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Does Ghee Need to Be Refrigerated


Does Ghee Need to Be Refrigerated? Yes, it can be refrigerated. Ghee has a very long shelf life. Because Ghee doesn’t have any water, bacteria can’t grow in it, so it doesn’t need to be refrigerated. Ghee is easy to take with you, whether you’re going camping or off the grid. Ensure the jar doesn’t get wet or steamy to keep the ghee stable on the shelf. Don’t put it right next to a steaming stovetop.

How to keep Ghee safely?

  1. Dairy experts say that there aren’t many unique ways to store Ghee that will make it last longer. These are called “protocols for storing ghee.” If you want to know how to store Ghee, in answer to your question "Should I refrigerate Ghee? ", here it is.

  2. Keep Ghee in a container that can’t let air in. Do not keep the lid open or loosely closed.

  3. Place the jar of Ghee on a dry shelf in your kitchen at all times.

  4. It could get worse if your Ghee is exposed to light or moisture. If Ghee goes terrible, the oil will not last as long as it could.

  5. Don’t use your fingers to touch Ghee. When people touch Ghee, it might lose its quality and go bad faster.

  6. Do not take Ghee out of the jar with a wet spoon.

  7. If you’re wondering if you should keep Ghee in the fridge, the simple answer is no. However, you do need to follow the rules above to keep Ghee fresh.

Before Using Ghee to Cook

Ghee is cooked butter. It’s simple to do. It also burns quickly. Watch out for the pot. As it cooks, the milk solids in the butter separate from the oil, and the water evaporates. Spoon out the milk solids after about 15 minutes. What’s left is Ghee, clear-gold cooking oil with a high smoke point, a long shelf life, and a fancy reputation.

People who can’t handle lactose eat Ghee.

Since Ghee has been clarified, it is free of casein and lactose. Lactose-intolerant (or lactose-free) people can eat it and digest it. Most recipes for Ghee say to throw away the milk solids. Seriously? Throw away milk solids from organic, grass-fed cows.

Keep them if you or someone you live with can handle lactose. You can put them on a salad, a smoothie, or toast. Because crunchy, salty, creamy milk solids belong on sourdough or a baguette.

The smoke point of Ghee is high.

Because there is no water in Ghee (remember, it evaporated when the butter was heated), it has a higher smoke point than butter, about 465o F compared to 350o F. It cooks without sputtering, smoking, or burning, so you can use it for grilled cheese, chilaquiles, breakfast potatoes, and more.

Ghee has a very long shelf life.

Because Ghee doesn’t have any water, bacteria can’t grow in it, so it doesn’t need to be refrigerated. Ghee is easy to take with you, whether you’re going camping or off the grid. To keep the ghee stable on the shelf, ensure the jar doesn’t get water or steam. Don’t put it right next to a stove that is steaming. If water or food gets into your Ghee, put it in the fridge. You can still use it later.

Ghee Can Cost a Lot

Yes, an ounce of good Ghee made from grass-fed, organic cows costs about four times as much as an ounce of butter. If this is your first time trying Ghee and you don’t think it’s worth the money, see #1: Make it yourself. Start with at least a pound of unsalted butter to get a good result.

Ghee has a long and interesting past.

Ghee has been used in Indian cooking and medicine for thousands of years. Ancient and modern Yogis use Ghee because it helps with digestion, reduces inflammation, and promotes peace. Ayurveda says that cooking spices should be roasted in Ghee to make them more flavorful and healthy.

Ghee has a wide range of uses.

Ghee smells and tastes like roasted nuts and has a buttery flavour. It’s an easy and tasty replacement for butter or olive oil in the sauté. Use Ghee to fry eggs, bread, tart rye crepes, or zucchini fritters. And because Ghee is just pure oil that melts quickly, it’s excellent for making spiced and flavoured butter, which you can use to dip lobster in the summer, top fruity pancakes with, or spoon over oatmeal.

Ghee doesn’t have milk solids, proteins, or sugar like regular butter. Because of this, Ghee doesn’t need to be kept in the fridge. It has a four-month shelf life when stored at room temperature.

Does Ghee Go Bad?

  • It won’t go wrong if you keep Ghee at a stable temperature for a few years. Yes, there is a date on the label, but it only tells you how long the company guarantees the flavor will be at its best. Ghee might still be good months after that date, and most of the time it is.

  • Ghee is rancid. Like oils, Ghee goes terrible if you keep it around for too long or in bad conditions.

  • Rancid Ghee smells terrible (instead of milky-sweet), tastes sour, and is usually a stark white colour.

  • It has a foul odour. It could be harmful, or there could be something else going on. If it doesn’t smell right, you shouldn’t use it.

  • There’s mould or some other discolouration on the surface. This usually happens when the lid isn’t on tight enough. Don’t keep that Ghee.

  • No longer is the quality good enough. The smell and taste may change if your Ghee has been around for a few years ([AG]). You might then decide to throw it away because it’s not good enough.

How long is Ghee good for?

Ghee stays good until the best-by date on the label, usually between one and two years after it has been jarred. If stored properly, it will retain its quality for months beyond that date. For the best quality, use the contents of the jar within six months of the first time you open it.

Every jar of Ghee has a “best-by” or “use-by” date. This date tells you how much longer the fat will be at its best. Ghee won’t suddenly go bad a day or a week later. So, you can still use it after the date on the label.

In general, the fat will get worse and worse over time. If it’s still safe to eat, you can use it for months after the best-by date (check the section on Ghee going bad).

I’ve already said that the fridge is better than the pantry for long-term storage. If you put Ghee in the freezer, it will stay safe for a very long time, but it might lose some of its taste over time.

Different ghee manufacturers have different ideas about how to open it.

Some people say that their Ghee is best within three months of being opened, while others say that the date on the label is all that matters, no matter when you opened it. If you keep Ghee in the fridge, it’s safe to use it within six months.

You Can Freeze Ghee?

If you have too much Ghee that you won’t need for a while, you can freeze it (think: in a couple of years). Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Pick a container for the fat to freeze in. If your Ghee is in a glass jar that doesn’t say it can be frozen, you need to move it first. Choose a plastic container or freezer bag that won’t let air in.

  2. If you only use Ghee every once in a while, divide the whole supply into several parts. Each serving should be enough Ghee for the next month.

  3. You can put a name on the box or bag if you want.

  4. Everything should go in the freezer.

  5. All done. As you can see, there are no extra steps to freeze Ghee, and it doesn’t take long. Put the fat in the fridge overnight to let it melt.

Ghee stays the same temperature for a long time. The date on the label tells you how long the maker guarantees that the food will taste great. Ghee might still be good for months after that date. For long-term storage, the fridge is better than the pantry. When Ghee is frozen, it is safe forever, but it may lose some of its taste over time.


There are a lot of questions about this subject, but the ones below are the most important ones.

1. How long does Ghee last when it’s not in the fridge?

Unopened Ghee can be kept for nine months in a cool, dark place that doesn’t have to be cold. Once a jar has been opened, it can stay on your counter for three months. After that, you can keep the open jar in the fridge for up to a year.

2. Should you put Ghee in the fridge once it’s been opened?

Since the milk solids have been taken out, Ghee doesn’t go wrong as quickly as regular butter does, so it’s not as essential to keep it in the fridge. Putting opened store-bought or homemade Ghee in the fridge will make it last longer, so it’s a good idea.

3. How long can Ghee be kept once it’s been opened?

If the Ghee is stored well, it can last for months after that date, even if it hasn’t been opened. If you open a jar of Ghee, it’s best to use it within six months, whether in the pantry or the fridge.

4. Is Ghee better than butter for you?

The main point. Ghee is a natural food used in cooking and medicine for a long time. It has some advantages over butter when cooking and is better if you can’t eat dairy or have an allergy to it. However, studies have found no evidence that it offers any health benefits over regular butter.

5. Can Ghee get old and make you sick?

Unlike butter, expired Ghee (except when it contains visible mould) can be used even after its expiration date. You will not get ill but only smell and taste the difference. This is why Ghee is such a versatile source of fat.

6. Is Ghee healthier than olive oil?

Since Ghee is mostly made up of saturated fat, it’s more stable and less quickly oxidized while cooking, making it a preferable alternative to practically all vegetable oils. Go here for more on the diet-heart fallacy if you’re concerned about the purported connection between saturated fat and heart disease.

7. Is Ghee good for you?

Ghee is abundant in fat and Omega-3s. Ghee helps lower harmful cholesterol levels, according to studies. These fatty acids promote heart and cardiovascular health.

9. What is the difference between clarified butter and Ghee?

Unlike clarified butter, which is cooked just to the point where the water evaporates and the milk solids separate (and sink), Ghee is cooked until the milk solids begin to caramelize.

10. Do you Stir Ghee before using it?

The butter will foam as the moisture evaporates. You don’t need to stir at this point.


Shelf-stable Ghee. Because Ghee contains no water, bacteria can’t grow, so refrigeration is unnecessary. Take ghee camping or off the grid. Avoid placing the jar near a steaming stovetop to keep the ghee shelf stable. Ghee keeps its quality for one to two years after jarring. If cared for, it keeps for months after that date. The best quality is achieved within six months after opening the jar.

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