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Dinosaur with the Longest Name


The dinosaur with the longest name is known as Micropachycephalosaurus. It means “small lizard with a big head.” Its fossils have been found in China, and the Chinese paleontologist gave it its name in 1978.

Dinosaurs with the Longest Name

Number of LettersDinosaur Names
23 lettersMicropachycephalosaurus
19 lettersCarcharodontosaurus
18 lettersPachycephalosaurus
18 lettersEustreptospondylus
18 lettersArchaeornithomimus

Fun Facts About Dinosaurs

  • The Oldest Dinosaur - Saltopus has been determined to be the earliest dinosaur. Two hundred and forty-five million years ago, there existed a little carnivore. Only in Scotland have fossils of this particular dinosaur been discovered, suggesting that the United Kingdom may be the key to understanding where dinosaurs first evolved.

  • The Longest Dinosaur - The Argentinosaurus was the longest known dinosaur at nearly 40 meters (or the length of four fire trucks). It belonged to the genus Titanosaur, which included some of the largest dinosaurs ever. Its skeletal remains were discovered in Argentina, South America.

  • The Heaviest Dinosaur - Argentinosaurus was the heaviest known dinosaur, weighing in at a whopping 77 tons. To put that in perspective, that’s the same as 17 full-grown African elephants. As the longest dinosaur ever discovered, Argentinosaurus won the honor twice. It also holds the record for the biggest land mammal ever.

  • The Smallest Dinosaur - Lesothosaurus and other tiny, plant-eating dinosaurs like it are the smallest fully developed fossil dinosaurs yet discovered. Baby dinosaurs have been fossilized; therefore, smaller instances have been unearthed.

Top 5 Longest Dinosaur Names

Micropachycephalosaurus, “small thick-headed lizard,” is the longest dinosaur name. A Chinese paleontologist, gave it its name in 1978 after the creature’s bones were discovered in China.

That’s a list of the one-letter dinosaur names. The top 5 shortest dinosaur names are now complete. Okay, on to the dinosaur whose name has more syllables than normal. But first, we should probably tell you that some of these dinosaurs aren’t the same as their moniker, even though their names sound great and awesome. So, are you all set?

1. Micropachycephalosaurus

Can you speedread? Yes, we realize you must calm down while reading this dinosaur’s name since it’s long. It has 23 letters. When you hear its name, you might imagine a giant chest. Incorrect.

  • Micropachycephalosaurus is tiny. 0.6 meters long. 5-10 lb. This charming tiny lizard is small and light enough to handle in one hand. Its name means little thick-headed lizard, which matches its size, weight, and body composition.

  • Named for its head form, thick-headed. Helmut-shaped. The head isn’t shaped like other pachycephalosaurs, though. Because of the dinosaur’s head form, scientists don’t know if it’s a pachycephalosaur.

  • Its head may not be properly developed. Still a pachycephalosaur. Other hypotheses say this isn’t that dinosaur. Regardless of the idea, we have a charming reptile with the longest name.

Late Cretaceous Micropachycephalosaurus. 80-70 million years ago. It inhabits Asia’s woods. This dinosaur was probably one of the tiniest herbivores in the region.

2. Carcharodontosaurus

What’s this dinosaur’s name? It looks like Micropachycephalosaurus but has four fewer letters. The name contains 19 letters. Even if it’s shorter, it’s hard to spell, right? Now, the name’s meaning.

  • Unlike Carcharodontosaurus, dinosaur names often stem from the local language or the fossil’s discoverer’s mother tongue.

  • Egypt’s Bahariya found Carcharodontosaurus. First, an incomplete skull fossil with several teeth and body bones was found. Later, a flawless dinosaur skull is found. The shark teeth give this skull its name.

  • Guess what? Shark-toothed lizard (Carcharodontosaurus), Not Egyptian. It’s Carcharodon in Latin. The name of shark genera like the Great White and Megalodon.

  • The name was blended with “Saurus,” which is Greek for “lizard” The shark-tooth lizard is the second-longest dinosaur name with 19 letters.

Late Cretaceous is when Carcharodontosaurus existed. This dinosaur was one of the era’s biggest predators. With a 12-meter body, 4-meter hip height, and 6.5-ton weight, it was the most fearsome predator of the Late Cretaceous. This one is a carnivore.

3. Archaeornithomimus

Archaeornithomimus, “archaic” means ancient, “Ornith” means bird, and “mimos” means mimic. The prehistoric bird mimic.

  • Peter Kaisen called it Ornithomimus asiaticus in 1923. Dale Russel considered the Archaeornithomimus the oldest Ornithomimus species. The founder’s first name became Archaeornithomimus.

  • Kaisen misdates his discovery. This dinosaur isn’t the earliest Ornithomimus species, though. Archaeornithomimus is still used. This bird-like dinosaur has the longest name because of a typo.

  • Archaeornithomimus live in Late Cretaceous Mesozoic. This bird-like dinosaur is tiny compared to others of its time. This dinosaur is diminutive, measuring 3.5 meters long, 1.8 meters tall, and 80 kilograms. And it’s omnivorous.

This bird-like dinosaur was one of the quickest runners due to its unusual bone structure. The feathers on its arms/wings and long, feathered tail help it run.

4. Eustreptospondylus

Other 18-letter dinosaur names. This dinosaur’s name means Streptospondylus. The name’s origin is fascinating. This theropod was initially categorized as a Megalosaurus in 1870. Almost every carnivorous dinosaur was included at the time.

  • After Streptospondylus was discovered in France, scientists realized Eustreptospondylus was related. The 1870 fossil was dubbed Eustreptospondylus and classified differently from Megalosaurus.

  • Eustreptospondylus’ designation is part of a new dinosaur naming scheme. Before Eustreptospondylus, naming was confusing. They were also hard to classify.

  • Mesozoic Eustreptospondylus. Middle Jurassic predator. Its 7-meter body, 2.1-meter hip height, and 2-ton weight may live in that age. It hunts smaller dinosaurs as a medium-sized predator.

Its teeth are distinctive. The image resembles T-Rex. Large, strong teeth let it grab prey effortlessly. Bipedal posture lets it sprint to grab smaller, quicker prey. So, its body is era-appropriate.

5. Pachycephalosaurus

Pachycephalosaurus has the longest name. Our longest dinosaur name has 18 letters. This dinosaur has the longest name. Maybe you don’t know its name, but you recognize its form, especially its head.

  • In Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World, a hunter nicknames a dinosaur Friar Tuck. Yes, it’s the dinosaur whose massive skull hits the hunting automobile. Its name comes from its thick-headed lizard head.

  • Pachycephalosaurus is Greek for thick-headed. The Head is “kephale.” “Saurus” derives from the Greek word meaning lizard, “sauros.”

  • Why thick-headed lizard? Its head is thick. Ten inches thick is its ramming skull. Compared to the mature human skull, which is 6.5-7.1 millimeters thick, this dinosaur deserves a distinct vocabulary, right?

There’s more: Pachycephalosaurus inhabited North America, like T-Rex. The thickhead may be a device to escape an attacking T-Rex. They may shove its huge head into a T-torso, Rex’s hurting it enough to flee.

Note: This dinosaur existed in Late Cretaceous Mesozoic. Pachycephalosaurus’ beak-like mouth suggests it’s a herbivore. Scientists discovered this dinosaur is omnivorous. Pachycephalosaurus reaches 4.5 meters. Hip height is 1.8 meters. 450 kg.


Some related questions are given below:

1 - Which type of dinosaur has the most complicated name?

The Micropachycephalosaurus was the dinosaur with the longest name, which translates to “small thick-headed lizard.” It was named in 1978 by the Chinese naturalist, who discovered its fossils in China and gave them the country’s name.

2 - What did every kind of dinosaur call itself?

This “running lizard,” known as a Dromaeosaurus, most likely had feathers covering its body. It’s possible that the Dromiceiomimus was the quickest dinosaur that ever lived. Dryosaurus is an example of a typical ornithopod that lived during the late Jurassic period. Dryptosaurus was the tyrannosaur found in the United States of America initially.

3 - Which dinosaur outranks the argentinosaurus in terms of size?

Due to the enormous size of each, the dinosaur was likely a massive titanosaur, which was maybe even larger than Argentinosaurus. However, it will not be possible to verify this assertion unless leg bones are discovered. The researchers will be able to make educated guesses on the body weight of the animals based on their size.

4 - What is the most unusual name for a dinosaur?

The scientific name for this creature is Deinocheirus mirificus, which means “strange hand” in Latin. The paleontologists at the Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (Kigam) in South Korea have revealed that they have discovered a new species that lived millions of years ago. In the 1960s, researchers found dinosaur bones with unusually lengthy arms belonged to an unidentified dinosaur species.

5 - What is the name of the dinosaur that has the second-longest name?

The name Micropachycephalosaurus, which encompasses 23 letters and nine syllables, is the name given to the dinosaur with the longest name. Pachycephalosaurus was a close cousin of this dinosaur, which was a smaller species. The meaning of its name is “little lizard with a thick-headed head.” It contains four more letters than the name Carcharodontosaurus, considered the second-longest dinosaur name.

6 - Which dinosaur was the most sedentary of the bunch?

It’s possible that the Brachiosaurus was the most sedentary dinosaur that lived throughout the late Jurassic era, but if you believe that, you’re correct. Most experts think that the dinosaur did not even chew its meal. Dawson stated that the animals had around 40 to 50 teeth that resembled chisels.

7 - Which dinosaur was the most intelligent?

Troodon was a carnivorous dinosaur about the size of a man and had a brain the size of an avocado pit. It was not just the most intelligent dinosaur but also the most intelligent animal that lived throughout the dinosaurs, including our progenitors. These mammals lived during the Mesozoic Era.

8 - When did dinosaurs first appear on the scene?

For the past twenty years, the Eoraptor has been used to symbolize the start of the Jurassic Period, dominated by dinosaurs. This contentious small creature was discovered in Argentina’s rock around 231 million years old. It has been hailed as the oldest known dinosaur on several occasions.

9 - Which dinosaur was the tiniest of them all?

It was claimed that the fossil wrapped in amber was the tiniest dinosaur fossil ever discovered. Oculudentavis khaungraae was characterized as a hummingbird-sized toothed bird—an avian dinosaur that flew around prehistoric Myanmar approximately 100 million years ago—when it was first published early in the year 2020. This dinosaur was known for little more than a strange skull.

10 - Are any dinosaurs alive today?

Scientific evidence suggests that no dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, or Triceratops, are still around today. However, it is well knowledge that birds are an exception. All dinosaurs that weren’t birds became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous Period, which happened at least 65 million years ago.


The name Micropachycephalosaurus, which consists of 23 letters and nine syllables, holds the record for being the longest generic name for a dinosaur. Despite having such a massive moniker, it was a rather little dinosaur, which literally translates to “small thick-headed lizard.” Those names of dinosaurs are the shortest and longest that you can find.

The names of dinosaurs tell us a great deal of information, one of the most essential of which is that the dinosaurs’ conditions were reflected in their names. It draws attention to some of the more noteworthy aspects of that dinosaur, such as the Pachycephalosaurus with its disproportionately large skull. A few of them also display the spot where the artifact was unearthed for the first time.

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