facilities.

  • Ensure that any wood, tools, and other debris are kept away from the home.

  • The side of the house should be cleared of all vegetation, including trees, bushes, and branches.

  • Window screens and door sweeps should be installed with a tight fit.

  • Instead of incandescent lamps, use yellow or sodium vapor light bulbs at entrances. Spiders are attracted to these lights because night-flying insects are less attracted by these lights.

  • With these protections in place, you’ll be less likely to encounter your arachnophobia.

Types of Wolf Spiders

In the US, the Carolina wolf spider is the biggest wolf spider ever recorded to have existed. It can blend in with its surroundings thanks to its coloration, which resembles that of the surrounding area. They may be found in alpine meadows and coastal forests as well as arid shrubland and woods.

Burrowers for the most part, however, have been seen in leaf litter, lawns, and gardens while migrating above ground. Wolverine spiders are likewise nocturnal, however some hunt in the early morning hours as well. Insects and other tiny spiders are generally eaten by wolf spiders.

  • Wolf Spiders of the Carolinas (Hogna carolinensis)
  • Wolf Spiders of Texas (Rabidosa rabida)

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs related to house wolf spider:

1. In humans, is it possible that wolf spiders may be dangerous?

Wolf spiders are not harmful to humans. Wolf spider venom may cause an allergic reaction, however, they are not dangerous. The bite of a wolf spider might be unpleasant because of its size. Irritation and moderate discomfort surrounding the bite should subside quickly.

2. Is having wolf spiders in your home a smart idea?

Wolf spiders aren’t dangerous to people’s health or property. If they feel threatened, they may bite. It is not uncommon to see wolf spiders, which are feared by many people because of their big size, as a nuisance, but they are also regarded as useful since they prey on other insects.

3. When wolf spiders are attracted to your home, what is it?

If they can locate food and establish their home, wolf spiders are drawn to homes and other places where they can do so. Insects in your yard or home, crums on the floor—these are all examples of food. As for where they like to live, they prefer to live in warm, dark places.

4. What are the chances of finding wolf spiders in a home?

If a wolf spider ever manages to get inside your home, it will most likely do so via tiny holes around doors and windows, cracks, or fissures. After entering a home, wolf spiders like to hide in dark corners, such as behind doors and windows, under furniture, and in dark corners of the house such as the basement or garage.

5. Will a Wolf Spider Hurl Himself at Me?

To attack people, wolf spiders do not leap on them. Even in the wild, wolf spiders are afraid of people and will only attack if provoked or if you approach them too closely.

6. Are there any wolf spiders that can get into beds?

Yes, a wolf spider can get into your bed. Wolf spiders, on the other hand, tend to avoid people and prefer low, dark locations where they can stay concealed, thus this is unlikely to happen.

7. How high can wolf spiders jump?

They have hairy feet and long, tapering legs. They have a winning mix of speed and traction as a result. Even though wolf spiders are capable of swimming and climbing, they seldom do so. Wolf spiders are often found on the ground and like to feed on dry terrain.

8. What should I expect if a wolf spider bites me?

The bite of a wolf spider may cause tearing of the skin as well as discomfort, edema, and redness. Swollen lymph nodes are another possible side effect of the bite. Healing may take up to ten days for some individuals. The bite might cause tissue damage in rare situations.

9. How can you keep wolf spiders away from your home?

Set traps in the basement and garage, plug gaps and crevices and clean often to keep wolf spiders out of your home. Declutter all areas. Let the sunshine into every room. Seal food containers. Wolf spiders are a warning that your house is overcrowded and under-lit, and you should take action immediately.

10. Does the brown recluse spider look like a wolf spider?

Wolves spiders come in a slew of colors and patterns. There are a few types of brown spiders that may be confused for brown recluse spiders, even though they shouldn’t. Wolf spiders have a lot of hair on their bodies. They may grow to a length of 1 to 2 inches, making them significantly bigger than a brown recluse spider.


Wolf spiders aren’t as bad as we believe they are, despite their reputation. The bites may be painful, and getting rid of them can be tough, particularly if you have a swarm of them. Unless you provoke them by poking and touching them, they will leave you alone if you do not panic.

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