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Harnessing the Marketing Advantages of a Toll-Free Number


Calling toll-free numbers the spine of today’s businesses won’t be erroneous. The way this one toll has managed to streamline multiple business areas is commendable. There is hardly any business front where it hasn’t proved its viability and utility.

But marketing is one business front that can be benefitted the most with its help. Starting from reducing the overheads to gaining more output from the marketing campaign, there is hardly any marketing front left which hasn’t felt empowered and streamlined after the use of the toll-free number.

In case you haven’t realized its impact and power at this front and are still running your marketing strategies without using a virtual phone system then you must read carefully what we are going to write next.

Don’t give a single reason not to call you

One call from the right kind of customer can change whole dynamics. But what if that customer doesn’t bother to call you because of the:

  • High call incurring charges
  • Long call waiting time
  • Poor response

Yes, these reasons can keep that potential customer away from you and can put all your marketing efforts, time, and money in vain. Using a virtual phone system is an ideal way to curb all these issues once and for all.

The toll-free number doesn’t exert the call incurring charges on the caller. Rather, businesses pay for the customers’ calls. You can also add it to your online inquiry form, marketing SMSs or email, and websites. This allows your customers to call you without dialing your number. Just one click on the link and the number will be auto-dialed.

Also, there are many features like call transferring; IVR, call waiting, auto call distribution, welcome messages, and voicemail recording that make sure your callers have a pleasant calling experience. These features also reduce the call waiting and response time.

In short, as long as you have it by your side, your customers will have no reason not to call you. They are bound to call you which is a good sign.

Tired of getting a poor response from your marketing campaigns? Try using the toll-free number

With high hopes, you launched a million-dollar marketing campaign that included a TV commercial, print media ads, and billboard display. But, you fail big time to get the expected response. Your business phone number is not ringing as frequently as you expected.

Well, you are not the only one who has experienced this. Many businesses have gone through this and they failed to find out the loophole even after detailed inception. One major reason for this is your regular business phone number which is hard to memorize.

So, your customers fail to grasp it when it displays at the end of the commercial for two seconds. The toll-free number comes with an easy combination of the digits that are easy to remember.

Just Dial is its perfect example. You don’t have to memorize their number. It’s just ten times 8. That’s it. You saw it once in a TV commercial and you remembered it for life.

You can also bring the same sort of effortlessness in business-customer communication by using a toll-free number. Your customers will also remember it for a lifetime.

Track the viability of every marketing campaign

Given that marketing is costly, no business can afford to run a million-dollar campaign without tracking the viability. Taking note of the effectiveness of marketing campaigns is an important task that shouldn’t be overlooked. But, how will it happen? How can one find out which marketing campaign is fetching how much customer attention?

Well, taking the toll-free number on-board is the ultimate answer to all these questions. It comes with a virtual PBX facility that allows you to create multiple extensions. You can assign different extensions for a different marketing campaign and track down their viability.

One for TV commercials, one for online coupons, one for a billboard, and so on. No matter how many are the on-going campaigns, you can have a dedicated extension for everyone using the virtual PBX and track the number of calls received on each extension. This way, you can do live and reliable monitoring of all your marketing campaigns and find out the actual efficacy.

Marketing made magnificently

Marketing can be a cakewalk if you plan diligently and take the right kind of resources on board. Using a toll-free number is one such marketing strategy that will help your business to have result-driven and fruitful marketing. With its usage, things can be easier, simplified, and streamlined.

However, if you wish to get benefitted in such a manner, make sure you are buying it from a trusted service provider with easy number portability rules. Yes, number portability is one thing that you shouldn’t avoid. With the help of this facility, you can easily expand your business beyond the boundaries without changing the existing number.

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