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Do Sharks Make a Noise?


Do sharks make a noise? They don’t produce any noises. Nobody has ever discovered a sound-producing part in any of the 400-500 species of shark. Still, scientists are searching for a definitive solution to how sharks make their distinctive squeaking noise.

Do Sharks Make a Noise?

Sharks, unlike their raucous neighbors, have no means of making noise. Even their scales have been altered so that they may glide over the water like ghosts. According to New Zealanders, there is a shark species that barks like a dog. If you’re a New Zealand fisherman, you’ve probably heard of the Draughtsboard Shark (Cephaloscyllium isabella).

However, no one is certain how these sharks can bark. The following is a hypothesis that I’d like to put forth: A Draughtsboard Shark may occasionally inflate with air instead of water if it is quickly brought to the surface using a net and line. The Draughtsboard Shark’s stomach is relatively airtight, thanks to the cardiac sphincter.


A less-than-refined heart sphincter is called into play when the bloated shark is forced to alleviate that stomach pressure. An intense burst of trapped air is released from the shark’s stomach, resulting in a raspy “bark” when it does so.

How Do Animals Make Noise?

Animals on the ground employ several methods to communicate their existence. Mammals’ vocal cords and fleshy appendages are commonly used to communicate (clapping). Amphibians create a wide range of chirps, grunts, clicks, and whistles by sucking air into the skin under their mouths.

As part of their loud vocalizations, insects stomp on each other with their legs, wings, and thorax. Many ways to make a sound on land don’t work in water. Screaming in the classic, the terrestrial sense is out of the question since water is considerably heavier than air, and lunged creatures can’t breathe it.

  • As the sperm whale breathes in and out, the air is compressed and released with a loud click. We still don’t know what these creatures are saying because of the complexity of their vocalizations.

  • To generate a sound, snapping shrimp swiftly clamp their claws together. Predators are stunned, and prey is immobilized due to this defense strategy.

  • Other fish create sound by rapidly shifting direction and rubbing sections of their skeleton together or cracking against the water.

Note: Sharks don’t have swim bladders, air-filled respiratory systems, snappable joints, or even bone skeletons. Hence they have a restricted repertoire of weapons. As of this writing, no part or mechanism for shark vocalizations has been described.

Do Sharks Make Sounds?

The question of whether or not sharks create noises is hotly contested. It’s controversial whether or not sharks can make noises; some people believe they can, while others disagree. This is an ambiguous question with no clear solution.

  • Although some intriguing statistics may help clarify the situation, Low-frequency noises can be detected by sharks, for example. Their prey may be easier to locate with this talent.

  • The clicking noises made by some sharks when they are stressed have also been documented. So, do sharks produce any noises? Is there a definitive answer? They may not be able to make noise, but there are certain signs that they can.

  • Great white, tiger, hammerhead, and whale sharks were among the species studied by the team. They discovered that each of the four distinct species of sharks they studied produced distinct vocalizations.

  • The great white shark was the most obnoxious, followed closely by the tiger shark in terms of sheer volume. The quietest predator was the hammerhead shark.

Keep in mind: They make grunting or grunting noises like the toadfish and catfish. Yes, that appears to be the case at the moment. Sharks generate noise, according to research published in the journal Nature.

Types of Shark

Sharks belong to the Elasmobranchii class of cartilaginous fish. There are almost 400 different kinds of sharks. Here are some of the most well-known species of sharks, along with some interesting information about sharks you probably aren’t aware of.

Type of SharkAlternative NameExplanation
Whale SharkRhincodon typusWhale sharks are the world’s largest sharks and fish.
Basking SharkCetorhinus maximusSecond-largest shark (and fish) species. They can reach 40 feet and 7 tonnes.
Shortfin Mako SharkIsurus oxyrinchusMakos are the fastest sharks. These sharks can reach 13 feet and 1,220 pounds. Their underside is light, and their back is bluish.
Thresher SharksAlopias sp.Alopias vulpinus, Alopias pelagicus, and Alopias bigeye are thresher shark species (Alopias superciliosus).
Bull SharkCarcharhinus leucasBull sharks are one of the top unprovoked shark attack culprits.
Tiger SharkGaleocerdo cuvierYounger tiger sharks have a darker stripe. These 18-foot-long sharks may weigh 2,000 pounds.
White SharkCarcharodon carchariasThanks to “Jaws,” white sharks are among the most feared aquatic species. Twenty feet long and 4,000 pounds is their greatest size.
Oceanic Whitetip SharkCarcharhinus longimanusOceanic whitetip sharks reside far from shore.
Blue SharkPrionace glaucaBlue sharks have blue backs, blue sides, and white undersides.
Hammerhead SharksSphyrnidaeSphyrnidae hammerhead sharks are diverse. Winghead, mallet head, scalloped hammerhead, and bonnethead sharks.
Nurse SharkGinglymostoma cirratumNurse sharks are nocturnal and love ocean bottom caves and crevices.
Reef BlacktipCarcharhinus melanopterusBlacktip reef sharks have black-tipped, white-bordered fins. These sharks may grow to 6 feet long but are normally 3 to 4 feet.
Sand Tiger SharkCarcharias taurusKnown as the grey nurse shark and ragged-tooth shark. 14-foot-long shark.
Lemon SharkNegaprion brevirostrisLemon sharks have brownish-yellow skin. Their hue helps them search near the sand at the bottom of the ocean.
Brownbanded Bamboo SharkChiloscyllium punctatumBrown-banded bamboo sharks are shallow-water sharks.
Megamouth SharkMegachasma pelagiosSince 1976, just 100 megamouth shark sightings have been confirmed. This filter-feeding shark lives in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

What Kind Of Sounds Do Sharks Make?

Sharks can generate various noises, despite our preconceived notions that they are not extremely talkative creatures. These noises can be utilized for communication, navigation, and even hunting purposes.

Clicks and buzzes are two of the most typical sounds made by sharks. The noises they make are considered useful for navigation and thought to be created by the movement of their fins and tails.

When swimming in circles, sharks can also emit a low-frequency hum. Sharks may utilize this sound to communicate with one another. Sharks make noise when hunting as well. Sonic booms, for example, are a type of noise that may be heard from a great distance.

The abrupt acceleration of their body through water causes this sound. It’s considered to make it simpler for the shark to grab its prey by causing it to be disoriented or stunned.

Note: As a result, sharks produce a wide range of noises, even though they are not as noisy as other animals. In their daily routines, these noises have a significant impact.

Do Sharks Roar?

A roar may have a big impression on other animals. The intention to mate, intimidation or the location may all be communicated to other animals by roaring.

Expressing oneself in this way might foster a sense of community among members of the same species.

In movies, lions and tigers roar as they attack, but roars aren’t often employed as a hunting technique in the wild since they give away the animal’s location. This technique may make a powerful, low-frequency sound that travels well without straining your lungs.

Naturally, sharks lack this physiology, and even if they did, the water they reside in would not have the same impact; thus, screaming in the classic sense is not an option for them.


They don’t need to roar to communicate with each other. Instead of establishing boundaries and spending time together as a family, they want to be alone. Predators are few and don’t employ sound to signal a mate’s openness. As a result, sharks don’t have the need or physical ability to roar. However, we did state that sharks produce certain noises, so let’s take a closer look at that.


Some related questions are given below:

1 - What does it indicate when a shark makes a noise?

Scientists are still attempting to decipher the meaning of the many shark vocalizations. According to the researchers, the sounds may be used to lure mates or warn other sharks of danger. It is also conceivable that different shark species employ a variety of noises for their various communication needs and strategies.

2 - Is it possible for sharks to produce noise?

The issue with sharks is that they rarely make any noise. Nobody has ever discovered a sound-producing body part in any of the 400-500 species of shark. When a shark “barks,” it does so by spitting forth water.

3 - Do whale sharks have a foul disposition?

Whale Whales are not sharks; sharks are sharks. As a result, they are classified as fish rather than mammals. You should know that these sharks are the ocean’s “Gentle Giants” before you start freaking out when you see them swim toward you. Put another way; they represent no danger or risk to SCUBA divers or people.

4 - What does a shark make?

Sharks, unlike their raucous neighbors, have no means of making noise. Even their scales have been altered so that they may glide over the water like ghosts. According to New Zealanders, there is a shark species that barks like a dog.

5 - Do whales make sounds out of water?

This makes a sound audible both above and below the water’s surface. A humpback whale “lobtails” as it raises its tail out of the water and slaps it on the water’s surface. Once again, this process generates a sound that may be heard above and below the ocean’s surface.

6 - How do sharks make sounds?

Using their gills, sharks move water through their bodies to create sound. Sounds are generated like that used by cetaceans. The clicking and groaning sounds we associate with sharks are caused by the water moving through the gills and vibrating the surrounding tissues.

7 - Are shark sounds dangerous?

Some shark noises, especially when numerous sharks are producing noise simultaneously, may be rather loud and disruptive. As far as we know, these noises do not harm humans.

8 - What kind of sounds do whales and Dolphins make?

Jacques Cousteau, a pioneering undersea explorer, referred to the ocean realm as the “Silent World,” yet this is far from accurate. When whales sing, dolphins yap and click, shrimp snap like castanets, and teleost fish buzz and click, they’re all doing something.

9 - How can you tell if a shark is a whale shark?

The camera trembles a little, and then there’s a click, followed by a softer sigh. There is a tiny fish swimming up from under the spotted head just after the sound stops, showing its pale belly after it has touched the whale shark’s back.

10 - Are sharks’ screams audible to humans?

Humans are capable of hearing shark noises, yes. According to certain theories, sharks may be able to communicate with us through the noises they make. However, we have yet to decipher these supposed communications.


Sharks appear to lack the physiology and motivation to create any noise. At the very least, none that we can detect. There have been reports of swell sharks ‘burping’ air instead of water when dragged from the ocean, although this is when they are removed from their normal habitat and would not be a natural sound.

Whale sharks, however, remain a bit of a mystery. The concept that they generate a sound goes against all we know about them, and no study has been sponsored to investigate this so far.

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