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B2 (Riboflavin) Lewis Structure


B2 Lewis structure is an organized bcc structure composed of two simple cubic interlayer sublattices, and stoichiometrically, it can be represented by atomic distributions that are 50:50 in proportion to one another. The DO3 and L21 structures are ordered variants of B2 structures that are often seen.

B2 Lewis Structure

An atom occupies a site while B atoms occupy both a and a site in AB compounds with the B2 structure. There are only two B atoms in the A3B molecules with the DO3 structure, and the other two A atoms fill the other two spots.

Atoms A, B, and C all occupy different positions in A2BC compounds with the L21 structural arrangement. Compounds such as NiAl and AgMg are among the most prevalent in this class of B2-based intermetallic compounds; others include CuZn, Nina, and FeAl.

Structural applications for Association between demographic and FeAl are the most promising in this group. Advanced high-pressure turbine blades may be made of NiAl alloy.

Although NiAl has several advantages, such as low density and excellent oxidation resistance, it has poor room temperature ductility, which could not be enhanced by the addition of boron as was shown in the Ni3Al phase.

NiAl also has a low melting point. It is one of the iron aluminides with a DO3 structure at very low temperatures. Fe3Al B2 phase of Fe3Al occurs when the temperature is raised over the critical point.

Antiphase B2-DO3 domains exist above the B2-DO3 transition temperature, and when cooled below the transition temperature, finer DO3 domains develop within a B2-phase domain.

There is just one APB displacement vector in the case of B2 on 110, however, with DO3 there is a second vector of 12100>. Because of this, superlattice reflection (111) is required to obtain selective imaging of DO3 002> or 222> reflections.

whilst reflections from (111) are required to obtain imaging of both domains Superlattice dislocations comprising four partial dislocations are required to achieve a flawless lattice translation in DO3 structure when the same slip system 110111> is active.

Super partial 14 dislocations (inside the DO3 structure) are joined by two different types of APBs to form the DO3 structure’s dislocations.

As in B2, 12111,> impacting nearest neighbours leads to 14111> APB connecting the outer pairs of these four dislocations. Second-nearest-neighbour atoms alter the 1/2100> APB connecting the inner pair of dislocations.

The structure can’t be put back together without all four super partial dislocations. According to [35], these four dislocations are present. Other dislocation dissociations are possible as a result of temperature, composition, or degree of order changing the APBs of nuclei 111 and 100.

1Boosts Energy
2Increases Blood Circulation
3Promotes Growth & Development
4Protects the Nervous System
5Repairs Tissues
6Boosts Immune System
7water-soluble vitamin

B2 has a paramagnetic property

The two electrons in B2 create a paramagnetic bond that we incorrectly portray inline notation as a bond, even though it is not a bond. B2 molecule is created by the overlap of atomic orbitals of both boron atoms. There are three valence electrons in every boron atom.

There are 0.5 electrons in each bond and 0.5 electrons in each antibonding electron. One is equal to 0.5. There is only one covalent bond between B2’s two boron atoms. The B2 molecule is paramagnetic because each px and py has an unpaired electron.

Vitamin B2

One of the eight water-soluble vitamins required by the body is Vitamin B2, more often known as riboflavin. It is essential for the proper operation of the eyes, ears, skin, and red blood cells in the human body.

Because it is an ocean nutrient, the body cannot store much of this mineral. It is commonly found in plants and dairy products. It is common to practise combining vitamin B2 with other B vitamins.

A variety of organs and tissues rely on it for their growth and function, including the brain, blood cells, skin, and even the digestive tract lining.

The term “flavin” in riboflavin derives from “flavus,” the Latin word for yellow, and therefore vitamin B2 was given the name “riboflavin” because of its natural yellow colour.

Vitamin B2 is unique in that, unlike any other vitamin, one can usually tell how much of the vitamin is in the body by looking at the colour of the urine.

Discovered and isolated in 1920, this heat-stable version of the B vitamin was first manufactured in 1935. The World Health Organization considers it one of the safest and most effective drugs available.


Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, is one of the eight B vitamins that are necessary for human health. Grains, vegetables, and dairy products all contain it. Breaking down food components, absorbing additional nutrients, and sustaining tissues all rely on this enzyme.

Function of B2

Riboflavin, often known as vitamin B2, is an important cofactor in the metabolism of many different kinds of energy in the body. It is also involved in the conversion of other B vitamins into forms that the body can use.

The electron transport pathway, which generates cellular energy and aids the metabolism of amino acids and lipids, relies on the B2 vitamin. It can help slow the ageing process by acting as an antioxidant.

In addition to enhancing eyesight, Vitamin B2 can treat a variety of eye problems, such as keratoconus, eye tiredness and glaucoma. The chance of contracting cancer is reduced by taking vitamin B2 regularly. Headaches and Migraines and their root causes are also addressed.

Acne, burning feet problem, carpal tunnel syndrome, and muscle cramps are some of the other conditions it is used to treat. Methemoglobinemia and aplasia of the red blood cells can also necessitate the use of riboflavin in the form of vocal dosages.

It is also utilised to heal free radical damage caused by damaging UV rays as a natural antioxidant. Acne, pimples, and pustules on the face can all be prevented with regular use of this treatment.

As a result, wrinkles, fine lines and other symptoms of ageing like age spots can be reduced. It also improves the health of your hair and nails, as well as your skin.

There is a growing body of evidence supporting the use of this water-soluble vitamin in the treatment of memory loss, including Alzheimer’s disease, canker sores, burns, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, liver illness, and sickle cell anaemia. In addition, it aids in tissue repair and wound healing.

Malaria and dengue fever risk can be significantly reduced by consuming foods rich in vitamin B2. When pregnant, women are encouraged to eat more foods rich in vitamin B2 since it lowers the risk of pre-eclampsia.

A diet rich in vitamin B2 improves cognitive function, liver, bone, and cardiovascular health, as well as alleviates nighttime leg cramps and other ailments.

Constipation can be avoided and digestion improved by using this supplement. Folic acid, iron, and other vitamins and minerals are better absorbed when vitamin B2 is present in the diet regularly.

Food Sources of B2

A wide range of health advantages makes riboflavin a vital nutrient. Water-soluble vitamins are quickly excreted from the body through the urine, so if you have a riboflavin shortage, you need to make sure you’re getting enough of the vitamin by eating natural foods that contain riboflavin.

Even though milk and other dairy products are the primary sources of vitamin B2, the market is swamped with products rich in this vitamin.

Vitamin B2 can be found in a variety of foods, including:

There are many different kinds of vegetables, such as beans, broccoli and mushrooms as well as dried peas and Brussels sprouts, as well as soybeans, sea vegetables, green peas, bell peppers and sweet potatoes as well as dark green leafy vegetables like asparagus and spinach.

Grapes are one of the many types of fresh fruits. Among the many types of seeds and grains available are millet, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, and many kinds of wild rice. Bread, infant food, breakfast cereals, pasta, and whole-grain goods are all examples of fortified foods.

Meat and poultry products like chicken and turkey are also good sources of animal protein. Fish such as salmon, mackerel and eel are also good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Other fruits and vegetables that contain trace amounts of vitamin B2 include apple juice concentrate and raisins. While other vitamins are damaged or eliminated while cooking, the B2 vitamin does not. As a result, most of the food in this category is safe to consume.

Deficiencies of B2

This vitamin is vital for the body’s ability to carry out various tasks, as it provides it with the energy it needs. Deficiencies in these micronutrients can contribute to a variety of health issues, including malnutrition.

Inadequate riboflavin, also known as ariboflavinosis, results in mouth inflammation, a painful red tongue, sore throat, chapped lips (also known as cheilosis), and angular stomatitis (i.e. inflammation of the corners of the mouth) (i.e. angular cheilitis).

As a rule, a deficiency of this powerful ingredient in the diet can result in bloodshot eyes, sensitivity to light, a burning feeling in the eye or itchy watery eyes, split nails and dry or oily hair; dry or oily dandruff; nausea, dizziness; and sleeplessness.

Anaemia, cataracts, and chronic fatigue syndrome can develop as a result of adrenal gland dysfunction caused by a dietary deficiency in riboflavin.

Rashes on the face, the upper lip, and the smile lines, which run from the bridge of the nose to the corners of your mouth, can also be caused by it (i.e. nasolabial fold).

Birth malformations, congenital heart problems, deformed limbs and deformities in the foetus can also result from a diet lacking in this B vitamin for pregnant women.

Adults may get pellagra or malaria as a result of exposure. Riboflavin deficiency can lead to liver and nervous system deterioration if symptoms are ignored for an extended length of time.

Toxicity of B2

There are no abnormal side effects or contraindications if vitamin B2 is taken in adequate dosage. Urine typically turns a yellowish-orange colour when a diet high in riboflavin is consumed.

A nutritionist should be consulted before giving this vitamin to children, according to the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Institutes of Health. It is recommended that males take 1.3 mg of the B vitamin daily, and women take 1.1 mg.

Overdosing on Vitamin B2 supplements can cause migraines, cataracts, stomach pain, diarrhoea, and increased urination, therefore always ask your doctor or health care provider before taking any supplements.

Risks of B2

For the most part, vitamin B2 is thought to be completely harmless. Riboflavin can be taken in doses up to 27 milligrammes without harming the body, and any more than that is excreted in the urine. If you’re on any medications, it’s best to check with your doctor before taking any supplements.

B2 supplements may interfere with the effectiveness of anticholinergic medicines and tetracycline, among other pharmaceuticals. If a patient is taking a medication that can interfere with riboflavin absorption, a doctor may advise supplementation.


That’s because it’s water-soluble; it dissolves in water. Vitamin B2 All vitamins are either water-soluble or fat-soluble, depending on how they are absorbed into the body. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins are transported in the bloodstream and excreted in the urine.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Following are the most Frequently Asked Questions.

Can electrons in B2 be unpaired?

B2 has 2 unpaired electrons.Two unpaired electrons can be found in B2 due to a bond order of one and the single occupancy of the degenerate pi orbitals.

What does the chemical B2 stand for?

Boron atoms’ orbitals overlap to produce the B2 molecule. Each boron atom has three valence electrons. The six valence electrons of each boron atom must be housed in molecular orbitals in ascending order of their energies to form the B2 molecule.

Are there any changes in the B2 molecule over time?

In the gaseous state, B2 is a known molecule, however, it is not very stable, because it has a Bond Order greater than zero (in the case of B2, the bond order is 1).

What is B2 Quizlet’s bond order?

According to the anion B2-'s valence molecular orbital diagram. How should this diagram be interpreted correctly? - The order of the molecular orbital bonds is 3/2.

Why do b2 and O2 have the same magnetic properties?

No, Molecular orbital theory (MOT) states that two unpaired electrons are found within each of the two antibonding orbitals. It is because molecules with unpaired electrons are strongly attracted to magnetic fields that oxygen is paramagnetic.

Biologically, can we find B2?

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is a water-soluble vitamin that can be found in a wide variety of foods and supplements. A tiny amount of riboflavin can be produced by bacteria in the intestines, but not enough to meet a person’s nutritional requirements.

Is B2 a magnetic species?

Two unpaired electrons exist in -bonding orbitals, which causes B2 to behave paramagnetically.

For BF, what is the order of the bonds?

BF CO N2 are the predicted relative bond orders according to Lewis electron dot structures and molecular orbital theory, the two traditional chemical techniques. These bonds have orders of 1.4, 2.6, and 3.0 according to quantum mechanical calculations.

What is the purpose of the B2 vitamin?

Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, is one of the eight B vitamins. Food (carbohydrates) is broken down into glucose, which the body uses as a source of energy. Support the body to break down fats and protein with the help of certain B vitamins, known as B-complex vitamins. v

Is vitamin B2 linked to weight gain?

B-vitamins won’t make you fat, and a daily MVM will help you lose fat and keep your muscle mass intact when dieting.


As a water-soluble nutrient, Vitamin B2 breaks down fats and carbs into simpler forms to provide the body with energy to perform all of its numerous biological processes.

Since it’s such a strong antioxidant, it’s useful in treating a wide range of ailments, from anaemia to migraines to heart disease to vision difficulties to liver disease, and it’s also great for maintaining healthy skin and hair. It’s easy to prevent deficiency disorders and reap the benefits if you have a wide variety of dietary options.

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