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Dutch Rabbit


Dutch rabbit, often known as the Hollander or Brabander, was formerly the most popular of all rabbit breeds. Dwarf rabbits made the Dutch rabbit less popular. Dutch rabbits remain one of the world’s ten most popular breeds.

What kind of animal is the Dutch Rabbit?

The Dutch rabbit is one of the tiniest and oldest kinds of rabbits. Bunnies with a two-tone body color are immediately recognized and are often used as show rabbits and companion animals. The Dutch are the kind of dog that enjoys both playing outdoors and snuggling up to you for some much-needed love!

The Dutch rabbit makes a lovely fuzzy buddy that will keep you on your toes, whether you’re a first-time pet owner, an individual, a couple, or an old person. Learn more about this breed and discover whether it’s right for you by reading the information provided below.

NameDutch Rabbit
Species NameOryctolagus cuniculus
Temperature40 to 70-degree Fahrenheit
TemperamentCalm, Sociable & Energetic
ColorSeveral colors of Dutch patter
Lifespan5-10 Years
TankWater bottle
Tank size222 feet
Size3.5-5.5 pounds

The Dutch Rabbit: A Brief History

However, the Dutch rabbit is not a dwarf rabbit breed since it is tiny. The advent of miniature rabbit breeds caused a drop in the popularity of this rabbit, which was formerly one of the most popular. It’s one of the most popular rabbit breeds in the world, but it’s not the only one.

Both the British Rabbit Council and the American Rabbit Breeders Association acknowledge the Dutch rabbit (ARBA).

Species Origin

This breed’s actual origins remain a mystery. It’s been speculated that this rabbit originated in England in the mid-19th century, although some believe it came from the Netherlands and was first imported to England in 1864.

In any case, it is generally accepted that the Dutch rabbit is derived from the Brabant region’s Petite Brabacon, which was raised in huge numbers for the meat business in the late 19th century.

Dutch Rabbit Characteristics

Small rabbit breeds that are not dwarfs include the Dutch rabbits. Their striking features and colors make them immediately recognizable. Because of their tiny size, overall resilience, and loving disposition, they are a particularly popular choice for youngsters as a pet.

Buns of this breed often have litters of three to five babies. You may expect to spend anywhere from $20 to $100 for a Dutch rabbit kit, depending on the herdsman. However, if you want a show-quality Dutch rabbit, expect to pay much more. Make sure you purchase from a trustworthy herdsman at all times.


The typical weight of a Dutch rabbit is between 4 and 5.5 pounds. They have a well-rounded and compact shape. A well-balanced physique is essential for a top-notch Dutch rabbit. Short, stocky ears rise upright on their rounder heads. The front legs are shorter than the rear legs.


The fur of a Dutch rabbit is short, silky, and shiny. Because it’s a rollback, it returns to its previous place when it’s stroked oppositely. Brushing your Dutch will only be necessary during shedding season, so you won’t have to do it very frequently. Grooming will be discussed in further depth in the following sections.


The coat hues of these rabbits are well-known. The marks on each colorway vary, although they are almost identical throughout all of them. Dark-colored ears and rumps, a white band from their shoulders to their bellies, white legs, and a white blaze that runs across the front of their faces are all characteristics shared by all of the species.

In addition to the white marks, there are seven other colors to choose from. Black, blue chinchilla, chocolate, gray steel, and tortoise are some of the colors that you will find here. Yellow, brown-gray, steel gray, and pastel gray are also prevalent.


The Dutch rabbit is a kind and gregarious creature that enjoys spending time with humans and receiving plenty of affection. This is an energetic breed of rabbit that dislikes being confined to a hutch for extended periods. They might get bored and destructive if they don’t spend enough time exploring and exercising outdoors.

The Dutch rabbit is not only sociable, but it is also lively and loves to get into trouble! You’ll have to keep an eye out for this bunny if you want to avoid being surprised. Remember to always respect your Dutch’s personal space, particularly when they are new to your house, as you should with all rabbits. If they’re terrified or nervous, they may attempt to bite their way out of it.


Sadly, the average lifespan of a Dutch rabbit is just around a year and a half. Between five and eight years is the average lifespan of this species of rabbit.


In the world’s top 10 most common rabbit breeds, the Dutch rabbit is a well-known name. It has a distinctive color pattern and comes in a variety of shades. Despite its name, the Dutch rabbit comes from England, not the other way around. To produce the Dutch rabbit, breeders separated an older rabbit breed, known as the Petit Brabancon, from the newer variety.

Dutch Rabbit Identifications

As far as marks are concerned, the Dutch must be obvious, crisp, and free from drugs of the wrong hue.

  • Whisker bed: Cheeks should not be carried into the whisker bed. When the cheeks holder (i.e., are not properly rounded and come sharply to the jaw bone), touch the neckline, or drag into the mouth or throat, this is a flaw in the design. Other mistakes include crooked cheeks, which may be seen above the whisker bed or around the eyes.

  • The marking on the face is called ablaze. If possible, make it a wedge with a medium breadth. This includes the nose, whisker bed, and ear creases. Even if there are no bonus points, having a hairline is good (where the blaze goes between the ears and connects to the neck marking).

  • There’s a marking on the collar that goes from the back of the ear to the back of the neck. The marking should be crisp and wedge-shaped. The animal is not disqualified, but it is criticized if it lacks some or all of its neck markings. Unclean necks (those that don’t have a neat form) will get negative points.

  • Colored and white fur merge at the saddle, creating a distinctive marking on the upper body. Ideally, this should begin slightly behind the shoulders and form a complete circle around the body.

  • The saddle is attached to the underbody by a marking called an undercut. As a rule, it should form a circle and be near to the forelegs but not directly touching them. If the foreleg’s coloration goes beyond the elbow junction, the contestant is disqualified.

  • The stop marks on the hindfoot should be rounded. The toes should be white up to roughly one-third of the length of the foot when the fur starts to change color. If the color of the marking covers the whole coat or the toes, the dog is disqualified. It is possible to separate the toes to identify a split stop.

Dutch Rabbit Health Conditions

As a rabbit owner, you’ll want to do all you can to ensure your pet’s long and healthy existence. Dutch dogs, like other breeds, are predisposed to particular health issues. We’ve compiled information on the most common health problems that affect Dutch people so that you’ll be better prepared if the unthinkable happens.

Diseases of the Respiratory System

Rabbits are susceptible to respiratory illnesses because of their tiny lungs. Because the roots of their upper teeth rest close below their sinuses, Dutch Rabbits are susceptible to respiratory problems. Sinus infections may result from irritated upper teeth and gums.

One of the most common respiratory disorders is snuffles, which refers to symptoms such as fast breathing as well as runny nose and eyes. When a rabbit is infected with Pasteurella bacteria, the illness may be transmitted between rabbits. A round of antibiotics may effectively address the problem if it is taken care of quickly.

Dental Disease

There are several rabbits with dental issues. The continual growth of rabbits’ teeth needs a well-balanced diet that includes a lot of hay to keep teeth worn down evenly. Due to Dutch Rabbits’ smaller heads and somewhat longer jaws, misalignment may occur, resulting in dental issues.

They are susceptible to mandibular prognathism, a condition that results in irregular wear patterns on the teeth and may lead to extended or misaligned teeth. Weight loss, dribbling, or issues with the intestines are all signs of a condition known as gastroparesis.

Vets may use an anesthetic to burr down teeth to correct misalignment and remove sharp spikes, which can pierce the tongue and cheeks of a pet.


Rabbits of all breeds deal with parasites regularly. With anti-mite treatments, Cheyletiella mites may cause irritation and hair loss, but they are easy to cure with a spot-on or injectable therapy.

Getting rid of the E cuniculi parasite is more challenging. The spores in the urine propagate the disease to other rabbits, which may then infect them. Although some rabbits infected with the parasite show no symptoms, others are more vulnerable.

Cataracts, a slouching posture, and weakness in the rear legs are just a few of the symptoms. Symptoms may be alleviated with worming treatments, even though the parasite can’t be eliminated.

Disorders of the Digestive System

Rabbits’ digestive tracts are quite delicate, and they need a lot of fiber to keep their digestive systems moving and healthy. Gastric stasis is a condition that occurs when the digestive system is unable or clogged, resulting in a buildup of gas and germs. If left untreated, the illness might result in the release of poisons that can be lethal.

Although gastrointestinal problems in rabbits are quite frequent, certain breeds are more prone to them than others. Because of dental issues, such as Dutch Rabbits, and stress, rabbits may lose their appetite and not consume enough fiber to keep their intestines working. Loss of appetite, tiredness, hunching of the shoulders, decreased bowel motions, and diarrhea is some of the symptoms.

Motility medicines, pain medication, and antibiotics may all be used as part of a treatment plan. To keep rabbits’ digestive systems healthy, make sure they have access to lots of fresh hay and restrict their intake of pelleted food and treats.


As the most frequent kind of cancer in female rabbits, uterine cancer is the most common in Dutch Rabbits.

Fertility and stillbirth issues, lack of appetite, and blood in the urine are among the symptoms. Breathing problems might occur in certain circumstances when cancer spreads to the lungs.

If the cancer is discovered early enough, removing the uterus may allow the rabbit to enjoy a long and healthy life. Ask your veterinarian for their opinions on spaying female rabbits since, in the end, prevention is always preferable to cure.


The rabbits of the Netherlands are amiable creatures that like the company of humans and get along well with youngsters. To keep it healthy, it will need to be outside its cage for many hours each day to acquire the activity it requires. When it’s joyful, it’s not uncommon to see it whirling and bouncing when you let them out of your control. Your rabbit may get bored and unhappy if you keep it in its cage for too long.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs related to Dutch rabbit:

1. Are Dutch Rabbits suitable pets?

This is the ideal family pet since it’s intelligent, outgoing, and a lot of fun. Dutch Rabbits were developed in the United Kingdom, despite their Dutch origins. It is simple to teach these bright, kind rabbits and they make wonderful companions for youngsters.

2. Do Dutch Rabbits Exist in the Wild?

Dutch rabbits became less popular as dwarf rabbits were produced. However, the Dutch rabbit is still one of the most popular breeds in the world.

3. What’s the going rate for a Dutch bunny?

Dutch rabbits cost from $30 to $90 depending on the hue and where you live. When buying a rabbit, keep in mind that the herdsman may charge you more for a show-quality animal and that you may also have to pay more for a custom-colored rabbit.

4. Is it possible to train a Dutch Rabbit?

Training a Dutch rabbit is simple. Teaching cats to use a litter tray can save you a lot of time and effort in the future. It’s even possible that you can train them to respond to their name being called!

5. Curious whether Dutch rabbits have a soft underside?

It is common for rabbits to like spending time with humans, although some are more sociable than others. Rex, Polish, and Mini Lop bunnies may be extremely affectionate. Rabbits of the Dutch, Jersey Wooly, Himalayan, and Chinchilla breeds are known for their calm dispositions and willingness to be handled.

6. If so, where may it be kept outside?

Even though Dutch rabbits may be kept both inside and out, it is preferable to keep them indoors if at all feasible. As free-roaming pets, rabbits have little problem adapting to homes and flats. However, if you must keep your rabbit outdoors, be sure that its cage or hutch is large enough to allow it to roam freely.

7. Does the Dutch rabbit fall under this category?

However, the Dutch are not a diminutive species. With a soft beneath layer covered by longer guard hairs, the fur is of typical length. This means that if you brush the hair in the opposite direction of growth, it immediately snaps back to its original place. The ears are in a vertical position.

8. What is the purpose of Dutch Rabbits?

The distinctive patterns of Dutch rabbits make them difficult to display, making them popular pets. They also have a high proportion of fine bone and a high percentage of dress out. When it comes to versatility, the Dutch is one of the most adaptable breeds.

9. What’s the highest a Dutch rabbit can get off the ground?

Jumping rabbits may reach a height of more than 3 feet (approximately 1 meter). There are anecdotal claims of rabbits leaping as high as four feet, even though the current world record for a rabbit jump is 39.2 inches (99.5cm). But most rabbits will be scared away by fences that are more than three feet high.

10. Are Dutch Rabbits a good choice for those who have allergies?

Though no hypoallergenic rabbits have been discovered, some are less irritating to allergy sufferers than others. However, even though this breed sheds less than others, it requires more frequent brushing due to its long and prone to matting hair lengths.


Friendly and low-maintenance, Dutch rabbits are the perfect pets. You can get them cheap, they’re fantastic for kids, and they last a long time. There is no need to contact breeders or locate someone selling one since they are readily available at your local pet shop. Our recommendation is to purchase two, not to breed, but rather to keep them company so that they may have a longer life. We hope you’ve enjoyed perusing this manual and that you’ve gained the knowledge you sought.

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