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Can Cats Eat Blueberries


Can cats eat blueberries? Yes, cats can eat blueberries. Some fruits are safe for cats to eat and some are not. As it turns out, blueberries are safe to feed to cats. In general, though, cats don’t eat much fruit because they receive most of their required nutrition from meat and animal sources.

What Are Blueberries?

Blueberries are a category of perennial flowering plants with blue or purple berries that are extensively dispersed and pervasive. Within the genus Vaccinium, they are categorized in the section Cyanococcus. Cranberries, bilberries, huckleberries, and Madeira blueberries are all members of the Vaccinium genus.

All commercial blueberries are native to North America, both wild (lowbush) and cultivated (highbush). During the 1930s, highbush varieties were introduced to Europe. Blueberries are typically prostrate shrubs with a height ranging from 10 centimeters (4 inches) to 4 meters (13 feet).

The species with small, pea-size berries growing on low-level bushes are called “lowbush blueberries” (synonymous with “wild”) in commercial blueberry production, whereas the species with larger berries growing on taller, cultivated bushes are called “highbush blueberries.” Lowbush blueberries are produced in large quantities in Canada, while highbush blueberries are produced in large quantities in the United States.

About cats:

The cat (Felis catus) is a tiny carnivorous mammal that is domesticated. It is the only domesticated species in the Felidae family, and it is commonly referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the family’s wild members. A cat can be a house cat, a farm cat, or a feral cat, the latter of which roams freely and avoids humans.

Humans prize domestic cats for their companionship and capacity to destroy rats. Various cat registries recognize about 60 different cat breeds.

The cat’s structure is comparable to that of other felids: it has a strong, flexible body, rapid reflexes, keen teeth, and retractable claws that are designed for killing small prey. It has excellent night vision and a keen sense of smell. Meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling, and grunting are all examples of cat communication, as well as cat-specific body language.

The cat is a solitary hunter yet a gregarious creature that is most active at dawn and dusk (crepuscular). It can hear sounds emitted by mice and other small mammals that are too faint or too high in frequency for human hearing. Pheromones are secreted and detected by cats. From spring until late autumn, female domestic cats can bear kittens, with litter sizes typically ranging from two to five kittens.

Cat fancy is a hobby in which domestic cats are bred and presented as registered pedigreed cats at events. Spaying and neutering cats may help to reduce their population, but their growth and abandonment of pets have resulted in vast numbers of feral cats around the world, contributing to the extinction of entire bird, mammal, and reptile species.

Around 7500 BC, cats were domesticated for the first time in the Near East. Cat domestication was supposed to have begun in ancient Egypt, where cats were revered from around 3100 BC.

In 2021, the world’s cat population was expected to be 220 million owned and 480 million stray cats. With 95.6 million cats and about 42 million homes owning at least one cat, the domestic cat was the second-most popular pet in the United States in 2017. In the United Kingdom, 26% of adults have a cat with an estimated population of 10.9 million pet cats as of 2020.

Can Cats Eat Blueberries?

The truth is that fruits are not a natural element of a cat’s diet. Cats are carnivores, and their absence of taste receptors for sweetness is owing to their meat-eating desire. According to Scientific American, they are unlikely to be enthralled by any sweet food, let alone blueberries. Cats likely enjoy blueberries because of their texture.

Too much sugar in a cat’s diet (even natural sugar found in fruit!) might create digestive or diabetic problems over time. Blueberries should not be fed in excessive quantities to cats, especially as a meal replacement. Interestingly, while blueberries can benefit people with diabetes, cats metabolize fruit sugar differently. Frequently raising their blood sugar levels with fruit can lead to long-term health problems.

While blueberries do not contain any hazardous chemicals or substances, a cat’s digestive tract is built to absorb nutrition from protein rather than carbohydrates. While commercial cat food contains some carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables are mostly carbohydrates and are not advised as part of a carnivore diet.

Blueberries are a mainstay in many people’s households, whether they’re eaten as a pleasant snack on a hot day, put into pancake batter, or baked into a pie. Because of their small size and spherical form, they easily roll off counters and into the floor, ending up in a forgotten corner of the kitchen.

Many cat owners may question, “Can cats eat blueberries?” as a result of this. One or two on occasion should not be detrimental to your cat, according to the response. However, you should always consult your veterinarian before adding any new food to your cat’s diet to confirm that it is a suitable snack.

You may relax if your cat eats one off the floor or sneaks one out of a bowl unless your pet has an unusual intolerance to these berries. While the answer to the question “Are blueberries toxic to cats?” is no, this does not mean that they should be included in their daily diet or even as a snack.

While eating occasional blueberry or two is usually safe for cats, blueberries are not a suitable treatment for them and are even deemed unhealthy when baked into a scone or blueberry pie.


Blueberries are a category of perennial flowering plants with blue or purple berries that are extensively dispersed and pervasive. The cat is a tiny carnivorous mammal that is domesticated. A cat’s digestive tract is built to absorb nutrition from protein, rather than carbohydrates.

Are blueberries good for cats?

Blueberries are not toxic to cats, but their nutritional value is debatable. Because it is high in antioxidants and vitamin K, this fruit is considered a superfood for humans. Felines, on the other hand, are obligate carnivores, meaning they get the majority of their sustenance from meat and other animals.

Your cat will get all the vitamins, minerals, and nourishment they need to stay healthy if you feed them the right amount of commercially available, age-appropriate cat food. Your cat may have gastrointestinal upset after eating fruits or veggies because the feline digestive system isn’t equipped to handle them.

Blueberries have a low natural sugar content, which could alter your pet’s blood sugar levels. This can be especially harmful to cats who suffer from certain medical issues. The answer to the question “Are blueberries safe for diabetic cats?” is no. Because many blueberry-containing human meals contain sugar, pet parents should keep them out of reach for their cats.

What If My Cat Doesn’t Like Blueberries?

Because cats are unable to detect sweetness, they are not attracted to the berry’s flavor. Some cats, on the other hand, are drawn to unusual flavors and textures, so blueberries may still pique their interest.

Blueberries may provide some health benefits, but they are not a necessary element of your cat’s diet. There’s no need to force the issue if your cat doesn’t like them. Cats are carnivores, therefore they won’t go out of their way to eat fruits and vegetables.

Can cats only digest protein?

Cats can eat both protein and carbohydrate-rich diets. Cats are carnivores, so this may seem strange. Fruits, grains, and vegetables are all foods that cats may consume. "Fruit carbs can be digested by cats. Purina Senior Nutritionist Jan Dempsey argues that “they merely digest carbohydrates less efficiently than they do protein from meat.” This indicates that cats are allowed to eat blueberries.

Should I always feed my cat the same food?

Giving your pet a variety of foods to avoid nutrient deficiency is an important part of good pet care. Because diverse foods provide a variety of nutrients that other dietary groups do not.

Mealtimes can be boring for cats, and most cats prefer variety in their food. While a healthy treat or the introduction of new meals is always welcome, cats can and cannot consume a variety of human foods. As a result, we’ve put together a handy guide for cat owners on safe and nutritious human foods that can be included in a healthy balanced diet.

Will my cat try blueberries?

It is entirely dependent on your cat’s personality. Sweet flavors are not detectable by cats. They are, nonetheless, drawn to novelty. Because blueberries are tasty, a cat will not eat them. “There are some cats who might try blueberries because they’re new,” Dempsey explains.

Cats are known for being neophilia, which means they enjoy trying novel foods and textures. As a result, your cat might be eager to eat a blueberry. Because cats prefer wet textures, blueberries may become a favorite food once they are discovered to be juicy.

Table of Blueberry Nutrition Stats:

Blueberries are one of the most nutrient-dense fruits. In fact, according to the USDA, 100g of blueberries contain:


This makes blueberries a low-calorie snack that’s higher in fiber than some other fruits. Blueberries are also a good source of some vitamins and minerals, particularly:

Vitamin C9.7mg
Vitamin K19.3ug
Vitamin B60.1mg

How to Feed Your Cat Blueberries?

Despite felines not being able to process fruit as well as meat, they may snatch up a berry if the opportunity presents itself.

Keep it simple; Raw blueberries are generally not considered hazardous, so if your cat sneaks a few, don’t be concerned. Blueberries that have been processed or even mashed, such as those used in jellies and jams, are generally high in sugar and offer a greater health risk than simply washed berries.

Also, keep an eye out for blueberries that have been sweetened before packaging. Because chocolate is harmful to cats, chocolate-covered blueberries should be properly packed and kept out of reach of pets.

Don’t go with frozen; Many people prefer frozen blueberries because they blend well and last longer in smoothies. Frozen berries have a dough consistency that can be difficult for cats to chew, resulting in tooth injury. Furthermore, if your cat takes a blueberry whole, it can induce choking or tummy trouble.

Are blueberries bad for cats?

Not in the least. Blueberries are not harmful to cats. Blueberries aren’t considered a superfood for cats, however, the antioxidants in blueberries are beneficial to cats as well. “That’s why blueberry powder is in some pet meals,” Dempsey adds. Blueberries are also excellent for cats because of their high fiber and water content.

How to Introduce Blueberries to Your Cat?

Here’s how to safely introduce blueberries to your cat’s diet if they’ve never had them before.

1-Consult the Vet:

Even though these foods are healthy for cats, it’s always a good idea to consult your veterinarian before giving them to your pet.

2-Calculate the Portions:

You may calculate how many blueberries your cat should eat over a certain length of time based on his caloric requirements. The amount should be based on dietary requirements, body weight, and overall health.

3-Prepare the Berries:

This procedure entails thoroughly cleaning them and plucking the berries from the stem. After that, you may either split them in half or smash them so your cat can smell the fluids, or you can smash them. Some cats prefer frozen blueberries as a crunchy snack, so you can feed them that way as well.

If your cat isn’t interested in these options, try blending raw blueberries or mashed cooked blueberries into his or her diet. There’s no need to push them to consume any of these if they don’t want to.

4-Monitor your Cat:

It’s possible that giving your cat a new treat or meal will trigger stomach problems. It’s important to start with little amounts of the goodies so you can keep track of any changes or concerns and get medical help as soon as possible.


Blueberries are not toxic to cats, but their nutritional value is debatable. Blueberries have a low natural sugar content, which could alter your pet’s blood sugar levels. Cats can eat both protein and carbohydrate-rich diets. Blueberries aren’t considered a superfood for cats. The antioxidants in blueberries are beneficial to cats as well.

How many blueberries can cats eat?

Your cat shouldn’t eat too many blueberries because she is getting a comprehensive and balanced diet from her wet or dry food. “Consider blueberries in the same way you would any other treatment for your cat. They should account for no more than 10% of a cat’s daily calorie consumption. So just a few blueberries, maybe 2-3, is enough,” Dempsey says.

What About Blueberry Extract?

There are numerous cat foods on the market that contain blueberry extract. These meals claim to provide antioxidant advantages to dogs and cats, and they may aid in the recovery of urinary tract infections.

However, most meals containing blueberry extract have little effect on blood sugar or carbohydrate levels, so they’re generally safe to provide to your cat. Monitor your cat’s behavior over a few weeks, just like you would with any new meal you give them.

How can my cat eat more blueberries in her diet?

You don’t have to give your cat blueberries only a few times a week if you like them. She can eat a variety of complete and balanced foods as a full meal daily. Sailing With Salmon by Muse, with blueberries and spinach accents, is one to try.

Alternative Healthy Snacks:

Instead of blueberries, consider vegetables as a good alternative to their regular snacks. “Pet owners can always try to give vegetables to cats in food or treats. Not all will eat them,” Dr. Richter says. “There certainly are good nutrients in vegetables when part of a balanced meal.”

These veggies are not toxic to cats, according to the ASPCA:

  • Zucchini

  • Celery (they love the crunch)

  • Carrots

  • Green bell peppers

  • Spinach (Filled with vitamins A, C, and K!)

  • Peas (Often found in many prepackaged foods for cats and dogs as a vitamin-filled addition)

  • Pumpkin (Pumpkin is used often as a way to get fiber in your cat’s diet)

  • Broccoli

Whether your cat prefers fruits or veggies, keep in mind that your cat is still a carnivore at the end of the day. They’ll miss out on critical nutrients from correctly made cat food if their full meals are replaced with anything other than their regular diet. According to Dr. Richter, “the vast bulk of what cats eat should be a balanced diet.” “Treats, in general, are unbalanced and should not account for a major amount of a person’s daily intake.”

Are There Nutritional Benefits to Feeding Your Cat Blueberries?

Cats have specific dietary requirements that must be supplied by their diet, according to the University of Missouri Small Animal Clinical Nutrition Service in Columbia, Mo., and the nutrients they require are not the same as those required by humans. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they solely eat animal items for nutrition.

“The simplest and most practical approach to meet a cat’s nutrient requirements is to offer them with a full and balanced commercial food developed by a board-certified veterinary nutritionist or an individual with a Ph.D. in animal nutrition,” the Clinical Nutrition Service states. This means that treats like blueberries aren’t necessary as long as your cat gets all of the nutrients he needs from his food.

Are There Risks When Feeding Cats Blueberries?

While blueberries are considered a safe food for cats, there are some caveats. “Blueberries are fine to give healthy cats if your cat enjoys them,” says Theresa Entriken, DVM, a veterinary consultant in Leawood, Kan. “However, due to the sugar content of blueberries, it’s advisable to avoid feeding them to cats with medical disorders like diabetes.”

Keep in mind that some cats may be sensitive to diet changes or additions, such as new fruit treats, and may vomit or have diarrhea as a result of trying anything new. “Remember that a complete and balanced meal should provide the majority of a cat’s calories,” Entriken advises. So only serve single blueberries as a treat once in a while—no need to go overboard and serve a blueberry muffin or slice of pie.

The Benefits of Blueberries for Cats:

Blueberries are a superfood, which means they give significant health advantages in addition to good nutrition. Although the majority of study on blueberries’ health advantages has been conducted on people (and to a lesser extent, dogs), the recognized health benefits of blueberries may also benefit cats.

Antioxidants are abundant in blueberries (compounds that fight free radicals, slowing damage to the cells of the body). Antioxidants can help to slow down the aging process and may help to prevent cancer. Blueberry fiber may aid to reduce inflammation in the body, which may help to alleviate illnesses such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. Blueberries are also good for your urinary tract (as do cranberries).

What are the health benefits of blueberries?

1-Low-level of carbohydrates:

Blueberries are fruits with a low carbohydrate content (14%) and a high water content (84%) as well as minor levels of protein and fat.

Simple sugars account for the majority of carbohydrates. Glucose and fructose are two simple sugars. Blueberries, on the other hand, include fiber in addition to glucose and fructose. Blueberries are low-nutrient or low-component fruits that generate significant blood sugar rises. As a result, this is also regarded safe for diabetics and persons with heart problems.

2-High-level of fiber content:

Dietary fiber is an important part of a balanced diet. It has been shown to aid digestion and may have a preventive impact against several ailments. A single cup of blueberries contains at least 3.6 grams of fiber. This percentage of carbs comes in the form of fiber, with a carb level of roughly 16 percent.

3-Minerals and vitamins:

Blueberries are a wonderful source of various vitamins and minerals, which is good news for both us and our kitties. Blueberries include modest levels of vitamin E, vitamin B6, and copper, which provide several health benefits. It also includes the following nutrients to meet your cat’s nutritional requirements:

  • Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid, and it has the benefit of acting as an antioxidant. This vitamin is vital for skin health and immunological function in both cats and humans.

  • Vitamin K1, commonly known as phylloquinone, is a vitamin. The vitamin is very important for blood coagulation. Vitamin K1 is also advantageous for bone formation and health.

  • Manganese; Manganese is required for a range of functions. This mineral is crucial for controlling your amino acid synthesis, protein, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism.

4-Blueberries as a natural cat food preservative:

This intriguing flavor has been brought to the cat food market, and that flavor is a blueberry extract. Blueberry extract is becoming increasingly popular as an ingredient in cat food. Blueberries have the highest antioxidant content of any fruit on the planet. These antioxidants are a common way to keep pet food fresh.

Antioxidants are natural preservative that is good for you. These natural antioxidants are effective at preventing or slowing oxidation. This keeps your pet’s food fresh for a longer period, extending its shelf life.

Potential Health Concerns from Blueberry Consumption:

Blueberries may cause stomach distress among first-timers. Because their primary diet consists primarily of meat and high levels of protein, adding blueberries to their diet may pose some health risks.

1-Allergic Reactions:

Fruits and vegetables are safe for cats to consume and digest, but too much might cause stomach distress. Indigestion, vomiting, and diarrhea are also possible side effects. To prevent kittens from choking on the berries, consider mashing them into a paste.


The sugar content of blueberries is minimal. This quantity, however, may still be dangerous to your pet, particularly if they have diabetes. If this is the case with your pet, it’s probably best to stay away from these fruits.

Can cats eat dog food?

Long-term feeding of dog food to cats can be harmful because it lacks the proper mix of nutrients and proteins found in cat food. As a result, pet owners with several pets should avoid substituting cat food for dog kibble. In an emergency (if you run out of cat food), your cat can eat dog food, but only for one or two days.

Cats require more animal protein than dogs, and vital elements such as taurine and arginine can only be found in meat. While consuming dog food for one day won’t harm your cat, it could lead to vitamin deficiencies over time.

What meat can cats eat?

Freshly cooked meat can be provided to cats as part of a balanced diet. Pet owners should make sure that any fresh meat they feed their cats is fully cooked. Also, make sure that all bones are removed since they can be a choking hazard, cause digestive obstruction, or even harm the cat’s teeth.

Characteristics of cats:


In comparison to the European wildcat, the domestic cat has a smaller cranium and shorter bones. It has a head-to-body length of 46 cm (18 in), a height of 23–25 cm (9–10 in), and a tail length of 30 cm (12 in). Males are significantly larger than females. Domestic cats usually weigh between 4 and 5 kilograms as adults (9 and 11 lb).


Cats have seven cervical vertebrae (like most mammals), 13 thoracic vertebrae (humans have 12), seven lumbar vertebrae (humans have five), three sacral vertebrae (like most mammals, but humans have five), and a variable number of caudal vertebrae in the tail (humans have only vestigial caudal vertebrae fused into an internal coccyx).

The cat’s spinal movement and flexibility are due to the additional lumbar and thoracic vertebrae. 13 ribs, the shoulder, and the pelvis are attached to the spine. Cat forelimbs, unlike human arms, are joined to the shoulder by free-floating clavicle bones, allowing them to pass their body through any space large enough to fit their head.

3- Skull:

The cat skull is unique among mammals in that it has unusually wide eye sockets and a strong specialized jaw. Cats have teeth suited for killing animals and shredding meat within their jaws. When a cat outnumbers its prey, it uses its two large canine teeth to administer a devastating neck bite, placing them between two of the prey’s vertebrae and severing the spinal cord, resulting in irreversible paralysis and death.

Domestic cats have narrowly spaced canine teeth concerning the size of their jaw compared to other felines, which is an adaptation to their chosen prey of small rodents with little vertebrae. The carnassial pair, which consists of the premolar and first molar on either side of the mouth, efficiently chops meat into little pieces like a pair of scissors.

Because cats’ little molars can’t chew food effectively, and cats are mostly incapable of mastication, they are essential in eating. Although cats have better teeth than most humans, with decay being less likely due to a thicker protective coating of enamel, less harmful saliva, less food particle retention between teeth, and a primarily sugar-free diet, they are nevertheless susceptible to tooth loss and infection.


Claws on cats are retractable and protractible. The claws are sheathed with the skin and fur around the paw’s toe pads in their typical, relaxed state. This enables the quiet tracking of prey while keeping the claws sharp by preventing wear from contact with the ground. Claws on the forefoot are usually sharper than those on the hindfoot.

Cats can extend their claws on one or more paws voluntarily. Claws can be extended for hunting, self-defense, climbing, kneading, or extra traction on soft terrain. Scratching rough surfaces causes cats to shed the outer layer of their claw sheaths.

The front paws of most cats have five claws, whereas the back paws have four. The dewclaw is the claw that is closest to the other claws. A protrusion that looks to be a sixth “finger” is located closer.

This unique feature of the front paws, located on the inside of the wrists, is supposed to be an antiskidding device employed during jumping. Polydactyly is a condition in which some cat breeds have additional digits. Polydactylous cats can be found along the northeast coast of North America and in the United Kingdom.


Digitigrade is a term used to describe a cat that is digitigrade. It walks on its toes, with the bones of the feet forming the visible leg’s lower half. It walks in a “pacing” gait, which means it moves both legs on one side of the body before moving the legs on the other.

It detects directly by placing each hind paw near to the corresponding fore paw’s track, reducing noise and visible tracks. When crossing uneven terrain, this also gives a firm footing for the hind paws. Its gait turns to a “diagonal” gait as it accelerates from walking to trotting: the diagonally opposing hind and forelegs move at the same time.


Most cat breeds have a proclivity for perching or sitting in high locations. Domestic cats strike prey by pouncing from a perch such as a tree branch, therefore a higher area can serve as a hidden hunting spot. Another possibility is that the cat’s height provides it with a superior vantage point from which to survey its territory.

A cat can land on its paws after falling from heights of up to 3 meters (9.8 feet). A cat’s excellent sense of balance and flexibility allows it to twist and right itself during a fall from a high vantage point, allowing it to land on its feet.

The cat righting reflex is the name for this reaction. If a cat has enough time to do so, as is the case in falls of 90 cm (2 ft 11 in) or more, it will always right itself in the same way. The “fallen cat problem” has been studied to see how cats can right themselves when they fall.


Cat food contains vital elements such as taurine and arginine, which can only be found in meat. A cat can land on its paws after falling from heights of up to 3 meters (9.8 feet). The “cat righting reflex” is the name for this reaction.

Frequently Asked Questions:

The following are some of the most frequently asked questions concerning this keyword:

1- How many blueberries can my cat eat?

“Consider blueberries in the same way you would any other treatment for your cat. They should account for no more than 10% of a cat’s daily calorie consumption. So just a few blueberries, maybe 2-3, is enough,” Dempsey says.

2- What fruits can cats not eat?

Grapes and raisins are harmful to cats and dogs, and grapes and raisins can harm their kidneys. Persimmons, lemons, limes, and grapefruit, as well as citrus fruits like lemons, limes, and grapefruit, can upset your stomach.

3- Which berries are bad for cats?

The fruits listed below should not be fed to your dog or cat: Cherry pits contain cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs and can be fatal. Grapes and raisins- These foods might cause your pet to have major digestive problems, such as diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy.

4- Why does my cat love blueberries?

Blueberries are eaten by cats not because they are sweet, but because they are unfamiliar with the fruit. Cats have a reputation for being neophilia. This indicates they enjoy trying new flavors and textures. Because some cat feeds have a moist texture, your cat may be thrilled to eat a blueberry.

5- Is it OK to feed cats scrambled eggs?

Scrambled or boiled eggs with no salt or seasonings are safe for cats to eat. However, there is a risk of overfeeding your cat with fat. Consult your veterinarian before giving your cat eggs.

6- Are bananas safe for cats?

Bananas are a safe and healthful treat for your cat, but they, like all the other products on this list, should be given in tiny amounts. A banana, even half a banana, is not something your cat should consume. Give her a little slice of your banana instead. Don’t be surprised if your cat rejects your gift.

7- Why does my cat bite me gently?

Cats utilize gentle bites to get our attention or to express their love and affection for us. There is a thin line, however, between exciting play and violent behavior. Pet-induced hostility is the term for the latter. Touching some cats causes them to become agitated.

8- Is it OK to give cats rice?

A small amount of white rice will not hurt your cat, even if it is not a required element of their diet. If she’s suffering from digestive problems, it might be beneficial. If you don’t want to use the spice, just give your cat the . Fiber and minerals in pureed pumpkin can assist with everything from constipation to hairballs.

9- Can cats eat popcorn?

Yes, but there’s a snag. Freshly popped popcorn contains no toxins that are harmful to cats of any age or breed. That is, however, only true for ordinary popcorn. Butter, salt, caramel, and a range of spices and seasonings, such as garlic, can all be harmful to your cat’s health.

10- Can cats eat apple skin?

Apples are safe for cats to consume. Apples are high in calcium, vitamin C, vitamin K, and pectin in their meat, and phytonutrients in their peel. Apples provide the same health benefits to cats as they do to humans. It’s possible to serve small slices or cubes of meat and peel.


Blueberries are edible to cats. Blueberries are a healthy fruit to include in your cat’s diet. However, as a reward, they should only be given in limited amounts, depending on the health of the cat. Consult your veterinarian about the best amounts before incorporating them into your pet’s diet.

You’ll also need to keep an eye out for any negative reactions after you’ve consumed it. Also, keep in mind that, despite the benefits, not all cats will enjoy blueberries. It’s pointless to force your cat to eat this fruit if you realize they’re avoiding it.

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