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Tinnitus is a ■■■■ that is normally found almost every where in world .A man who suffered in Tinnitus almost ruined life .first you should know what is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a state of mind and ear in which a man heard constant sound noise in one or both ear 24/7 .

Why man suffered in Tinnitus?
Tinnitus itself is not disease but it is the syptoms of other effective disorder in the body.There are many reasons that a man can suffered in Tinnitus.
** Syptoms of Tinnitus**

  • Constant sound noise in one or both ears

  • Different types of sound like white noise , heart beat like sound, bee flying like sound etc.

*Constant stress on mind

  • Anxiety

  • Is Tinnitus life threatening
    Normally Tinnitus is not fatal disease but it is the small syptoms of other disease like disorder of ears, inner ear infection, manuer disorder etc.
    **Tinnitus and Normal life **
    A person with Tinnitus generallay seem distracting and distrubed with routine due to noise and sound in ears. When someone normal health condition is not good then it’s impossible to lead normal life . Tinnitus may also cause hearing loss and damage hearing .

Is Tinnitus curable
Still there isn’t any proper treatment has been approved for Tinnitus hence some time people take medicine like ginkobiloba and other supplements to reduce hence and to get calm . Stress medicine sometime also has shown good result to reduce the noise.
**Diet effects Tinnitus **
Hence Tinnitus is an inflammation in auditory nueron cell therefore many food item has shown bad effect to spike Tinnitus like access use of sugar , salty material, smoking.
Thing that spike Tinnitus
Cold breeze, smoke , access sugar, alcohol, loud noise, after exercise and games etc.
These item normally spike Tinnitus so please yourself away from these things to avoid Tinnitus.


What is tinnitus?
Tinnitus is commonly described as a ringing in the ears, but it also can sound like roaring, clicking, hissing, or buzzing. It may be soft or loud, high pitched or low pitched. You might hear it in either one or both ears.

Tinnitus can be frustrating. Sometimes, the sounds you hear can interfere with hearing real sounds around you. Tinnitus can occur with depression, anxiety, and stress


.Here are some central issues about tinnitus.

.Around 50 million Americans experience some type of tinnitus.

.Most tinnitus is because of harm to the cochlea, or internal ear.

.Certain meds can cause or compound tinnitus, for instance, anti-inflamatory medicine, especially in enormous dosages.

.Individuals with tinnitus might be over-touchy to uproarious commotion.

.The vast majority figure out how to live with tinnitus, however help is accessible for the individuals who locate this troublesome…

Tinnitus (pronounced tin-NY-tus or TIN-u-tus) is not a disease. It is a symptom that something is wrong in the auditory system, which includes the ear, the auditory nerve that connects the inner ear to the brain, and the parts of the brain that process sound. Something as simple as a piece of earwax blocking the ear canal can cause tinnitus. But it can also be the result of a number of health conditions, such as:

  • Noise-induced hearing loss
  • Ear and sinus infections
  • Diseases of the heart or blood vessels
  • Ménière’s disease
  • Brain tumors
  • Hormonal changes in women
  • Thyroid abnormalities

The first step is to treat any underlying cause of tinnitus.

This may involve:

  • prompt care for an ear infection
  • discontinuing any ototoxic medications
  • treating any temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, which affect the joint between the jaw bone and the cheek bone

There is no cure for most cases of tinnitus. Most people become accustomed to it and learn to tune it out. Ignoring it rather than focusing on it can provide relief.

When this does not work, the individual may benefit from treatment for the effects of tinnitus, insomnia, anxiety, hearing difficulties, social isolation, and depression. Dealing with these issues can significantly improve a person’s quality of life.


Your doctor will examine your ears and conduct a hearing test to diagnose tinnitus. An audiologist will transmit sounds through a set of headphones to one ear at a time. You’ll respond visibly by raising your hand or making a similar gesture when you hear each sound.

Your doctor may be able to diagnose the cause of your tinnitus by comparing what you can hear to what people of your age and sex should be able to hear.

Your doctor may also use imaging tests, such as CT or MRI scans, to see if you have deformities or damage to your ears. Standard plain film X-rays don’t always show tumors, blood vessel disorders, or other abnormalities that can affect your hearing.


Here are some other things a person can do to manage tinnitus and its effects.

Sound therapy uses external noise to mask the individual’s perception of tinnitus. Low-level background music, white noise, or specialized ear maskers can help.

The choice of sound should be pleasant to the individual. Masking devices offer temporary relief, and the awareness of tinnitus returns when the sound therapy is turned off.

Hearing aids are a common type of sound therapy. They amplify environmental sounds and redirect attention to those noises instead of the tinnitus.

Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) involves retraining the auditory system to accept the abnormal sounds of tinnitus as natural rather than disruptive.

It involves help from a trained professional and wearing a device that emits low-level white noise. Ongoing counseling sessions can help people cope with the tinnitus.

This therapy’s success is proportionate to the severity of the tinnitus and the individual’s overall mental health

Follow-up studies suggest that TRT provides relief for around 80 percent of people with tinnitus.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help relieve depression in people with tinnitus, although it does not appear to reduce the sound.


Drug therapy

Drug therapy can also help reduce the sounds you hear in your ears. Tricyclic antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications, including Xanax, amitriptyline, and nortriptyline, can lessen the ear sounds in some cases. However, not everyone responds to drug therapy and the side effects can be bothersome.

Side effects of medications used to treat tinnitus may include:

  • nausea
  • fatigue
  • constipation
  • blurry vision

In rare cases, these medications can also cause heart problems.

What should I do if I have tinnitus?
The first thing is to see your primary care doctor, who will check if anything, such as ear wax, is blocking the ear canal. Your doctor will ask you about your current health, medical conditions, and medications to find out if an underlying condition is causing your tinnitus.

** What if the sounds in my ear do not go away?**
Some people find their tinnitus doesn’t go away or it gets worse. In some cases it may become so severe that you find it difficult to hear, concentrate, or even sleep. Your doctor will work with you to help find ways to reduce the severity of the noise and its impact on your life.

Tinnitus it’s cause , cure , and treatment

Tinnitus is commonly defined as ringing in the ear. It is a symptom ear infections or meneires disease. In majority of cases, tinnitus is a sensorineural reaction in brain and auditory system.

Tinnitus causes

Tinnitus is caused due to several factors. Mostly, caused due to other health disorder and develops as a symptom.

  1. Due to excessive Accumulation of wax in ear. Excessive wax accumulates due to improper or not cleaning of ear properly. Wax becomes hard with time resulting in the blockage of sound path, with time decrease listening capacity also increases.

  2. Due to stress: stress is the major factor in most cases and is found to be the cause of several other diseases related to health. Due to stress the brain part precuneus develops irrelevant stimulation towards auditory system, leading to tinnitus.

  3. Deformation in physical structure of middle ear: middle ear function is to collect the sound to the ear drum. If it’s shape changes due to trauma or injury, will relatively changes the sound reaching the eardrum . Resulting hissing, roaring,buzzing and whistling sound

  4. Alcohol , caffeine, nicotine, and loud noises can sometimes give rise to tinnitus.

Tinnitus cure

There is no cure for tinnitus, however one can reduce tinnitus to such extent so that tinnitus doesn’t exist, but there is no cure to end tinnitus or to defeat. Once it develops, it never leaves. There are treatments which are effective in reducing it’s symptoms. There is always hope that someday there will be complete cure for tinnitus. Our scientist are always working hard to find a clue that ■■■■■■■■■■■ tinnitus or it’s like disease.

Tinnitus natural treatment

Avoid possible irritants. Reduce your exposure to things that may make your tinnitus worse.
Common examples include loud noises, caffeine and nicotine.

Cover up the noise. In a quiet setting, a fan, soft music or low-volume radio static may help mask the noise from tinnitus.

Manage stress. Stress can make tinnitus worse. Stress management, whether through relaxation therapy, biofeedback or exercise, may provide some relief.

Reduce your alcohol consumption. Alcohol increases the force of your blood by dilating your blood vessels, causing greater blood flow, especially in the inner ear area

For many people, however, wearing hearing aids is the most effective way to deal with tinnitus. By treating your hearing loss, you can tackle the cause of your tinnitus symptoms and minimize them significantly with time. Tinnitus progressiom is faster if it isn’t stopping. It’s very much irritating and disturbing in one ear .


Q no 1

How can i stop Tinnitus immediately?
Tinnitus is a disease that has no cure. There is no way to stop tinnitus immediately but there are effective methods to reduce tinnitus immediately if you haven’t got examined by doctor yet. You should follow these advices which are found to be effective for 90% tinnitus patients
reduce alcohol consumption,
manage stress,
reduce hypertension,
avoid possible irritations,
move to a much calmer place and
cover up the noise.

Q no 2

Is Tinnitus brain disorder?

Yes tinnitus is purely disability to hear sound correctly due to disfunction. It can be long term, debilitating condition even with treatment.

Q no 3

Is Tinnitus brain related?

Tinnitus was related to a part of the brain called the precuneus. The precuneus was connected to two other networks in the brain, known as the “dorsal attention network” and the “default mode"

Q no 4

Is Tinnitus brain disorder?

In majority of cases, Tinnitus is a sensorineural reaction in brain to damage in brain and auditory system. There are roughly 200 different health disorder that can develop Tinnitus as a symptom in the affected individual.

Q no 5

How do you know if Tinnitus is permanent?

One can precisely assume when hissing, roaring, buzzing, and whistling sound is increasing incredibly with time and does not even fade to decrease. Temporary symptom can also develops into permanent, if not handled well.

Q no 6

Who is the best doctor for tinnitus?

An otolaryngologist can rule out physical causes of tinnitus such as excessive ear wax, problems with the middle ear (e.g., fluid, stiffened bones), or benign tumors on the auditory nerve. Otolaryngologists work in private practices, academic medical centers, community health centers and hospitals. Otolaryngologist are best type of doctor if you want to be treated with Tinnitus.

Q no 7

Should I worry about tinnitus?

Most tinnitus that comes and goes does not require medical treatment. You may need to see your doctor if tinnitus occurs with other symptoms, does not get better or go away, or is in only one ear If you experience your tinnitus in short bursts, maybe only a few minutes each, there’s a good chance that it will fade over time.


Tinnitus is a sensorineural reaction in brain. Highly interruptible to patients. There is no scientific cure for Tinnitus till now. Several methods and exercise are prescribed by doctor to reduce tinnitus. Tinnitus can be reduced to an extent of it’s disappearance. You can follow the natural treatment to fade away Tinnitus

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