Delhi School Education Model

Education has the same value and importance for every house-hold and backgrounds. Be it rich or poor education has the same relevance. Education is the powerful weapon they say and rightly so, A educated community can pull out a lot of corrupt and awful elements from the society. Lately, education has become the most important and indispensable part of a man’s profile.

A lot of acts have come into the picture in order to improve the education system of India. And in the last five years, Delhi school education model has been catching and stealing the limelight, in and outside of Delhi. There have been majorly two kinds of education model introduced in our country India. One is for classes and other for masses. It creates a gap between education and non-privileged. In order to fill up this void Delhi government has come up with education model, keeping in mind that quality education is necessity not luxury. This fresh model has majorly five components. Since Delhi is the capital state so you would find some of the country’s top school. Best schools in Delhi for Girls and Boys provide access to best and quality facilities. From infrastructure to imparting knowledge, everything is finest and unsurpassed.

  • Apart from very few well constructed and intact schools most of the school are lacking in many aspects, from infrastructure to the basic facilities, every thing in improper and incomplete. So the first component of the model is to transform the look of schools. Schools which are ramshackle and tumble-down lacks in a lot of basic facilities, and this situation does not only indicates the recklessness and unconsciousness of government but also shows disinterest and disregard of teachers and hence the same in children. So the Delhi government has vowed to build some alluring and beautiful building with full fledge facilities of proper washrooms, sports room, library, labs and also well equipped classrooms with the flair of smart classes.
  • The schools even enroll teachers with no experience in the domain or teachers with improper knowledge, which is awful for the future of students, as teachers play a vital role in shaping the students’ future. Hence the second component deals with providing training to teachers and principals. There was a forum created which encouraged peer learning among teachers. And apart from this several steps were taken to increase the teachers’ professional profile. Teachers were made to visit some of the top institutions of the world to gain a clear perspective and attain a point of view. They visited Cambridge University, the national institute of education, Singapore; IIM Ahmedabad; and many others. Exposure to such tutoring schemes and leadership training would help teachers to hop from the conventional approach of teaching to some new mechanisms and models, the best form in and around the country.

The third component comprises of alliance with the community by reconstructing school management committees that is SMC. The budget for SMC is Rs5-7 lakh per annum. And the SMC has all the right to spent those on any material or activity in regard to school. Be it hiring teachers or other activities like fest or annual functions. Also, a frequent parents teachers meetings are conducted in order for both teachers and parents to get updated with students activities and performances. Invitation for these meeting are sent through FM radio, news paper, advertisement , etc.

According to statistics in the year 2016 Delhi government noted 50 percent failure rate in grade 9th and that was because of the poor base and foundation skills of children might be reason for that. So a special initiative was taken to ensure that all students at least learn the basics that is to read, write and do basic mathematics. Likewise a ‘happiness curriculum’ was introduced for children between the age of nursery and class 8th. And an ‘entrepreneurship mindset curriculum’ was also introduced to generate the problem solving and higher order thinking of children from class 9th to 12th. But majorly the regular courses and subject are given maximum importance. Especially for those appearing for boards that is grade 10th and 12th .

The last component majorly covered the agenda of not increasing the fees of private school. The first four component impacted nearly 35 percent of the children of government school in Delhi. But the last component impacted 40 percent of children going to private school. In past few years almost all the schools has increase their fees annually and Delhi government had ensured refund of Rs32 crore to the parents. Also any further increase in the fees of the student would be examined and authorized. And hence no school can increase their fees for 2 years.

AGENDA 2.0 is also introduced by the leader of Delhi education model Mr Manish Sisodia. This particular agenda will have three major areas to restructure. First, the syllabus of classes 1 to 8 will be modified and some foundational skills would be added so as to ensure apart from fluently reading and writing and solving mathematics children should be emotionally resilient and internalize and adopt the core values at an early stage of life. With the increase in the rat race, it’s very important for students to think critically and smartly and hence the second area of the agenda promotes students to think critically and increase the problem-solving ability so as to tackle any problem with ease. All the students should acquire all the soft skills like dancing, singing, sports, spoken English, etc. so that students do not lack behind in any battle.


Some of the best schools of Delhi provide all necessary and not so important facilities and skills but these steps by the Delhi government ensures that each and every student despite of the backgrounds should get the privilege of every ability and flair even if they can not afford.